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Austin Dean austinjdean

  • Security Risk Advisors
  • United States
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# open file to line number
self.view.window().open_file("{0}:{1}:{2}".format(file_path_full, line_num, 0), sublime.ENCODED_POSITION)
# ^
# You can replace this 0 with a column variable (I think - not tested)
# At this point, file_path_full is:
# C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\test.txt
# Of course Python prints two backslashes for escape character reasons, but that will not have an adverse effect on the code itself.
austinjdean /
Created May 27, 2020 01:55
script to tumble through open ports and run some command for each
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# outline of a script to tumble through open ports and run some command for each
# take as args (each can be either comma separated cmd line list xor file):
# - port list | -p 22,80,443 | -p ports.txt
# - host list | -h,,, | -h hosts.txt
# cumulative record example matrix
# 22 80 443 etc
# host1 x x x
# 3:
# up:
# command: 'xdotool key super'
# down:
# command: 'xdotool key super'
# left:
# command: 'xdotool key alt+Right'
# right:
# command: 'xdotool key alt+Left'
austinjdean /
Created December 17, 2020 06:44
Found an /etc/shadow file but don't feel like learning hashcat? Pwn it in no time with this 1337 $cr!p7
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Usage:"
echo "Provide compromised /etc/shadow file as command line argument."
echo "And make sure you have read permissions on it."
echo " e.g. $0 shadow.txt"
exit 1
austinjdean /
Created March 24, 2021 01:15
Simple shell script for sending Valheim server alerts to Discord
# your webhook here
main() {
echo "$newLog" > /tmp/currentLog
rm -f /tmp/newLog