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Created November 28, 2018 11:05
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digraph dependencies {
Log -> "AWS DB"
"AWS DB" -> "Migrations" -> Docker;
Log -> "Users resource access" -> Auth;
Docker -> "Measures resource access" -> "Measures manager";
"Actuator resource access" -> "Actuator Manager";
Docker -> "Customer resource access" -> "Measures manager";
"Prices resource access" -> "Consumption Engine";
"Customer resource access" -> "Consumption Engine";
"Sensors resource access" -> "Consumption Engine";
"AWS PUB/SUB" -> "Notification Manager";
"Consumption Engine" -> "Notification Manager";
"Measures Manager" -> "Measures Admin Webapp";
"Measures Manager" -> "Main WebApp";
"Actuator Manager" -> "Main WebApp";
"Notification Manager" -> "Main WebApp";
"Consumption Engine" -> "Main WebApp";
"Notification Manager" -> "Cron";
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