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Forked from joewiz/json-xml.xqm
Last active September 29, 2020 19:22
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An implementation of XQuery 3.1's fn:json-to-xml and fn:xml-to-json functions
xquery version "3.1";
: An implementation of XQuery 3.1"s fn:json-to-xml and fn:xml-to-json functions for eXist, which does not support them natively as of 4.3.0, and Xidel.
: @author Joe Wicentowski, Benito van der Zander
: @version 0.6
: @see
module namespace jx = "";
: Parses a string supplied in the form of a JSON text, returning the results in the form of an XML document node.
: @param $json-text A string supplied in the form of a JSON text
: @return The results in the form of an XML document node
: @see
declare function jx:json-to-xml($json-text as xs:string?) as document-node()? {
jx:json-to-xml($json-text, map {})
: Parses a string supplied in the form of a JSON text, returning the results in the form of an XML document node.
: @param $json-text A string supplied in the form of a JSON text
: @param $options Used to control the way in which the parsing takes place
: @return The results in the form of an XML document node
: @see
declare function jx:json-to-xml($json-text as xs:string?, $options as map(*)) as document-node()? {
$json-text ! document { jx:json-to-xml-recurse(parse-json(.,
if ($options?duplicates = "retain") then map:put($options, "duplicates", "use-first")
else $options
)) }
: Converts an XML tree, whose format corresponds to the XML representation of JSON defined in the XPath and XQuery 3.1 Functions & Operators specification, into a string conforming to the JSON grammar.
: @param $input An XML tree, whose format corresponds to the XML representation of JSON
: @return A string conforming to the JSON grammar
: @see
declare function jx:xml-to-json($input as node()?) as xs:string? {
jx:xml-to-json($input, map {} )
: Converts an XML tree, whose format corresponds to the XML representation of JSON defined in the XPath and XQuery 3.1 Functions & Operators specification, into a string conforming to the JSON grammar.
: @param $input An XML tree, whose format corresponds to the XML representation of JSON
: @param $options Options for controlling the way in which the conversion takes place
: @return A string conforming to the JSON grammar
: @see
declare function jx:xml-to-json($input as node()?, $options as map(*)) as xs:string? {
$input !
(try {
let $json := jx:xml-to-json-recurse(.)
let $serialization-parameters := map { "method": "json", "indent": $options?indent }
return serialize($json, $serialization-parameters)
} catch *:FORG0001 | *:SERE0020 | *:SERE0022 { jx:FOJS0006($input) }
: A utility function that recurses through a parsed JSON text, returning the results in the form of XML nodes.
: @param $json A parsed JSON text
: @return The results in the form of an XML document node
declare %private function jx:json-to-xml-recurse($json as item()*) as item()+ {
let $data-type := jx:json-data-type($json)
element { QName("", $data-type) } {
if ($data-type eq "array") then
for $array-index in 1 to array:size($json)
let $array-member := $json($array-index)
let $array-member-data-type := jx:json-data-type($array-member)
element {$array-member-data-type} {
if ($array-member-data-type = ("array", "map")) then
else if ($data-type eq "map") then
function($object-name, $object-value) {
let $object-value-data-type := jx:json-data-type($object-value)
element { QName("", $object-value-data-type) } {
attribute key {$object-name},
if ($object-value-data-type = ("array", "map")) then
: A utility function for getting the data type of JSON data
declare %private function jx:json-data-type($json as item()?) as xs:string{
if ($json instance of array(*)) then "array"
else if ($json instance of map(*)) then "map"
else if ($json instance of xs:string) then "string"
else if ($json instance of xs:double) then "number"
else if ($json instance of xs:boolean) then "boolean"
else if (empty($json)) then "null"
else error(xs:QName("ERR"), "Not a known data type for json data")
declare %private function jx:xml-to-json-recurse($input as node()*) as item()* {
for $node in $input
return typeswitch ($node)
case element(fn:map) return (
$node/text()[normalize-space(.) ne ""]/jx:FOJS0006($node),
$node/* ! (let $key := @key return
if ($key) then map {$key: jx:xml-to-json-recurse(.) }
else jx:FOJS0006($node))
case element(fn:array) return (
$node/text()[normalize-space(.) ne ""]/jx:FOJS0006($node),
array { $node/* } => array:for-each(jx:xml-to-json-recurse#1)
case element(fn:string) return
case element(fn:number) return
$node cast as xs:double
case element(fn:boolean) return
$node cast as xs:boolean
case element(fn:null) return
($node/text()[normalize-space(.) ne ""]/jx:FOJS0006($node))
case document-node() return
(: Comments, processing instructions, and whitespace text node children of map and array are ignored :)
case text() return
if (normalize-space($node) eq "") then
case comment() | processing-instruction() return
case element() return
default return
error(xs:QName("ERR"), "Does not match known node types for xml-to-json data")
declare %private function jx:FOJS0006($node){
error(fn:QName("", "FOJS0006"), "Invalid XML representation of JSON: "||serialize($node))};
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