$ akash query provider list --limit 1000 -o json | jq -r '.providers[] | (.attributes[] | select(.key == "region") | .value)' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
1 ap-northeast-1
1 ap-southeast
1 australia-east-akash-provider
1 Chicago
1 cz-prague
1 cz-prague2
1 donotuse
1 eu
1 eu-ch
1 eu-east
1 eu-north
1 eu-switzerland
1 eu-west-france-romain
1 fareast
1 germany
1 na
1 na-east
1 singapore
1 threadrippers
1 US
1 us-eat
1 us-west-demo-caleb
1 us-west-demo-daniel
1 us-west-demo-mr5610
1 zurich
2 ca-central
2 dcloud
2 earth-lab0
2 WestCoast
3 ap-east-hk
3 none
5 us-central
5 westcoast
6 eu-west
7 europe
17 us-east
31 us-west
Region: eu-west
$ akash query provider list --limit 1000 -o json | jq -r '.providers[] | select(.attributes[].key == "region" and .attributes[].value == "eu-west") | [ .host_uri, .owner, (.attributes[] | select(.key == "region") | .value) ] | @csv'
You can use the attributes.region
parameter in your deployment SDL file to make sure you will only get the bids from providers who set certain region:
<placement name>:
region: eu-west