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Modified homestead script file to include vmware_esxi provider specific configurations
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# Main Homestead Class | |
class Homestead | |
def self.configure(config, settings) | |
# Set The VM Provider | |
ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] = settings['provider'] ||= 'virtualbox' | |
# Configure Local Variable To Access Scripts From Remote Location | |
script_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) | |
# Allow SSH Agent Forward from The Box | |
config.ssh.forward_agent = true | |
# Configure The Box | |
config.vm.define settings['names'] ||= 'homestead-7' | | = settings['box'] ||= 'laravel/homestead' | |
config.vm.box_version = settings['version'] ||= '>= 6.0.0' | |
config.vm.hostname = settings['hostname'] ||= 'homestead' | |
# Configure A Private Network IP | |
if settings['ip'] != 'autonetwork' | | :private_network, ip: settings['ip'] ||= '' | |
else | | :private_network, ip: '', auto_network: true | |
end | |
# Configure Additional Networks | |
if settings.has_key?('networks') | |
settings['networks'].each do |network| | | network['type'], ip: network['ip'], bridge: network['bridge'] ||= nil, netmask: network['netmask'] ||= '' | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure A Few VirtualBox Settings | |
config.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |vb| | | = settings['names'] ||= 'homestead-7' | |
vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', settings['memory'] ||= '2048'] | |
vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--cpus', settings['cpus'] ||= '1'] | |
vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--natdnsproxy1', 'on'] | |
vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--natdnshostresolver1', settings['natdnshostresolver'] ||= 'on'] | |
vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--ostype', 'Ubuntu_64'] | |
if settings.has_key?('gui') && settings['gui'] | |
vb.gui = true | |
end | |
end | |
# Override Default SSH port on the host | |
if settings.has_key?('default_ssh_port') | | :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: settings['default_ssh_port'], auto_correct: false, id: "ssh" | |
end | |
# Configure A Few VMware Settings | |
['vmware_fusion', 'vmware_workstation'].each do |vmware| | |
config.vm.provider vmware do |v| | |
v.vmx['displayName'] = settings['names'] ||= 'homestead-7' | |
v.vmx['memsize'] = settings['memory'] ||= 2048 | |
v.vmx['numvcpus'] = settings['cpus'] ||= 1 | |
v.vmx['guestOS'] = 'ubuntu-64' | |
if settings.has_key?('gui') && settings['gui'] | |
v.gui = true | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure VMware ESXI | |
config.vm.provider 'vmware_esxi' do |esxi| | |
esxi.esxi_hostname = settings['esxi_hostname'] | |
esxi.esxi_username = settings['esxi_username'] | |
esxi.esxi_password = settings['esxi_password'] | |
if settings.has_key?('esxi_disk_store') && settings['esxi_disk_store'] != 'Default' | |
esxi.esxi_disk_store = settings['esxi_disk_store'] | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('esxi_virtual_network') && settings['esxi_virtual_network'] != 'Default' | |
esxi.esxi_virtual_network = settings['esxi_virtual_network'] | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('esxi_debug') && settings['esxi_debug'] != false | |
esxi.debug = settings['esxi_debug'] | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure A Few Parallels Settings | |
config.vm.provider 'parallels' do |v| | | = settings['names'] ||= 'homestead-7' | |
v.update_guest_tools = settings['update_parallels_tools'] ||= false | |
v.memory = settings['memory'] ||= 2048 | |
v.cpus = settings['cpus'] ||= 1 | |
end | |
# Standardize Ports Naming Schema | |
if settings.has_key?('ports') | |
settings['ports'].each do |port| | |
port['guest'] ||= port['to'] | |
port['host'] ||= port['send'] | |
port['protocol'] ||= 'tcp' | |
end | |
else | |
settings['ports'] = [] | |
end | |
# Default Port Forwarding | |
default_ports = { | |
80 => 8000, | |
443 => 44300, | |
3306 => 33060, | |
4040 => 4040, | |
5432 => 54320, | |
8025 => 8025, | |
27017 => 27017 | |
} | |
# Use Default Port Forwarding Unless Overridden | |
unless settings.has_key?('default_ports') && settings['default_ports'] == false | |
default_ports.each do |guest, host| | |
unless settings['ports'].any? { |mapping| mapping['guest'] == guest } | | 'forwarded_port', guest: guest, host: host, auto_correct: true | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Add Custom Ports From Configuration | |
if settings.has_key?('ports') | |
settings['ports'].each do |port| | | 'forwarded_port', guest: port['guest'], host: port['host'], protocol: port['protocol'], auto_correct: true | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure The Public Key For SSH Access | |
if settings.include? 'authorize' | |
if File.exist? File.expand_path(settings['authorize']) | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = "echo $1 | grep -xq \"$1\" /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys || echo \"\n$1\" | tee -a /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys" | |
s.args = [['authorize']))] | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Copy The SSH Private Keys To The Box | |
if settings.include? 'keys' | |
if settings['keys'] | |
puts 'Check your Homestead.yaml file, you have no private key(s) specified.' | |
exit | |
end | |
settings['keys'].each do |key| | |
if File.exist? File.expand_path(key) | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.privileged = false | |
s.inline = "echo \"$1\" > /home/vagrant/.ssh/$2 && chmod 600 /home/vagrant/.ssh/$2" | |
s.args = [, key.split('/').last] | |
end | |
else | |
puts 'Check your Homestead.yaml file, the path to your private key does not exist.' | |
exit | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Copy User Files Over to VM | |
if settings.include? 'copy' | |
settings['copy'].each do |file| | |
config.vm.provision 'file' do |f| | |
f.source = File.expand_path(file['from']) | |
f.destination = file['to'].chomp('/') + '/' + file['from'].split('/').last | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Register All Of The Configured Shared Folders | |
if settings.include? 'folders' | |
settings['folders'].each do |folder| | |
if File.exist? File.expand_path(folder['map']) | |
mount_opts = [] | |
if folder['type'] == 'nfs' | |
mount_opts = folder['mount_options'] ? folder['mount_options'] : ['actimeo=1', 'nolock'] | |
elsif folder['type'] == 'smb' | |
mount_opts = folder['mount_options'] ? folder['mount_options'] : ['vers=3.02', 'mfsymlinks'] | |
end | |
# For b/w compatibility keep separate 'mount_opts', but merge with options | |
options = (folder['options'] || {}).merge({ mount_options: mount_opts }) | |
# Double-splat (**) operator only works with symbol keys, so convert | |
options.keys.each{|k| options[k.to_sym] = options.delete(k) } | |
config.vm.synced_folder folder['map'], folder['to'], type: folder['type'] ||= nil, **options | |
# Bindfs support to fix shared folder (NFS) permission issue on Mac | |
if folder['type'] == 'nfs' && Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-bindfs') | |
config.bindfs.bind_folder folder['to'], folder['to'] | |
end | |
else | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = ">&2 echo \"Unable to mount one of your folders. Please check your folders in Homestead.yaml\"" | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Install All The Configured Nginx Sites | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
if settings.include? 'sites' | |
settings['sites'].each do |site| | |
# Create SSL certificate | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating Certificate: ' + site['map'] | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [site['map']] | |
end | |
type = site['type'] ||= 'laravel' | |
case type | |
when 'apigility' | |
type = 'zf' | |
when 'expressive' | |
type = 'zf' | |
when 'symfony' | |
type = 'symfony2' | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating Site: ' + site['map'] | |
if site.include? 'params' | |
params = '(' | |
site['params'].each do |param| | |
params += ' [' + param['key'] + ']=' + param['value'] | |
end | |
params += ' )' | |
end | |
s.path = script_dir + "/serve-#{type}.sh" | |
s.args = [site['map'], site['to'], site['port'] ||= '80', site['ssl'] ||= '443', site['php'] ||= '7.2', params ||= '', site['zray'] ||= 'false'] | |
if site['zray'] == 'true' | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'ln -sf /opt/zray/gui/public ' + site['to'] + '/ZendServer' | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'ln -sf /opt/zray/lib/ /usr/lib/php/20170718/' | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'ln -sf /opt/zray/zray.ini /etc/php/7.2/fpm/conf.d/zray.ini' | |
end | |
else | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'rm -rf ' + site['to'] + '/ZendServer' | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure The Cron Schedule | |
if site.has_key?('schedule') | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating Schedule' | |
if site['schedule'] | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [site['map'].tr('^A-Za-z0-9', ''), site['to']] | |
else | |
s.inline = "rm -f /etc/cron.d/$1" | |
s.args = [site['map'].tr('^A-Za-z0-9', '')] | |
end | |
end | |
else | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Checking for old Schedule' | |
s.inline = "rm -f /etc/cron.d/$1" | |
s.args = [site['map'].tr('^A-Za-z0-9', '')] | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure All Of The Server Environment Variables | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Clear Variables' | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('variables') | |
settings['variables'].each do |var| | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = "echo \"\nenv[$1] = '$2'\" >> /etc/php/5.6/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" | |
s.args = [var['key'], var['value']] | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = "echo \"\nenv[$1] = '$2'\" >> /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" | |
s.args = [var['key'], var['value']] | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = "echo \"\nenv[$1] = '$2'\" >> /etc/php/7.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" | |
s.args = [var['key'], var['value']] | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = "echo \"\nenv[$1] = '$2'\" >> /etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" | |
s.args = [var['key'], var['value']] | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = "echo \"\n# Set Homestead Environment Variable\nexport $1=$2\" >> /home/vagrant/.profile" | |
s.args = [var['key'], var['value']] | |
end | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'service php5.6-fpm restart; service php7.0-fpm restart; service php7.1-fpm restart; service php7.2-fpm restart;' | |
end | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Restarting Cron' | |
s.inline = 'sudo service cron restart' | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Restarting Nginx' | |
s.inline = 'sudo service nginx restart; sudo service php5.6-fpm restart; sudo service php7.0-fpm restart; sudo service php7.1-fpm restart; sudo service php7.2-fpm restart' | |
end | |
# Install CouchDB If Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('couchdb') && settings['couchdb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Install Elasticsearch If Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('elasticsearch') && settings['elasticsearch'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Installing Elasticsearch' | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = settings['elasticsearch'] | |
end | |
end | |
# Install MariaDB If Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('mariadb') && settings['mariadb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Install Minio If Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('minio') && settings['minio'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Install MongoDB If Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('mongodb') && settings['mongodb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Install Neo4j If Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('neo4j') && settings['neo4j'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Install InfluxDB if Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('influxdb') && settings['influxdb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Configure All Of The Configured Databases | |
if settings.has_key?('databases') | |
settings['databases'].each do |db| | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating MySQL Database: ' + db | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [db] | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating Postgres Database: ' + db | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [db] | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('mongodb') && settings['mongodb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating Mongo Database: ' + db | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [db] | |
end | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('couchdb') && settings['couchdb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating Couch Database: ' + db | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [db] | |
end | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('influxdb') && settings['influxdb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Creating InfluxDB Database: ' + db | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [db] | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# Install grafana if Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('influxdb') && settings['influxdb'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Install chronograf if Necessary | |
if settings.has_key?('chronograf') && settings['chronograf'] | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
end | |
end | |
# Update Composer On Every Provision | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | | = 'Update Composer' | |
s.inline = 'sudo /usr/local/bin/composer self-update --no-progress && sudo chown -R vagrant:vagrant /home/vagrant/.composer/' | |
s.privileged = false | |
end | |
# Configure | |
if settings.has_key?('blackfire') | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [ | |
settings['blackfire'][0]['id'], | |
settings['blackfire'][0]['token'], | |
settings['blackfire'][0]['client-id'], | |
settings['blackfire'][0]['client-token'] | |
] | |
end | |
end | |
# Add config file for ngrok | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.path = script_dir + '/' | |
s.args = [settings['ip']] | |
s.privileged = false | |
end | |
if settings.has_key?('backup') && settings['backup'] && (Vagrant::VERSION >= '2.1.0' || Vagrant.has_plugin('vagrant-triggers')) | |
dir_prefix = '/vagrant/' | |
settings['databases'].each do |database| | |
Homestead.backup_mysql(database, "#{dir_prefix}/mysql_backup", config) | |
Homestead.backup_postgres(database, "#{dir_prefix}/postgres_backup", config) | |
end | |
end | |
# Turn off CFQ scheduler idling | |
if settings.has_key?('disable_cfq') | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'sudo echo 0 >/sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/slice_idle' | |
end | |
config.vm.provision 'shell' do |s| | |
s.inline = 'sudo echo 0 >/sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/group_idle' | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
def self.backup_mysql(database, dir, config) | |
now ="%Y%m%d%H%M") | |
config.trigger.before :destroy do |trigger| | |
trigger.warn = "Backing up mysql database #{database}..." | |
trigger.run_remote = { inline: "mkdir -p #{dir} && mysqldump #{database} > #{dir}/#{database}-#{now}.sql" } | |
end | |
end | |
def self.backup_postgres(database, dir, config) | |
now ="%Y%m%d%H%M") | |
config.trigger.before :destroy do |trigger| | |
trigger.warn = "Backing up postgres database #{database}..." | |
trigger.run_remote = { inline: "mkdir -p #{dir} && echo localhost:5432:#{database}:homestead:secret > ~/.pgpass && chmod 600 ~/.pgpass && pg_dump -U homestead -h localhost #{database} > #{dir}/#{database}-#{now}.sql" } | |
end | |
end | |
end |
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