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Last active March 12, 2024 16:10
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Zettelkasten Workflow (WIP)
# zn - as zettell
# new export variables EDITOR for your editor and
#+ NOTES for your notes folder.
main () {
note_id=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
$EDITOR $NOTES/"$note_id".md
# zs - is a zettel selector using fzf
# features:
# - it accepts multiple selection (using tab)
# - copy multiple selection to clipboard (mapped to ctrl-y)
# - clear selection (mapped to ctrl-l)
# - populates (n)vim quickfix list with zettel titles (enter)
main() {
grep --max-count=1 "^#[[:space:]][[:alnum:]]" *.md | sed 's/:#[[:space:]]/ | /g' | fzf --tac --multi \
--layout=reverse \
--preview "echo {} | sed 's/[[:space:]].*//g' | head | xargs bat --style=plain --color=always || xargs cat {}" \
--preview-window=wrap \
--bind '?:toggle-preview' \
--bind 'ctrl-l:clear-selection' \
--bind "ctrl-y:execute(printf '%s\n' {+} | sed 's/.md//g' | xclip -selection clipboard)" \
--bind 'enter:execute(echo {+} | grep -o "[0-9]\+\.md" | xargs $EDITOR -c "silent bufdo grepadd ^\# %")'
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Sweet, the extra -o works on my end.
Also thanks for the resources, looking forward to diving into them.

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For anyone reading this I adopted these scripts and have them working for apt based distros including WSL2 on Windows using standard Vim 8.


Thank you benevidesh for publishing this.

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Hey @buggysolid,

Thanks for spreading the word of Zettelkasten Minimalism. 😅️

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the-intern commented Oct 20, 2022

Would very much love to use this --- but when calling zn I get the error:
> zn main:2: no such file or directory: /Users/udax/zettel/

My zn file appears thus:

main () {
    note_id=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    $EDITOR $NOTES/"$note_id".md


My zs file:


main() {
    cd "$NOTES"
    grep --max-count=1 "^#[[:space:]][[:alnum:]]" *.md | sed 's/:#[[:space:]]/ | /g' |  fzf --tac --multi \
                                --layout=reverse \
                                --preview "echo {} | sed 's/[[:space:]].*//g' | head | xargs bat --style=plain --color=always || xargs cat {}" \
                                --preview-window=wrap \
                                --bind '?:toggle-preview' \
                                --bind 'ctrl-l:clear-selection' \
                                --bind "ctrl-y:execute(printf '%s\n' {+} | sed 's/.md//g' | pbcopy)" \
                                --bind 'enter:execute(echo {+} | grep -o "[0-9]\+\.md" | xargs $EDITOR -c "silent bufdo grepadd ^\#  %")'


NOTE - I replaced xclip command with pbcopy in the hopes that somehow that was the hold up.

For what it's worth, I am on a Mac 12.6

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Would very much love to use this --- but when calling zn I get the error: > zn main:2: no such file or directory: /Users/udax/zettel/

My zn file appears thus: ` #!/bin/zsh main () { note_id=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') $EDITOR $NOTES/"$note_id".md }

main ` For what it's worth, I am on a Mac 12.6 Any thoughts would be appreciated!

It looks like the $NOTES variable is not set either in the script or your shell as an environment variable.

What does echo $NOTES output in your terminal?

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It has been set:

echo $NOTES

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My .zshrc file contains:

export NOTES="/Users/udax/zettel"

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Well, as is true with almost all of my requests for help, I am embarrassed to say that it was rather obvious:

The EDITOR variable was not set. I simply set it:

export EDITOR=vim

and, as night follows day, it worked.


As an afterthought --- perhaps I'm wrong but I didn't see any discussion of that env variable. (Again, perhaps I am wrong. It has happened on occasion.)


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Hey guys!

New scripts:

What is new? A script named zex (for zettelExplorer) that makes interactive real time queries trough your notes. Check it out!

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m-danya commented Aug 19, 2023

Hi! Thank you for sharing these scripts, they are powerful and minimalistic.

I've dockerized your scripts to freeze nvim/tmux configs and to implement automatic git syncronization: Maybe one day I will hybreed your fzf-based approach with vimwiki plugin, which have nifty links displaying.

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