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Created July 18, 2010 10:55
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jQuery Lightbox v2 semantics
A combination of both data attribute and CSS classnames:
class="lightbox-image lightbox-image-link"
title="View Moody Waters on Flickr"
data-lightbox-image="{title:'Moody Waters',description:'Crawley Boatshed, Perth WA.',author:{text:'jonathanbrown',title:'View jonathanbrowns Profile',url:''},large:'',links:[{text:'Other Perth Boatshed Photos',url:''}]}"
<img class="lightbox-image-thumbnail" src="" height="75" width="75" />
Or if you just want to use CSS classnames for maximum semantics:
class="lightbox-image lightbox-image-link"
title="View Moody Waters on Flickr"
<span class="hide lightbox-image-title">Moody Waters</span>
<span class="hide lightbox-image-description">Crawley Boatshed, Perth WA.</span>
<a class="hide lightbox-image-author" href="" title="View jonathanbrowns Profile">jonathanbrown</a>
<img class="hide lightbox-image-large" src="" />
<a class="hide lightbox-image-link" href="">Other Perth Boatshed Photos</a>
<img class="lightbox-image-thumbnail" src="" height="75" width="75" />
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