jshell> String mytest1 = "this is a string with no escape sequences"
mytest1 ==> "this is a string with no escape sequences"
jshell> String mytest2 = "this string has a \n line break"
mytest2 ==> "this string has a \n line break"
jshell> Collections.disjoint(Arrays.asList(mytest1.split("")), Arrays.asList("\n"))
$21 ==> true
jshell> Collections.disjoint(Arrays.asList(mytest2.split("")), Arrays.asList("\n"))
$22 ==> false
...obviously, you would have to add all of the escape characters you're interested in into the second Arrays.asList(). Might be a bit difficult. And this only tells you whether or not there are any in the String, but doesn't give you any other information.
(\\ # get the preceding slash (for each section)
(?:b|t|n|f|r|\"|'|\\) # capture common sequences like \n and \t
|\\ # OR (get the preceding slash and)...
# capture variable-width octal escape sequences like \02, \13, or \377
|\\ # OR (get the preceding slash and)...
u(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{4}) # capture fixed-width Unicode sequences like \u0242 or \uFFAD
This captures the slash character at the beginning of all Java escape sequences listed in 3. There are three main groups. The first one captures the slash preceding any of {b, t, n, f, r, ", ', }. These are the most common escape sequences. The second group captures the slash preceding octal escape sequences (\0 - \377, variable width). The third group captures the slash preceding Unicode escape sequences (\u0000 - \uFFFF, fixed width).
This can't be used with java.util.regex.Pattern and Matcher, though, because this assumes that "\n" is two characters -- a literal "" and a literal "n", when in reality, '\n' is a single character -- the newline character.
To do this in Java, we need the Apache Commons library StringEscapeUtils#escapeJava:
jshell> StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava("Newline \n here \u0344 and unicode \f\n\r\t\"\0\13 and more")
$136 ==> "Newline \\n here \\u0344 and unicode \\f\\n\\r\\t\\\"\\u0000\\u000B and more"
...which prepends a backslash to each escape sequence and also swaps the variable-width octal sequences for fixed-width Unicode sequences. This is useful for finding the positions of these sequences in the original String (all Apache-fied escape sequences will consist of two slash characters followed by either (a) a 'u' and exactly four hexadecimal digits, or (b) one of {b, t, n, f, r, ", }. Since I don't need to find the positions of these characters in the original String, I'm stopping here.
1 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5235401/split-string-into-array-of-character-strings
2 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8708542/something-like-contains-any-for-java-set
3 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1367322/what-are-all-the-escape-characters
4 https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/apidocs/org/apache/commons/lang3/StringEscapeUtils.html#escapeJava-java.lang.String-