- Templates
- Clip Art
- Screen Sizes
- Fonts
- Transitions
- Toolbars
- Sidebars
- Drawing tools
- Windows
- Lolcats
Why must we install software?
Why can't we use simple tools?
Why can't we use a simple interface?
Why can't we publish instantly?
No Apps, No Servers
Only You
Your Browser
And an idea worth sharing
front and center
This is a paragraph. Pellentesque id lorem nunc, varius porttitor nulla. Phasellus in sapien tellus, id congue metus. Cras et vestibulum nisl. Mauris interdum tincidunt augue vitae tincidunt.
- Supporting Bullet
- Most people call this a list
- Phasellus et mauris et mauris
- A list item can have code
ruby -pe 'next unless $_ =~ /bullet/' < file.md
Sollicitudin vestibulum magna. Nulla facilisi. Fusce rutrum bibendum dapibus. Nam dictum blandit faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce faucibus sagittis sapien vel posuere.
In Ruby you can map like this:
['a', 'b'].map { |x| x.uppercase }
In Rails, you can do a shortcut:
['a', 'b'].map(&:uppercase)
- Install Bookmarklet
- Visit Gist
- Click Bookmarklet
- Present
Numbers in ordered lists are clipped on my netbook. Seven inch screen is probably not a good format for gistdeck andyway I guess?