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Created April 18, 2017 08:59
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principles and patterns of core async channels
(ns learn-clj.chan-patterns
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async]))
;; first create a channel..
(def mychan (async/chan))
;; # principles
;; #1 : taking/putting on a channel blocks if no one is putting/taking from it.
;; => can cause deadlocks if done synchronously.
;; so, do everything asynchronous or max 1 operation synchronous.
(def value 10)
(async/go (async/>! mychan value)) ;; asynchronous
(println "Got value from mychan: " (async/<!! mychan)) ;; 1 operation sync
;; in practical world you would be having async operations only.
;; #2 : close channel : sending returns false.
(def close-chan1 (async/chan))
(async/close! close-chan1) ;; close chan
(= (async/>!! close-chan1 value)
;; #3 : close channel : receive returns nil.
;; you can not put nil on a channel.
(def close-chan2 (async/chan))
(async/close! close-chan2)
(= (async/<!! close-chan2)
;; #4 : How will the go block finish ? : go-routine leaks ??
;; #5 : Don't communicate by sharing memory :=> not possible simply in FPLs.
;; share memory by communicating :=> easier to do for functional programmers :)
;; Point here is not when to use channels.. but how to use them effectively.
;; For when to use : you will know when you have to.
;; most common : server side : Blocking IO (libraries returning channels).
;; Also, your code will be coupled with channels : to much extent.
;; Channels (CSP) is a way to do concurrency : some coupling will be unavoidable.
;; Or look out for how to keep strategies our of data-structure..
;; How code changes ?
;; Here we are dealing about how does the code changes when we want to do async tasks :
;; lets assume we have a blocking work to do ; read files.. blah blah blah
;; for conveniece sake, i use inc here.. so witty.. :P
(def blocking-work +)
(defn work1 [work]
(map (partial blocking-work 1) work)) ;; inc is blocking work..
(work1 [1 2 3])
;; => (2 3 4)
;; in some sense, channel is also a stream / queue
;; we want to put queues between different subsystems of our program
;; so that each becomes independent => we gain swapability ; easy debugging ; resource allocation.
;; Things to remember : async code always returns channel.
;; above code becomes :
(defn blocking-async [& args]
(let [ch (async/chan 1)] ;; don't want to block myself if no one is taking.
(async/go (async/>! ch (apply blocking-work args)))
(do ;; Using do so that i can evaluate whole block in one command.. :P
(defn async-work1 [work-chan]
(let [out (async/chan)]
(async/go-loop []
(let [work (async/<! work-chan)
res (async/<! (blocking-async 1 work))]
(async/>! out res)
(defn test1 []
(let [work-ch (async/chan)
async-out1 (async-work1 work-ch)]
;; async/>!! returns true means we are able to put.
(async/>!! work-ch 1)
(assert (= 2 (async/<!! async-out1)))
(async/>!! work-ch 2)
(assert (= 3 (async/<!! async-out1)))))
;; Question :
;; what is wrong / or possibly go wrong in async-work1 ?
;; In real world, we spawn go routines (go-loops) for some requests,
;; but forget to clean them ..
;; Thought A : ALWAYS think about how will go routine stops ?
;; Here and usually in real world :
;; We want to stop when there is no more data in work-chan.
(defn async-work2 [work-chan]
(let [out (async/chan)]
(async/go-loop []
(if-let [work (async/<! work-chan)] ;; nil means work-chan is closed.
(async/>! out (async/<! (blocking-async 1 work)))
(defn test2 []
(let [work-ch (async/chan)
async-out2 (async-work2 work-ch)]
;; async/>!! returns true means we are able to put.
(async/>!! work-ch 1)
(assert (= 2 (async/<!! async-out2)))
(async/>!! work-ch 2)
(assert (= 3 (async/<!! async-out2)))
(async/close! work-ch)))
;; Question :
;; What is another problem ?
;; In real world, workflow will be :
;; some-req
;; -> for some task, you put on work-channel
;; -> goes through multiple go-loops ; each a go-routine
;; -> you close work-channel
;; But remeber every async fn returns a channel ;
;; who will close those channels.. ?
;; Principle : Closing a channel is only way to tell that "work" is done..
(defn async-work3 [work-chan]
(let [out (async/chan)]
(async/go-loop []
(if-let [work (async/<! work-chan)] ;; nil means work-chan is closed.
(async/>! out (async/<! (blocking-async 1 work)))
(async/close! out))) ;; close the out as well. if's else :P
(defn test3 []
(let [work-ch (async/chan)
async-out3 (async-work3 work-ch)]
;; async/>!! returns true means we are able to put.
(async/>!! work-ch 1)
(assert (= 2 (async/<!! async-out3)))
(async/>!! work-ch 2)
(assert (= 3 (async/<!! async-out3)))
(async/close! work-ch)
;; check whether closing worker-channel closed out-channel ?
(assert (= nil (async/<!! async-out3)))
(assert (= false (async/>!! async-out3 1)))))
;; Question : Who closes the channels ?
;; Principle : Sender(s) (those putting data on channel) closes the channel.
;; Usually who creates the channels will be putting values on channel
;; and will be best place to know when work is done.
;; Also, there will be multiple receivers (hopefully), as receivers are workers. Right !!!
;; In some languages, closing a channel multiple times throws.
;; This leads to good programming habits.
;; Not in clojure
(def to-close-chan (async/chan))
(async/close! to-close-chan)
(async/close! to-close-chan)
;; --------------------- Building blocks ---------------------------------------------
;; inspired from :
;; Building block : Pipeline :
(def source-ch (async/chan 10))
;; cheating ; putting data in source-ch
(doall (map #(async/>!! source-ch %) (range 10)))
;; pipeline : three works one after another ;
;; could have been any work
(def sink-ch
(-> source-ch
async-work3 ;; this has source-ch and returns chan-x
async-work3 ;; this has chan-x and returns chan-y
async-work3)) ;; this has chan-y and returns sink-ch
;; closing the source-ch, stops the process eventually..
(async/close! source-ch)
(def all-sink-ch-res
(loop [v (async/<!! sink-ch)
res []]
(if (nil? v) ;; nil means sink-ch got closed / pipeline ended..
(recur (async/<!! sink-ch)
(conj res v)))))
(assert (= all-sink-ch-res
[3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12])))
;; so this is looking like calling functions..
;; stack of fn call here is pipeline..
;; the way to return is closing the source-ch..
;; Question :
;; So, how will we return from in-between the pipeline.. ? from the End ?
;; Should the intermediate pipeline-stage eat the error
;; and not send it forward ?
;; OR
;; For exceptional situations :
;; Should we provide a way to stop whole pipeline ? How to do it cleanly ?
;; We can stop the downstream by closing my out-ch.
;; Should i close the upstream chan ? but i am a receiver..
;; adding a done channel
(def source-ch (async/chan 10))
(doall (map #(async/>!! source-ch %) (range 10)))
(defn async-work4 [done work-ch]
(let [out (async/chan)
close-out-fn #(async/close! out)]
(async/go-loop []
done ([v]
(assert (nil? v)) ;; done is used for only signalling done :P
work-ch ([work]
(if work
(async/>! out (async/<! (blocking-async 1 work)))
;; check if it returned true and only recur in that case..
(def done (async/chan))
(def sink-ch
(->> source-ch
(async-work4 done) ;; this has source-ch and returns chan-x
(async-work4 done) ;; this has chan-x and returns chan-y
(async-work4 done))) ;; this has chan-y and returns sink-ch
;; closing the source-ch, stops the process eventually..
(async/close! source-ch)
;; but sink closes after taking 3 nums..
;; this is the code using sink-channel.
(> 6 ;; hopefully should stop before processing more than 6 args.. / can fail
(count (loop [res []]
(if-let [v (async/<!! sink-ch)]
(do (if (>= (count res) 3)
(async/close! done))
(recur (conj res v)))
;; tl;dr : Your async fn need to take done-channel.
;; always close channels before returning.
;; always make sure that your go-loops will end.
;; Building block #2
;; Fan out, Fan in :
;; from one channel -> multiple reads : Fan out..
;; Multiple puts on one channel -> fan in..
(let [ch1 (async/chan 1)
ch2 (async/chan 1)
merged-ch (async/merge [ch1 ch2])]
(async/>!! ch1 "hello")
(async/close! ch1)
(async/>!! ch2 "world")
(println (async/<!! merged-ch))
(println (async/<!! merged-ch))
(async/close! ch2)
;; if all channels are closed, merged-ch will also be closed.
(assert (= nil (async/<!! merged-ch))))
;; Building block #3
;; Bounded parallelism:
;; find-grep for a file : file name is number
(let [num-workers 4
common-work-ch (async/chan num-workers) ;; shared across all workers.
done-ch (async/chan) ;; yours donely.
file-to-find 199
max-files 200] ;; just magic no.. ignore
(println "\n\n\n\n\n********")
(let [look-in-dir-fn (fn [dir]
;;(println "in look-in-dir-fn: " dir)
(let [all (->> (iterate (fn [_]
(int (* (rand) max-files)))
(take (+ dir 1)))
dirs (->> all
(filter #(>= 100 %)))
has-file (->> all
(filter #(= file-to-find %))
;; (println "dirs: " dirs)
;; ideally we should return channel as this is most blocking part of code..
{:found has-file
:dirs dirs}))
async-work5 (fn [done work-ch]
(println "async-work5 started..")
(let [out (async/chan 1)
close-out-fn #(async/close! out)]
(async/go-loop []
(let [v (async/alt!
done ([_]
work-ch ([work]
(if work
(let [res (look-in-dir-fn work)]
done ([_]
[[out res]] :send))
(if (= v :recur)
(println "async-work5 stopped"))))
all-chans (doall
(map (fn [_]
{:out-chan (async-work5 done-ch common-work-ch)})
(range num-workers)))
out-chan (async/merge (map :out-chan all-chans))
;; intermediate channel where each worker result creates a go-routine to put on this.
intermediate-ch (async/chan num-workers)
start-dir 20]
;; read out-chan for the result..
(async/go-loop []
(if-let [res (async/<! out-chan)]
(if (:found res)
(println "***found***")
(async/close! done-ch))
(if-not (empty? (:dirs res))
done-ch :done
[[intermediate-ch (:dirs res)]] :send))
[seen #{start-dir} ;; don't revist what we have already seen.
num-pending-reqs 1]
(println (str "req-pending: " num-pending-reqs))
(if (> num-pending-reqs 0)
done-ch :done
(let [unseen (clojure.set/difference (set works) seen)]
(if-not (empty? unseen)
(doall (map (fn [work]
done-ch :done
[[common-work-ch work]] :send)))
(recur (into seen unseen)
(+ num-pending-reqs (- (count unseen) 1))))
(recur seen
(- num-pending-reqs 1))))))
(async/close! done-ch)))
;; start from 0th directory
(async/>!! common-work-ch start-dir)))
;; value more than 199 require a map to stop processing directories
;; we have already seen
;; tl;dr use alt! a lot :P
;; Another problem is : How to know when things have finished ?
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