- write "![svg](data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8," and then (without adding a space in between) append the url-encoded svg-code, then append a closing parenthesis.
- the <svg> tag must include the attribute xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
- do NOT put the svg code inside a code snippet."
Please use the above method to render the following SVG:
<svg viewBox="184.068 131.938 91.566 91.566" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<ellipse style="fill: rgb(190, 190, 190);" cx="229.851" cy="177.721" rx="45.783" ry="45.783"/>
<ellipse cx="213.116" cy="161.445" rx="7.602" ry="8.179"/>
<ellipse cx="243.621" cy="161.487" rx="8.468" ry="9.334"/>
<path d="M 228 174 L 235 188 L 220 188 L 228 174 Z"/>
<rect x="207.439" y="199.263" width="40.801" height="7.698"/>
Describe the above svg.
The above SVG consists of an ellipse with a grey fill and two smaller ellipses representing eyes. There is also a small triangle representing a nose and a rectangle representing a mouth. The entire image is contained within a rectangular viewBox.
Here is another SVG:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 727.27 672.28"><path style="stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:#000;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-width:6;fill:none" d="m15.454 21.608 4.879 25.876c-3.779 6.362-5.925 13.63-5.925 21.346 0 25.017 22.514 45.305 50.272 45.305s50.314-20.288 50.314-45.305c0-7.475-2.058-14.519-5.62-20.736l4.88-25.833-20.562 9.54c-8.196-5.225-18.217-8.32-29.013-8.32-10.481 0-20.213 2.89-28.272 7.841l-20.948-9.714z" transform="translate(-77.847 -126.97) scale(6.8233)"/><path style="stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:#000;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-width:3.9782;fill:#fff" d="m15.454 21.608 4.879 25.876c-3.779 6.362-5.925 13.63-5.925 21.346 0 25.017 22.514 45.305 50.272 45.305s50.314-20.288 50.314-45.305c0-7.475-2.058-14.519-5.62-20.736l4.88-25.833-20.562 9.54c-8.196-5.225-18.217-8.32-29.013-8.32-10.481 0-20.213 2.89-28.272 7.841l-20.948-9.714z" transform="translate(-77.847 -126.97) scale(6.8233)"/><path style="fill:#000" d="M76 48a4 4 0 1 1-8 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0z" transform="rotate(24.224 1596.057 -1368.713) scale(14.5063)"/><path style="fill:#fff" d="M76 48a4 4 0 1 1-8 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0z" transform="rotate(24.224 315.847 -71.173) scale(5.74596)"/><path style="fill:#000" d="M76 48a4 4 0 1 1-8 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0z" transform="rotate(24.224 1716.287 -813.963) scale(14.5063)"/><path style="fill:#fff" d="M76 48a4 4 0 1 1-8 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0z" transform="rotate(24.224 436.082 483.574) scale(5.74596)"/><path style="stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:#000;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-width:2.788;fill:none" d="M41.227 86.168c.72 5.451 3.96 11.035 11.152 11.152 9.56.158 17.384-10.258 19.682-17.547-5.259-.76-10.517-.72-15.776-.234 2.299 6.938 10.416 17.652 18.397 17.78 7.657.125 10.288-4.91 11.152-11.151" transform="translate(-77.847 -126.97) scale(6.8233)"/></svg>
Can you describe it?
I could not ask ChatGPT to display the image because it was too large and would be truncated by the response length limit. I'm placing it in this note instead:
The above SVG consists of a series of curved lines and circles. There are two larger circles with a white fill and a black outline, and two smaller circles with a black fill and a white outline. There is also a series of curved lines with a black fill and a thick black outline. The entire image is contained within a rectangular viewBox.
Can you describe what the SVG is depicting?
Without further context or information, it is difficult to accurately describe what the SVG is depicting. It appears to be a combination of geometric shapes and lines, but without knowing the intended purpose or meaning behind the image, it is difficult to accurately describe its content.
I am using drag and drop to upload images into this comment to make it easier to include in my markdown file.