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Last active August 26, 2024 19:27
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Redash Query Export Tool


$ pip install click requests


$ python --redash-url "<slug>" --api-key "<api-key>"
import click
import requests
template = u"""/*
Name: {name}
Data source: {data_source}
Created By: {created_by}
Last Update At: {last_updated_at}
def get_queries(url, api_key):
queries = []
headers = {'Authorization': 'Key {}'.format(api_key)}
path = "{}/api/queries".format(url)
has_more = True
page = 1
while has_more:
response = requests.get(path, headers=headers, params={'page': page}).json()
has_more = page * response['page_size'] + 1 <= response['count']
page += 1
return queries
def save_queries(queries):
for query in queries:
filename = 'query_{}.sql'.format(query['id'])
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
content = template.format(name=query['name'],
@click.option('--api-key', help="API Key")
def main(redash_url, api_key):
queries = get_queries(redash_url, api_key)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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arikfr commented May 23, 2018

@glunn thanks, updated!

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czh0318 commented Jun 28, 2018

By the way, How to import my queries?@arikfr

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dotanrs commented Jul 22, 2018

The import only seems to work when another query exists with the same number.
I.e. if I'm importing query #1 to a clean redash, it will fail with 404.
If I create a query first, it now being query #1, the import will overwrite it.

Is there a workaround? e.g. an API to create empty queries prior to import?

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zhytang commented Nov 9, 2018

Thanks for this gist.

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hwine commented Feb 25, 2019

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Is there a way to export dashboards?
Also, Please let me know how do I import queries to a Redash server? Is there a way to do it?

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oieioi commented Apr 24, 2019

I had to export redash queries in Ruby, so I made a gem like this tool.

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HallelM commented Jun 11, 2019

Hi, I'm getting an error while using a url like "https://redash.{company-name}.com/queries/4274".
The error is ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded.

@arikfr, Could you explain in what format the url should be?

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dirkbosman commented Aug 2, 2019

Two things from my side:

  1. Python 3 source code is assumed to be UTF-8 by default. This means that you don’t need # -- coding: UTF-8 -- at the top of .py files in Python 3 ( So only f.write('utf-8') is necessary. I also added the f.close() after.
import click
import requests

template = u"""/*
Name: {name}
Data source: {data_source}
Created By: {created_by}
Last Update At: {last_updated_at}

def get_queries(url, api_key):
    queries = [] 
    headers = {'Authorization': 'Key {}'.format(api_key)}
    path = "{}/api/queries".format(url)
    has_more = True
    page = 1
    while has_more:
        response = requests.get(path, headers=headers, params={'page': page}).json()
        has_more = page * response['page_size'] + 1 <= response['count']
        page += 1

    return queries

def save_queries(queries):
    for query in queries:
        filename = 'query_{}.sql'.format(query['id'])
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            content = template.format(name=query['name'],

    print("Successfully downloaded all your Redash Queries")    

@click.option('--api-key', help="API Key")
def main(redash_url, api_key):
    queries = get_queries(redash_url, api_key)      

if __name__ == '__main__':

I added a nice little bash-script (i.e. Redash_Backup.command), which can be called from outside your local git-repo to execute and upload your redash queries to either gitlab / github in one-go. Enjoy!




cd /Users/Code/gitlab/redash_backup

git fetch --prune
git status


d=$(date +%d%m%y_%H%M)
mkdir "$d"


chmod +x

./venv/bin/python --redash-url "<value>" --api-key "<value>"

mv query_*.sql "$d"


git add .
git commit -m "$d"
git push origin master
git status

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@arikfr is it possible to update the query (the query itself, not the result) using the API? If not, is it "safe" to update the database directly?

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jonniepeller commented Feb 18, 2021

The code in this repo didn't work for me, but @dirkbosman's edit did thank you!

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@dotanrs I was tweaking the import script and discovered that you can provide 'data_source_id': 1 as an additional attribute inside POST /api/queries request body to create new query objects. Also added existing query name to make identifying import queries easier via regex.

import click
import requests
import json
import os
import re

def save_queries(url, api_key):
    headers = {'Authorization': 'Key {}'.format(api_key), 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

    files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
    for f in files:
        if f.startswith('query_') and f.endswith('.sql'):
            start = f.index('_') + 1
            end = f.index('.')
            query_id = f[start:end]
            path = "{}/api/queries".format(url)
            query_headers = get_headers(f)
            query_name ="Name: (.+)", query_headers).group(1)
            query_str = get_query_str(f)
            payload = {'query': query_str, 'data_source_id': 1, 'name': query_name}
            response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))

def get_query_str(filename):
    query = ''
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for i in range(7, len(lines)):
            query += lines[i]
    return query

def get_headers(filename):
    query = ''
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for i in range(1, 7):
            query += lines[i]
    return query

def main(redash_url, api_key):
    save_queries(redash_url, api_key)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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Thanks for sharing!

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