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Arti Zirk artizirk

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oskar456 /
Last active December 14, 2024 15:32
CLAT for Linux using Jool and ipvlan PoC

CLAT for Linux using ipvlan

This proof of concept uses ipvlan feature of Linux to split up main network interface into two in order to use one in a separate namespace with jool-siit performing CLAT translation.

This way, enabling CLAT is least intrusive to the default network namespace - no need to enable forwarding or touch firewall rules.

darkxst / rules.txt
Last active December 8, 2024 22:54 — forked from denniskupec/rules.txt
KiCad DRC rules for JLCPCB, 2 & 4-layer PCB
(version 1)
#Kicad 7
# 2-layer, 1oz copper
(rule "Minimum Trace Width (outer layer)"
(constraint track_width (min 5mil))
(layer outer)
(condition "A.Type == 'track'"))
(rule "Minimum Trace Spacing (outer layer)"
mikroskeem / docker-network-ns.nix
Last active October 27, 2023 06:33
Stay using nftables in combination with Docker, and set up separate network namespace to make it happy.
{ pkgs, ... }:
# Based on
dockerHostName = "dockernet";
hostip = "${pkgs.util-linux}/bin/nsenter --target 1 --net -- ${ip}";
ip = "${pkgs.iproute2}/bin/ip";
dockerNsSetupScript = pkgs.writeShellScript "docker-netns-setup" ''
xirkus /
Last active September 19, 2024 14:54
Security Adventures 1. How to get yubikey+gpg+ssh+gitbhub working on MacOS

I've spent the day trying to get this setup working with GitHub and given the number of gotcha's I encountered, it seemed like a good idea to document how I finally got this working with as few hacks as possible. There's a lot of documentation out there (some of it old and misleading) and committing here for posterity will help me remember this when I inevitably need to do this again.


Passwords are simply not enough these days. Regardless of the company, breaches (and the associated Personally Identifiable Information harvested) are a matter of not if, but when. There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself, but being on the tin-foil-hat side of paranoia, means there are a few Commandents that I adhere to (and recommend for other folks)[Insert link to Fight Club Rules for the Secure Internet].

That being said, if you use 2-factor authentication and have committed to using a hardware token such as the Yubikey, then you're already ahead of the curve. The problem is that wh

mrnerdhair /
Created June 27, 2020 21:41
Calculates cryptographically-bound IPv6 Link-Local Addresses from WireGuard public keys.
#!/bin/bash -e
blake2s_mix() {
local A_NAME="$1"
local A="$2"
local B_NAME="$3"
local B="$4"
local C_NAME="$5"
local C="$6"
local D_NAME="$7"
progandy /
Last active September 26, 2023 08:27
Sway output mirror and screencast

Sway output mirror and screencast



With wf-recorder it is possible to record one output. When ffmpeg is compiled with sdl support, then it is possible to use "sdl" as the muxer and replay the recorded video instead of writing it to a file.

exdeniz / style.css
Created January 11, 2020 00:09
Nord Theme for
* {
background-image: none;
window {
background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.9);
button {
background-color: #2e3440;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0px;
# I am ashamed for writing this.
import inspect;
class Cin:
""" time to whip out some python magic """
def __rshift__(self, other):
# I don't want to require that "other" is declared global.
cin = input();
thomasschaeferm /
Created October 29, 2019 21:05
jool clat for 464xlat script
ip netns add jool
ip link add name to_jool typ veth peer name to_world
ip link set up dev to_jool
ip link set dev to_world netns jool
ip netns exec jool ip link set up dev to_world