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Created July 10, 2012 19:12
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timeouts in php
class TimeoutException extends RuntimeException {}
class Timeout
private $active;
public function set($seconds)
$this->active = true;
declare(ticks = 1);
pcntl_signal(SIGALRM, array($this, 'handle'), true);
public function clear()
$this->active = false;
public function handle($signal)
echo "received signal\n";
if ($this->active) {
throw new TimeoutException();
$timeout = new Timeout();
$start = microtime(true);
try {
echo "setting timeout to 1 second\n";
$timeout->set(1); // set a 1 second timeout
echo "sleeping for 10 seconds\n";
sleep(10); // some long running operation...
echo "clearing 1 second timeout\n";
$timeout->clear(); // clear timeout
} catch(TimeoutException $e) {
// timed out
echo "caught a TimeoutException\n";
$total = microtime(true) - $start;
echo "time spent {$total}\n";
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ornicar commented Jul 10, 2012

yummy :)

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I tip my hat to you, sir!

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Is there a way to incorporate pcntl_signal_dispatch in this function? I've seen that it doesn't work sometimes. Pls see

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dimer47 commented Jun 6, 2021

Thanks 👍🏻

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