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Created March 17, 2023 16:03
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Save autonome/725e88ca044e4444e83197dab30f9333 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script to dump IPFS Thing airtable to local toml files ready for a GHA to make a PR w/ those changes
const https = require('https');
const token = process.env.AIRTABLE_TOKEN;
const url = ''
const options = {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
const fields = {
'Title': 'title',
'Talk Description': 'desc',
'Title & Organization': 'spkrTitle',
'What track(s) would be suitable for your session?': 'tracks',
'What format(s) are suitable for your talk or workshop?': 'format',
'If you are affiliated with an organization and would like your logo to be displayed on our event website as a participating team at IPFS thing, please upload a high res image below.': 'logo',
'Headshot': 'headshot',
'Last Name': 'lastName',
'Archive of Original Tracks Submission': 'tracksSubmittedFor',
'Talk Status': 'status',
'Track Description': 'trackDesc',
'Email Address': 'email',
'Talk or Track?': 'type',
'First Name': 'firstName',
'Created': 'createdDate',
'Last Modified By': 'lastModifiedBy',
'Last Modified': 'lastModifiedDate'
// add some error handling jeez
const getAirtableData = (url, options, callback) => {
https.get(url, options, res => {
let data = [];
res.on('data', chunk => {
res.on('end', () => {
const bc = Buffer.concat(data);
const str = bc.toString();
const obj = JSON.parse(str);
const records = cleanDump(obj.records);
}).on('error', err => {
console.log('Error: ', err.message);
const onRecordsReady = records => {
const talks = getTalks(records);
const tracks = getTracks(records);
const grouped = groupTracks(tracks, talks);
const trackTOMLs = Object.keys(grouped)
.map(k => grouped[k])
.filter(t => t.talks.length > 0)
// TODO: write each string of track toml data to
// local fs, ready for use by GHA which makes the PR
const cleanDump = records => {
return records
.map(r => r.fields)
.map(r => {
let o = {};
Object.keys(fields).forEach(f => {
o[ fields[f] ] = r[f];
o.startTime = '00:00';
return o;
const getTalks = records => {
return records
.filter(r => r.type == 'Talk')
.filter(r => r.status == 'Accepted by track lead');
const getTracks = records => records.filter(r => r.type == 'Track');
const groupTracks = (tracks, talks) => {
// array of track titles
const trackTitles = => t.title);
// create map of track title => track data
const trackList = tracks.reduce((obj, t) => {
t.talks = [];
obj[t.title] = t;
return obj;
}, {});
// add each talk to its track
talks.forEach(talk => {
trackList[ talk.tracks[0] ].talks.push(talk);
return trackList;
const trackToTOML = track => {
return trackDetailsToTOML(track)
+ '\n\n'
const talkToTOML = talk => {
//console.log('talkToTOML', talk);
return [
`speaker="${talk.firstName + ' ' + talk.lastName}"`,
const trackDetailsToTOML = track => {
return `
# the name of your track or event
name = "${track.title}"
# the name handle of the directly responsible individual for this event
# (this person will coordinate with devent organizers)
dri = "${track.firstName} ${track.lastName}"
# the start date of the event
date = "2023-10-29"
# how many days the event lasts (1 - N)
days = 1
# the event venue name (will show up on the event card - TODO)
venueName = "Hypatia"
# the event times (shows up in the event card)
times = "10:00 - 13:00"
# the "difficulty" of the event -- one of:
# ["Beginner", "Intermediate", "Advanced", "All Welcome"]
difficulty = "All Welcome"
# tags for the event, will show up as labels.
# pick 1-4
tags = ["Talks"]
# a color, to group key events visually. use sparingly
# color="purple"
# the priority in the schedule table, leave commented if you don't need to control this
# 1 will appear at the top, higher numbers appear closer to bottom
# priority = 1
# a description of the track.
# will show up when the user clicks the event card.
description = """
# schedule is an array of timeslots objects
# schema:
# startTime - string for starting time
# speakers - array of string speaker names. please to use consistent naming across timeslots
# title - string for talk or timeslot title, should be short
# description - string describing the timeslot. 1-3 sentences.
# Notes:
# - recommended start: 10:00
# - recommended lunch: 13:00
# - recommended end: 16:00 (On 30 Oct, 1h Camp wrapup begins at 16:00)
# - use 15m, 20m, 30m, 45m, or 60m session slots
# - use 15m breaks, one in the morning, one or two in the afternoon
getAirtableData(url, options, onRecordsReady);
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