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Last active October 28, 2024 22:02
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How to calculate the current CPU load with Node.js; without using any external modules or OS specific calls.
var os = require("os");
//Create function to get CPU information
function cpuAverage() {
//Initialise sum of idle and time of cores and fetch CPU info
var totalIdle = 0, totalTick = 0;
var cpus = os.cpus();
//Loop through CPU cores
for(var i = 0, len = cpus.length; i < len; i++) {
//Select CPU core
var cpu = cpus[i];
//Total up the time in the cores tick
for(type in cpu.times) {
totalTick += cpu.times[type];
//Total up the idle time of the core
totalIdle += cpu.times.idle;
//Return the average Idle and Tick times
return {idle: totalIdle / cpus.length, total: totalTick / cpus.length};
//Grab first CPU Measure
var startMeasure = cpuAverage();
//Set delay for second Measure
setTimeout(function() {
//Grab second Measure
var endMeasure = cpuAverage();
//Calculate the difference in idle and total time between the measures
var idleDifference = endMeasure.idle - startMeasure.idle;
var totalDifference = -;
//Calculate the average percentage CPU usage
var percentageCPU = 100 - ~~(100 * idleDifference / totalDifference);
//Output result to console
console.log(percentageCPU + "% CPU Usage.");
}, 100);
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I have slightly modified this script to get the average load for a single cpu

cpuIAverage = function(i) {
  var cpu, cpus, idle, len, total, totalIdle, totalTick, type;
  totalIdle = 0;
  totalTick = 0;
  cpus = os.cpus();
  cpu = cpus[i];
  for (type in cpu.times) {
    totalTick += cpu.times[type];
  totalIdle += cpu.times.idle;

  idle = totalIdle / cpus.length;
  total = totalTick / cpus.length;
  return {
    idle: idle,
    total: total


cpuILoadInit = function() {
  var index=arguments[0];
  return function() {
    var start;
    start = cpuIAverage(index);
    return function() {
      var dif, end;
      end = cpuIAverage(index);
      dif = {};
      dif.idle = end.idle - start.idle; = -;
      dif.percent = 1 - dif.idle /;
      return dif;


cpuILoad = (function() {
  var info=[],cpus = os.cpus();
  for (i = 0, len = cpus.length; i < len; i++) {
    var a=cpuILoadInit(i)();
    info.push( a );
  return function() {
    var res=[],cpus = os.cpus();
    for (i = 0, len = cpus.length; i < len; i++) {
      res.push( info[i]() );
    return res;


I think it's easier than this, but it should print on a i7:

> cpu.cpuILoad()
[ { cpu: 0,
    idle: 148.75,
    total: 1103.75,
    percent: 0.8652321630804077 },
  { cpu: 1,
    idle: 797.5,
    total: 1103.75,
    percent: 0.2774631936579841 },
  { cpu: 2,
    idle: 142.5,
    total: 1102.5,
    percent: 0.8707482993197279 },
  { cpu: 3,
    idle: 798.75,
    total: 1102.5,
    percent: 0.2755102040816326 },
  { cpu: 4,
    idle: 146.25,
    total: 1102.5,
    percent: 0.8673469387755102 },
  { cpu: 5, idle: 795, total: 1102.5, percent: 0.2789115646258503 },
  { cpu: 6,
    idle: 142.5,
    total: 1102.5,
    percent: 0.8707482993197279 },
  { cpu: 7,
    idle: 796.25,
    total: 1101.25,
    percent: 0.27695800227014755 } ]

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So this script seems to loop through all of the cores. Is it possible to shorten it in such a way that it only reads the first core? I'm running on a 1-core VPS, so I don't think there's any advantage for me to run through all cores.

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Here is a way that console every single cpu average load:

const os = require('os')

function delta() {
  const cpus = os.cpus()

  return => {
    const times = cpu.times
    return {
      tick: Object.keys(times).filter(time => time !== 'idle').reduce((tick, time) => { tick+=times[time]; return tick }, 0),
      idle: times.idle,

let startMeasures = delta()
setInterval(() => {
  const endMeasures = delta()
  const percentageCPU =, i) => {
    return ((end.tick - startMeasures[i].tick) / (end.idle - startMeasures[i].idle) * 100).toFixed(3) + '%'

  console.log(percentageCPU.join(' '), '\n')

  // reset
  startMeasures = delta()
}, 2000)

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OussamaRomdhane commented Mar 8, 2018

Hi mate, great gist.
This line of code though seems a bit ambiguous to me:
I get that you're trying to get rid of the fractional-part but couldn't you just use Math.floor or Math.rand? I say that only for readability/maintainability reasons.

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adrwh commented Dec 14, 2018

Noob <, however how can i use this with chart.js?

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GaetanoPiazzolla commented Nov 8, 2019

Here is a way to get the medium load every N milliseconds, checking the load every M milliseconds.
Also, I've used promise style asynch programming.

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aggregate1166877 commented Aug 27, 2020

I rewrite it like closure function:

That looks damn beautiful - but I can't get it to work. What's that style called? What kind of processor / compiler do you need for that?

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