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Arjun V arjunv

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arjunv / keyevents.json
Created December 2, 2018 00:01
All Android Key Events for usage with adb shell
"key_events": {
"key_unknown": "adb shell input keyevent 0",
"key_soft_left": "adb shell input keyevent 1",
"key_soft_right": "adb shell input keyevent 2",
"key_home": "adb shell input keyevent 3",
"key_back": "adb shell input keyevent 4",
"key_call": "adb shell input keyevent 5",
"key_endcall": "adb shell input keyevent 6",
"key_0": "adb shell input keyevent 7",
arjunv /
Created April 3, 2018 16:56
how is this working?
if args.random:
def get_data_structures():
# while sets do not preserve the order of insertion, they are are much faster
return set()
def add_entries(data_set,data):
# adding addresses to a set which prevents duplicate entries, but does not preserve order
def get_data_structures():
# from python3.6, dictionaries preserve the order of insertion
import asyncio
import aiofiles
async def reader():
async with'file.txt', mode='r') as name_file:
while True:
yield await name_file.readline()
async def fetcher(reader_gen, i):
print('Opening {}'.format(i))

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am arjunv on github.
  • I am arjunv ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is AE79 25E2 3CD4 E432 A789 0AB6 0AFE B844 B908 1DBC

To claim this, I am signing this object: