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Created October 10, 2018 09:37
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[{"name":"Nakamura Masato","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Japan","bio":"I am a developer at Nulab in Japan.\r\nI use Python and Scala/Java at work.\r\nA recent hobby is to rewrite Python 2 code to Python 3.\r\n\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"masahito","url":"","organization":"Nulab inc","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"enjoy type hinting and its benefits","abstract":"From Python 3, type hinting has been added.\nIn this way, static type analysis is now available in Python's world.\n\nIn this session, we will learn about type hinting in Python.\nNext, learn how to use static type analysis using mypy.\nLet's think about together keeping the python code easier to change.","description":"rom Python 3, type hinting was prompted.\r\nThanks to this, static type analysis is now available in Python's world.\r\nIt is possible to use this mechanism with mypy, intellij etc.\r\nIn this session we will learn about type hinting in Python 3.5 / 3.6/ 3.7.\r\nNext, learn how to use static type analysis using mypy.\r\nIt is also possible to use mypy not only in Python 3 but also in Python 2.\r\nIn other words, it is said to demonstrate great power to port Python 2 code to Python 3.\r\nIn fact there are already successes like the following projects.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThroughout this session, I am pleased that you can think about writing python code and writing tests.","notes":"## Outline\r\n\r\n1. What is Type Hints?\r\n - Introduction to Type Hints.\r\n - How to use.\r\n2. History of Type Hints\r\n - Introduction of related PEP\r\n - PEP 3107\r\n - PEP 484\r\n - PEP 526\r\n - PEP 563\r\n3. Describe the benefits of TypeHints\r\n - How to write Type Hints\r\n - How to use for\r\n - type check\r\n - mypy\r\n - IDE and Code completion\r\n - PyCharm\r\n - VisualStudioCode\r\n - CI\r\n4. Migration of Python 2 code to Python 3\r\n - use Type Hints\r\n\r\n## pros\r\n\r\nI use Python every day from day to day and use Type Hints on a daily basis.\r\nIn my company I am just moving to Python 2 code now and I would like to share the knowledge gained here to the audience\r\n\r\nAlso, I have talked about this topic in another PyCon.\r\n\r\nAt PyCon Taiwan 2017.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAnd PyCon Kyushu(in Japan) Fukuoka 2018\r\n","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","type hinting","mypy"],"rating":100.0,"state":"declined","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-02T16:03:14.166Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Citra Hasana Sagala","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Indonesia","bio":"I'm one of the best tech story teller. And i like potato chips","talk_format":"Lightning Talk (~5-10 minutes)","twitter":"Citra_desu","url":"","organization":"ESRI Indonesia","shirt_size":"Women's XL","title":"Cartography Using Python","abstract":"Cartography is one of the spatial data visualization techniques, and it could have deep value if the representation using right colors, right symbology. Using some library in python like datashader, matplotlib, folium and others, our spatial data have more meaning and value.","description":"This talk about how to make good visualization using python, especially using open source like python. This cartography technique useful for read our spatial data. I will present about how to plot density population in indonesia using Kementerian Dalam Negeri data. It can visualize with meaning like population density with some correlation like education and medical service distribution. Also can visualize where areas have density point of interest, and where the best location to build your business. This cartography isn't just about visualize, but have more meaning if we could have an idea. More important, it can be done with python.","notes":"Using datashader library. Just need to pip install datashader in our python. But, the important thing is how to read the data and how to make our data become more valuable, so you need me to explain it, i understand about GIS and i'm python programmer.","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Data Scientist","Visualization","Data Analyst"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"rejected","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-25T09:10:24.584Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Aris Budi Wibowo","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"A data and Python enthusiast. Currently, my friends and I manage a small community named Python ITB to share the knowledge about Python to my campus in Bandung and others. Also a speaker at PyCon APAC 2016.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"arisbw","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Indonesian Poem Generator using Python","abstract":"In this talk, I want to demonstrate that we can possibly generate some poems using Python. I will focus on one of the best Indonesian poets, Sapardi Djoko Damono, and try to make some poems based on his collection.","description":"Poetry generation is not something new. For example like this [LSTM Poetry]( project. But so far from what I know, no one ever tried to automatically generate some Indonesian poems in public. Using the similar approach, namely recurrent neural network, I will try to emulate this to Indonesian poems. I choose one of the best poets' collection, Sapardi Djoko Damono as my example to demonstrate the approach. In the end, I hope that the model can produce some poems that similar or exactly the same as Sapardi's style.","notes":"I expect this will be difficult because of the limitation of publicly available poems by Sapardi on the internet. It's not that the poems collection are so few and I think for this talk, my target is just to demonstrate that it's possible to generate a text from a collection of texts. Another problem that I would expect is: what is an optimal model that would create a poem that meaningful. This is something that the audience would judge by the time of the talk if this proposal is accepted. Because the nature of this subject is purely subjective, I also will try to maintain the expectation that this model can fail. At least because the model will only be trained in one poet/author, I hope that a glimpse of his poetry style will surely come up in some generated poems.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","Data Scientist","Machine Learning","Artificial intelligent"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"declined","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T00:49:44.250Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Ali Akbar Septiandri","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Jakarta, Indonesia","bio":"An(other) (extra)ordinary person","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"aliakbars","url":"","organization":"Airy Indonesia, Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Predicting the Gender of Indonesian Names","abstract":"Can you guess what is the gender of a person named Putri? What about Joko? Dwi? Tri? We investigated a way to predict the gender of a name using LSTM. We compared it with some conventional ML methods with n-grams as the features. The results show that we can achieve 92.25% accuracy from full names.","description":"This talk will explore how to implement a deep learning method for sequential data using Keras/TensorFlow. We investigated a way to predict the gender of a name using character-level Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM). There will be some explanation about technical concepts such as LSTM and n-grams as well.\r\n\r\nWe compared our method with some conventional machine learning methods, namely Naive Bayes, logistic regression, and XGBoost with n-grams as the features. We evaluated the models on a dataset consisting of the names of Indonesian people. It is not common to use a family name as the surname in Indonesian culture, except in some ethnicities. Therefore, we inferred the gender from both full names and first names. The results show that we can achieve 92.25% accuracy from full names, while using first names only yields 90.65% accuracy. These results are better than the ones from applying the classical machine learning algorithms to n-grams.","notes":"","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","Artificial Intelligence","Deep Learning"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-18T04:46:51.145Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Akira Nonaka","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"XOXZO evangelist\r\nA Flying Python programmer\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"anonaka","url":"","organization":"XOXZO","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Introduction to the Django migration","abstract":"I would like to introduce migration of Django, which is one of the most attractive feature of Django web app framework.","description":"I would like to talk about\r\n\r\n- What is Django\r\n- The problems of the database management for web application development.\r\n- Django model\r\n- Django migration\r\n\r\nThis is the brush up version of my presentation which I made at PyCon mini Kushu in 2017.\r\nThe slides are [here]( Sorry this is in Japanese.\r\n\r\n","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Web Development","Dango","Database"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-29T02:15:11.267Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Tegar Imansyah","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I tried Linux when I was in first grade in high school. Internet was an expensive thing that day, there was no one around my school and home using it, so I just self-thought. For exchange, I broke the system using some bash and python scripts several times and learned from it.\r\n\r\nI joined (python user group in Surabaya, Indonesia) when I was in college. There, I learned advanced technology using in production, organized some meet-ups and sometimes became a speaker to share my experiments. We (PythonID with as a host) also organized the first PyCon Indonesia in 2017. I finished my final project with the title: \"disaster victim detection\" using OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Flask installed on Raspberry Pi.\r\n\r\nToday, I work on IoT startup as an embedded system programmer and backend programmer. Using C++ and MicroPython for the embedded system, and Flask for the backend system","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"tegar_imansyah","url":"","organization":" - Python User Group in Surabaya, Indonesia","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Understanding IoT Data Protocol","abstract":"Internet of Things merupakan sebuah distributed system dimana komunikasi M2M (machine to machine) dilakukan antara constrained devices (perangkat IoT) dengan server. Di sini kita akan melihat perbedaan penggunaan REST, MQTT, AMQP dan Websocket pada sistem IoT yang dibuat dengan python.","description":"Python dapat digunakan untuk membuat sistem IoT mulai dari level perangkat keras hingga server. Ketika membahas IoT, kita harus ingat bahwa perangkat yang kita gunakan merupakan constrained devices, yaitu perangkat yang memiliki resource cpu, memory dan storage yang sangat terbatas yang disediakan pada mikrokontroler. Akan digunakan mikrokontroler ESP8266 (CPU 80MHz, 32 KiB RAM dan 4MB storage) dengan micropython yang akan terhubung via MQTT ke Broker RabbitMQ dan diteruskan menggunakan AMQP, Websocket dan REST pada service lain di server.","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","IoT","Web Development"],"rating":67.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T16:59:29.837Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"muhamad faisal burhanudin","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"faiz_al","url":"","organization":"PT Sebangsa","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"static typing in python","abstract":"Have you mantain particular code and you don't know what data type of parameter return until you trace through its entire callgraph ?.\nI have, and its painful to deal with even in a small codebase.\n\nThat's why static typing in python its make code more explicit and Explicit is better than implicit","description":"Have you mantain particular code and you don't know what data type of parameter return until you trace through its entire callgraph ?.\r\nI have, and its painful to deal with even in a small codebase.\r\n\r\nThat's why we need to use static type linter in python to make code more explicit, cause you know that Explicit is better than implicit (pep 20).\r\n","notes":"why you're the best person to speak on this subject ?\r\n1. Code python extensively in 3 year\r\n2. Given talk in python 2 times (Flask and SQLAlchemy, Workshop Image Search and Image Classification) in yogyakarta\r\n3. Using python typing from first release until now\r\n","audience_level":"All","tags":["python","static type"],"rating":38.0,"state":"rejected","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-04T07:53:04.570Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Alizishaan Khatri","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"San Francisco Bay Area","bio":"Alizishaan's professional passions revolve around two things : using technology to solve real-world problems and sharing solutions with the community. He is currently employed as a Machine Learning Engineer with Pivotus where he works on problems in the Natural Language Processing space. Over the summer of 2017, he designed and built an offensive content detection system for a Silicon Valley company. Past industry projects include a price-prediction system for cars and a status communication system that minimized false alerts. \r\n\r\nOutside of work, Alizishaan's passions include mountaineering, skiing, travelling and photography. ","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"alyekhatri","url":"","organization":"Pivotus Ventures","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Serverless adventures in the world of NLP","abstract":"Do you marvel at the idea of production-grade Natural Language Processing (NLP) that can scale infinitely in nearly constant time?\n\nYou will learn how to design, build and deploy a general purpose NLP application using serverless computing. The talk will also cover tricks to maximize performance.","description":"This talk will discuss:\r\n\r\n- The design of an NLP system for batch processing texts performing tasks like tokenization, Named Entity Recognition, Part Of Speech Tagging, text-classification, etc. \r\n- The following constraints of working with serverless computing and approaches to work with them:\r\n - Package size restrictions\r\n - Memory restrictions\r\n - Speed\r\n- An automated build and deploy strategy\r\n- Tips and tricks to maximize performance\r\n","notes":"This talk draws upon my experiences of designing, building and deploying a production general purpose serverless NLP system. \r\n\r\nTech stack:\r\n\r\n- Python\r\n- [Spacy](\r\n- Docker\r\n- AWS (Design is vendor agnostic. Can be implemented on Azure or GCP or any other general purpose cloud platform)\r\n\r\nA video of a previous speaking engagement is available [here](\u0026t=2s)","audience_level":"All","tags":["natural language processing","python","spacy","serverless","machine learning","ai","artificial intelligence","nlp","software architecture","software design","docker","system design","webservice","web application","Machine Learning","Artificial intelligent","Data Scientist","Python"],"rating":62.5,"state":"rejected","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-10T03:45:55.451Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Shauryadeep Chaudhuri","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I am Shauryadeep Chaudhuri, I have been working in Software for the past 3 years. I graduated with a major in Computer Science in 2015. I am currently working in Workspan and with my previous company being Xoxzo Inc. I work remotely and am a digital nomad. I love to travel as much as I love to code. I fell in love with python because of its simplicity and aesthetics of the language compared to other programming languages, and use it for all kind of fun hacks I can do around in my lazy time.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"xuryax","url":"","organization":"Workspan","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":" A Simple Introduction to GAN with PyTorch and Tensorflow","abstract":"The talk is all about Machine Learning and Deep Learning and how cool it is and what cool things it can do. How to bootstrap a Generative Adversarial Network with basic fundamentals of Math. This talk intends to introduce people and get them excited about Deep Learning.","description":"The talk would be exploring Generative Adversarial Networks and their real-life applications. The talk would start by describing Generative Algorithms and why GANs are becoming increasingly relevant. An overview on how and why GANs work will follow. This would also briefly explore the math needed for creating a GAN, and end with on how to create a Vanilla GAN with PyTorch.\r\nGAN Examples available publicly will also be briefly explored and the potential to create so much more.\r\nThe motivation of this talk is to provide an overview and starting point for people who have little or no knowledge of the subject, and to get more people interested in this field, and how with python even these complex subjects can be easy and enjoyable to do.","notes":"","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["data science","machine learning"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"rejected","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-08-22T10:07:01.636Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Amajid Sinar Guntara","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Data Scientist at PT Renom Infrastruktur Indonesia. On a quest to engineer intelligence.","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"Guntara","url":"","organization":"PT RENOM INFRASTRUKTUR INDONESIA","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Solving Grid World Using Dynamic Programming","abstract":"RL is a hot subject. But lack of beginner-friendly tutorials make the topic more elusive than ever. This tutorial aims to address that problem. Here, we’ll show that solving a Grid World problem is actually quite easy under certain circumstances.","description":"Although Markov Decision Processes (MDP) is not considered as full Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem, deep comprehension of this subject is paramount in understanding more complex RL problems. MDP is said to be a partial RL problem because it assumes that we know the probability of what will happen next if we take particular action\r\n\r\nWe will start the tutorial by defining the most important concept in all RL algorithms, the Agent-Environment Interface. Then we would discuss what is meant by MDP, its components and also its limitations. We would also see some equations, but don't worry, if we understand the theories very well it would be a walk in the park to solve a Grid World problem from scratch.\r\n\r\nThe Grid World problem itself refer to a problem where an Agent lives in a grid world and can move from coordinate to other coordinate. However, things does not always goes as planned: moving up doesn't guarantee that the Agent would be in a higher y-coordinate. Our goal is to train our Agent to be in a certain coordinate called the 'finish line' when there are obstacles and uncertainties when taking an action given that the Agent starts from a coordinate called 'start line'.","notes":"Background requirements:\r\n- Able to comprehend mathematical equations\r\n- Understand looping","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Reinforcement Learning","Artificial intelligent","Machine Learning"],"rating":17.3333333333333,"state":"rejected","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-30T16:02:06.930Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Mauricio Hernandes","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I came to Japan in 2010 to get my Ph.D. in Mathematics. After graduating I worked in a Crypto exchange. Currently I’m a co-founder in Obolus, a crypto financial advisory company.","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"mauhcs","url":"","organization":"Obolus","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Use Python for your Tokens - Hacking bitcoind and wormhole cash the pythonic way.","abstract":"Learn how a blockchain node works and how to read and write data to it. From Jupiter notebook, participants will be able to interact with the BlockChain, make transactions and issue tokens. For simplicity, we will focus on Bitcoin Cash, but the same knowledge can be transferred to any blockchain.","description":"## Introduction\r\nOne can view blockchain as a decentralized database where the cryptocurrency of its chain is an anti-spam mechanism. Among other information that can be stored in a chain, asset ownership is one of them. In this workshop we will leverage the blockchain to keep track of our assets. Everything without leaving Python.\r\n\r\nFrom Jupiter notebook, participants will be able to interact with the BlockChain, make transactions and issue tokens. Their tokens will be transferable, will have fixed or manageable supply and even be issued as an ICO.\r\n\r\nThis workshop will focus on Wormhole cash (OMINI layer fork), but participants will be able to transfer the experience to issue tokens in any bitcoin-like blockchain.\r\n\r\nBy the end of the workshop the participant will have a broad view of bitcoin-client applications and how to interact with it. The participant will know how to store and ready data from bitcoin BlockChain and how to issue his or her own token.\r\n\r\n## What you will learn: \r\n1. Useful Python libraries to interact with Blockchain. \r\n2. Bitcoin Tx knowledge. \r\n3. How to read and write information to Bitcoin Blockchain.\r\n\r\n## Resources:\r\n\r\nWormhole Cash + Python Notebook: [](\r\n\r\nWriting to BCH Blockchain Sprint Notes: [](\r\n","notes":"","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["blockchain","Python","cryptography"],"rating":50.0,"state":"rejected","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-18T08:42:34.405Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Hepiska Franatagola","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"im hepiska right now I working as sr full stack engineer at beside of work as full stack engineer right now I'm interested in machine learning and ai, so right now Im start to recall what I learn in my master degree and start writing medium article\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Image processing with python and open cv","abstract":"This talk will cover introduction to image processing using python and openCV including couple image processing technique such as image enhancement, object detection, and image feature extraction. this technique can be use as pre processing before using the data for machine learning","description":"#image processing with python and openCV\r\n\r\n###image processing\r\nImage processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may be image or characteristics/features associated with that image. Nowadays, image processing is among rapidly growing technologies. It forms core research area within engineering and computer science disciplines too. bunch of image processing\r\ntechnique that can be use at machine learning that related to image. eg: image noise reduction, image feature enhancement, and object detection\r\n\r\n\r\n### openCV\r\nopenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is the computer vision library that commonly use, It contains almost all method that needed in image processing, and this talk will introduce how u implement and use openCV in python.\r\n\r\n","notes":"I get my master degree in electrical engineering in Gajah ada university and focusing on signal processing, and i been lear about signal processing technique, and machine learning. and right now I work as sr full stack software engineer at, beside that I also do freelance in machine\r\nlearning and signal processing.","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["imageprocessing","opencv","Python"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"waitlist","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-27T16:25:15.250Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Aditia Lukman Ernawan","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Autodidact Python and Django developer. Currently work as devops at Impact Data, AU.\r\nI run, I code, I laugh.\r\nNot your daily programmer.","talk_format":"Lightning Talk (~5-10 minutes)","twitter":"aditialukman","url":"","organization":"Impact Data","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"How failures help me become a better developer","abstract":"Hi, I would like to introduce the concept of test-driven development in developing Django web apps. By following this method, a developer can experience Django framework inside and out. Plus, the idea of having a short cycle of code-test-fail-learn is deemed effective for learning in general.","description":"Introduction/Background profile\r\nTesting tools\r\nTTD paradigm \r\nTesting cycle\r\nTesting benefits\r\nConclusions","notes":"If this goes through, it will be my very first talk. So please bare with me ^^. \r\nBriefly about me, I'm no expert in python or anything like that. I'm a web developer by hobby and profession, I utilise many web technology and Python and Django are in my top list. What mostly drives me to talk in pycon Indonesia is the idea to share the knowledge in something that I believe could be useful for the individual and people around them. ","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Django","testcase","unittest","functionaltest","webdev"],"rating":75.0,"state":"waitlist","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-30T13:12:14.835Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Shauryadeep Chaudhuri","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I am Shauryadeep Chaudhuri, I have been working in Software for the past 3 years. I graduated with a major in Computer Science in 2015. I am currently working in Workspan and with my previous company being Xoxzo Inc. I work remotely and am a digital nomad. I love to travel as much as I love to code. I fell in love with python because of its simplicity and aesthetics of the language compared to other programming languages, and use it for all kind of fun hacks I can do around in my lazy time.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"xuryax","url":"","organization":"Workspan","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Analyzing Real Estate data through web scraping and visualization","abstract":"This will be a more workshop kind of talk,where I intend to talk about data scraping and visualization and then walk through code showing the results in real time.\n1. Talking about scraping and visualization ( 7-8 mins)\n2. Showing live code on Jupyter Notebook and results. (12-15 mins)\n3. Questions.","description":"# Analyzing Real Estate data through Web Scraping and Data Visualization\r\n\r\nHi! I'm here to talk about Web Scraping and Data Visualization and how that we can do simple things we can do to make our lives easier. I will be showing this the example of Real Estate Data. \r\nThis is talk would focus on going through the written code and using it to show results in real-time. I will show how to scrape data from a data source using python libraries such as BeautifulSoup. And then how to transform the data and feed it to a Charts Library to visualize the data and to understand it clearly.\r\nThe intention of the talk is to show how **easily** python libraries can be used and simple tasks can be done using it. How Real Estate data is just an example. How these techniques can be used for other analyzing tasks like stocks, student performance tracking, employee performance, understanding your bills and various applications. And doing it in under an hour.\r\nJupyter Notebook would be used in this talk to show and going through the code.","notes":"For this talk the Technical Pre-requisites for a person would be to know just Python. I will be using simple techniques and simple code that would be understandable by someone who does not have prior knowledge to the subject. I would not go into the depths of each library, but to just show how powerful libraries can be used in simple ways without understanding it completely.\r\nThe setup would be done on my laptop prior to the talk. I will need an internet connection, would keep a backup of data used.\r\nAfter the talk, I will provide link to all the resources and code used in talk.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["python","beautifulsoup","visualization","scraping"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"waitlist","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-08-22T10:06:43.733Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Albertus Kelvin","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"A final year undergraduate student majoring in Informatics / Computer Science at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. My research interest is Natural Language Processing (NLP).\r\n\r\nIn my spare time, I love doing several things which in my opinion could improve my skills. For instance, I love reading any book but I always have a place for mathematics and algorithm books. Reading those kinds of book helps me a lot in enhancing abstraction skill and creativity. In addition, I also love learning new technologies from the internet. Mostly, I learn by reading research papers related to my interests. I found this activity useful since I could get insights on the methodology which had never been thought of before. Hereafter, I applied the methodology to implement the paper.\r\n\r\nBesides science and technology, I also have personal interest on education, environment, health, and human rights.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"Institut Teknologi Bandung","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Source Code Generation Based On User Intention Using LSTM Networks","abstract":"Programmers often spend their time to write code and find solution for syntax errors. How if the programmers are able to describe the problem in natural language and a \"smart\" system generates the desired source code automatically? I think programmers can focus on more strategic activities.","description":"Programmers often spend their time to write code and find solution for syntax errors. How if the programmers are able to describe the problem in natural language and a \"smart\" system generates the desired source code automatically? I think programmers can focus on more creative and strategic activities.\r\n\r\nTo develop such system, I applied natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning technique. NLP was used to understand the problem statement, while deep learning was used to generate the relevant source code.\r\n\r\nTo get the semantic of the problem statement, I compare the problem statement with few base statements. A base statements is a single instruction sentence retrieved from the passage of the programming problem. I used this approach as everyone may express the same problem using different ways (paraphrasing). The final output of this natural language processing is a structured format of the problem statement. This output will be passed to the deep learning model.\r\n\r\nMeanwhile, to generate the desired code, I implemented one of deep learning model architectures, namely Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Networks. There were two variations of LSTM used in this project, namely encoder-decoder and vanilla LSTM. I conducted two experiments. The first experiment only used the encoder-decoder model, while the second model used the combination of the encoder-decoder and vanilla model.\r\n\r\nFor the implementation process, I used Python 2.7 and Keras framework (Theano as the backend). Keras framework is a deep learning framework which is very helpful for text preprocessing, model architecture design, training, and evaluation, and so forth.","notes":"This talk is about program synthesis. In the implementation itself, I combined natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning techniques. This topic was part of my last year's internship. It means that I had conducted research on this topic. In addition, I found that this topic is rare yet interesting. I would like to share what I did and found to the general audience. ","audience_level":"All","tags":["Keras","Natural Language Processing","Deep Learning","Program Synthesis","Automatic Programming","Long Short Term Memory Networks"],"rating":75.0,"state":"waitlist","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-28T11:23:54.659Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Jason Wangsadinata","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Jason Wangsadinata considers himself as a Python hobbyist. Jason previously cut his teeth on being a live sound engineer, studio engineer, and a composer for video games, before he transitioned to the life of software engineering. He holds a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from [Wesleyan University](, and was elected for Phi Beta Kappa. He then spent sometime working at [Traveloka]( as Software Engineer in AI and ML. Currently, Jason is actively improving financial access and working on large scale payment systems in Go with his team at [Brankas]( He previously gave a talk on Creating and Analyzing Music with Python during PyCon ID 2017, and regularly speaks about the recent technology in the Go community in Jakarta.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"Brankas","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Demystifying GRPC: The Modern Toolkit for Building Microservices","abstract":"Have you ever wondered how big companies like Google or Netflix scale their traffic? In this talk, we will demystify the magic of Protocol Buffers, the data format that allows efficient message passing over HTTP/2, and GRPC, the transport mechanism that delivers those protocol buffers over the wire.","description":"This talk hopes to cover the basic notion of GRPC (and Protocol Buffers), the history as to why these technologies are being built, and how to use these technologies with Python. It will cover the structure of the protocol buffers file, the basic server-client communication of GRPC and if time permits, streaming RPC.","notes":"Audience should have a basic knowledge of JSON based REST services. Others will be covered in the talk.\r\n\r\nIn my current company, I used protocol buffers, grpc, grpc-web and grpc-gateway on a daily basis to build a large scale payment systems. I also have done some private consultation on building scalable API using GRPC.\r\n\r\nTalks can be done in either English or Indonesian.\r\n\r\nA basic laptop with HDMI setup should do for this talk.\r\n\r\nThank you so much for organizing this.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["python","grpc","rest-api","protobuf","grpc-gateway"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-26T05:49:59.131Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Afif Akbar Iskandar","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"afifai","url":"","organization":"Bukalapak, Machine Learning ID","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Strategi mengoptimalkan performa script Python","abstract":"Python sering digunakan untuk analisis data dikarenakan mudah dipelajari dan mudah digunakan. Namun sering kali performa yang didapatkan sangatlah lambat. Presentasi ini akan menjelaskan strategi menggunakan Python secara efektif sehingga performa yang didapatkan jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya","description":"Python merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang mudah digunakan, namun seringkali kemudahan itulah yang membuat Python lambat dibandingkan bahasa low level lain seperti C, Fortran, dll.\r\n\r\nPresentasi ini akan menjelaskan 7 strategi untuk mengoptimisasi Python untuk mengolah data, terutama data numerik. Studi kasus yang dipaparkan pada presentasi ini adalah implementasi K-Means clustering.\r\n\r\nStrategi yang dipaparkan berupa penggunaan beberapa pustaka seperti : NumPy, Cython, Dask, dsb.\r\n\r\nPresentasi ini merupakan presentasi dasar yang perlu diketahui untuk orang yang baru dalam pemrograman Python, ataupun yang sudah berpengalaman.","notes":"Saya merupakan lulusan Matematika yang terjun ke dunia programming selama kurang lebih 7 tahun, sehingga permasalahan optimisasi pada script seringkali menjadi concern utama,\r\n\r\nOleh karena itu presentasi ini saya persembahkan untuk teman-teman yang juga concern terhadap performa bahasa pemrograman Python, sehingga dapat menggunakan Python lebih efisien","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Data Scientist","numerical","optimization"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T16:05:41.651Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"ilya alexander s.","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"IT Director for a Jakarta based digital-agency. \r\nSince 1998, using Linux as personal main OS and all infrastructures. In love with command-line, and also in love-and-hate relationship with WIndows and MacOS. \r\n\r\nEasily reached via @ialexs or email [email protected]","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ialexs","url":"","organization":"Narrada Communication","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Python For All - From install, to everyday task, to.. *anything*","abstract":"Kendala yg selalu dialami para Tutor: biasanya menghabiskan satu/dua-jam pertama utk membantu peserta melakukan setting-environment, sebelum dpt melakukan hands-on tutorial. Sessi ini utk memberi gambaran, tips-trick utk menanggulangi kendala tsb, baik utk para Tutor atau peserta tutorial.","description":"\r\nKendala umum yang biasa (_baca: selalu_) dialami oleh peserta tutorial (yang berlatar belakang GUI OS), adalah bagaimana mempersiapkan _computing-environment_ yang sesuai. \r\n\r\nBegitu juga dengan para Tutor, sebelum melakukan hands-on tutorial, biasanya akan menghabiskan waktu satu atau dua jam pertama untuk melakukan bimbingan kepada para peserta dalam mempersiapkan _computing-environment_ yang sesuai. \r\n\r\nPresentasi ini adalah utk memberi gambaran dan tips-trick untuk menanggulangi kendala tersebut, baik untuk para Tutor maupun para peserta tutorial.\r\n\r\n","notes":"## Latar Belakang - Background\r\n\r\nSesuai dengan thema PyCon 2018 _'Python for Everyone'_, dan seperti tercantum pada bagian 'Talk Description', dan juga terinspirasi dari komik XKCD berikut \u003c\u003e\r\n\r\n\u003cimg src=\"\"\u003e\r\n\r\n... maka\r\n\r\nsessi ini akan berbicara tentang kendala dan hal-hal mendasar lainnya sebelum terjun ke dalam _'dunia-Python'_.\r\n\r\nSlides akan dalam bentuk ilustrasi dan pointers, dan dalam bahasa Inggris sederhana.\r\n\r\nKalau ada peserta yang tidak berbahasa Indonesia (non Indonesian speaking audience), session akan dibawakan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.\r\n\r\nSecara teknis, talks ini akan membicarakan hal-hal terkait berikut:\r\n\r\n- Setting virtual environment\r\n- Package management\r\n- Coding environment\r\n- Everyday task in Python\r\n- .. _bbrp hal menarik lain yg sedang dirumuskan oleh penulis_\r\n\r\n## Keterangan Tambahan\r\n\r\nBerbekal pengalaman menggunakan Linux sebagai OS utama sejak 1998, saya sangat memahami kendala-kendala yang dialami oleh rekan-rekan yang baru akan masuk ke dunia coding/programming dengan environment non-GUI. \r\n\r\nBeberapa pendekatan non-teknis juga mempunyai peranan penting dalam membantu user memasuki _computing-environment_ yang baru.\r\n\r\n## Harapan:\r\n\r\nSetelah mendengarkan sessi ini, diharapkan para peserta \r\n\r\n- Dapat dengan mudah melakukan set-up pada perangkat masing-masing sesuai kebutuhan.\r\n- Membantu user lain dalam melakukan setting Python environment\r\n- Membantu para Tutor memahami kesulitan peserta dalam _merombak_ computing-environment mereka\r\n\r\n\r\n*Anekdot*: Kalau mau jago main gitar, ya harus juga mau belajar pasang senar gitar dan 'setem' gitar'.. \r\n","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["python","virtual environment","package management","basic"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T11:48:46.052Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Iyanu Ajao","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I am a Python developer with Physiology as my background. ","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"IyanuAshiri","url":"","organization":"TeapotNG","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Type Hints: Adding Types To Legacy Codebases","abstract":"Python is often described as a dynamic language and this is one of the selling point of the language especially to beginner developers and academicians. Python 3.6 introduced type hints but this feature is not so popular among developers. This talk will help the audience understand type hints","description":"# Description\r\n\r\nPython 3.6 allowed developers to add types to their code but most developers are not yet familiar with type hinting. Most developers don't know what type hinting really means and how it can benefit their development work flow. There are even developers that believe that the introduction of type hints to Python is against the philosophy behind the creation of the language in the first place. This talk will expose developers to one of the nicest feature of Python 3.6.\r\n\r\n\r\n# Who and Why\r\n\r\nThis talk is for the following categories of developers:\r\n\r\n1. Intermediate developers that want to learn the new cool feature of Python 3.6\r\n2. Advanced developers that believe Type hints is against the Zen of Python - Beautiful is better than ugly.\r\n3. Advanced developers that want to improve their developer workflow\r\n\r\nAt the end of this talk, developers must have fully grasped what Type hints is all about and how to get started with type hints\r\n\r\n# Outline\r\n\r\n1. Type Hints\r\n\r\n * What is Type Hints\r\n\r\n * The Difference between Type Hinting and Static Typing\r\n\r\n * Advantages of Type hinting to a developer workflow\r\n\r\n * How Type Hints is better than Adding comments\r\n\r\n * The Zen of Python - Explicit is better than Implicit\r\n\r\n2. Getting Started with Type hinting \r\n\r\n * The basics of Type hints and Examples\r\n\r\n * The limitations and Examples\r\n\r\n * How to get around this limitations and Examples\r\n \r\n3. Adding types to legacy codebases\r\n\r\n * Gradual Typing\r\n\r\n * Tools - MyPy, Pyre, MonkeyType","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["python","typing"],"rating":1.0,"state":"rejected","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-30T16:33:32.426Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Febby Oktaviani","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"West Java Province, Indonesia","bio":"## BIO\r\n\r\nFebby Oktaviani is a Software Engineer at JULO Finance and a Technology enthusiast with over 4 years experience being Developer\r\nI started learning python in 2014 when i was in the university and dive into the Hardcore world of Python at JULO since 2017 until now.\r\nI love Python because it's represent the pseudocode so much and make my lines of codes looks so beautiful and elegant, the important thing is you can build anything for many purposes with python.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"JULO Finance","shirt_size":"Women's M","title":" Dive into The Magic of Django ORM ","abstract":"My name is Febby, I am a software engineer at JULO. i've built many backend feature with Django framework. i want to share my experience in leveraging The Magic of Django ORM.","description":"# Dive into The Magic of Django ORM\r\n\r\n## Submitted by\r\n\r\nFebby Oktaviani\r\n\r\n## Description\r\n\r\nDjango ORM is one of the key pillars of Django. It provides abstractions to work with databases, in a mostly database agnostic way.\r\n\r\nDjango ORM combines ease of use with powerful abstractions. It keeps “Simple things easy and hard things possible”.\r\n\r\nIn this tutorial, you'll learn how to use Django ORM in a hardcore way.\r\n\r\n## Audience\r\n\r\nThis is an beginner to intermediate level tutorial geared toward those that have experience with backend development using Django.\r\n\r\n## Objectives\r\n\r\nIn this Tutorial you'll learn how to utilize the magic of Django ORM.\r\n \r\n\r\n## Outline\r\n\r\nIntroduction (30 minutes - (100% lecture))\r\n\r\n1. About Me\r\n2. Objectives\r\n3. Introduction to Django\r\n4. Create Simple Web App Implementing Django ORM\r\n\r\nWhat's next? (10 minutes)\r\n\r\n1. Questions ","notes":"## Outline\r\n\r\n1. this Tutorial will cover introduction to Django, creating Web App with Django, and Implementing Django ORM\r\n2. this Tutorial will use Docker to run PostgreSQL\r\n3. source:\r\n *\r\n *\r\n *","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Web Development"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-29T09:46:10.249Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Harley Davidson Karel","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Indonesia","bio":"Harley Davidson Karel is working as Associate Application Security Consultant at Vantage Point Security Indonesia. He is certified ethical hacker and well trained working in application security activities that help organisations to put security aspect in every stage of software development life cycle. He has been speaking on OWASP Jakarta Meetup, OWASP Jakarta night #2 , PyconMy 2018","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"-","url":"","organization":"-","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Scan Your Python Code","abstract":"This topic will cover how to find vulnerability on python using free/open source SAST.SAST usage will demonstrate on CLI and Jenkins integration.So that developer can found \u0026 fixed the vulnerability since on development stage, without waiting for penetration testing stage","description":"Find vulnerability on development stage should be implemented to find vulnerability on earlier stage (development stage) on Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Most of vulnerability found on final stage of SDLC through penetration testing. Security issues were accidentally created on design and development stage, meanwhile developer couldn't identify the vulnerability because they should wait until application passing through penetration testing, which mean on final stage. If vulnerability figured out by developer earlier, they can realize and fixed the vulnerability without waiting till penetration testing.\r\n\r\nStatic Application Security Testing (SAST) can be used to find vulnerability on development stage. SAST is a set of technologies designed to analyze application source code, byte code and binaries for coding and design conditions that are indicative of security vulnerabilities\"(\r\n\r\nThis topic will cover how to find vulnerability on development stage using free/open source SAST. It will cover SAST which has capability to scan python. SAST usage will demonstrate with several scenario, CLI usage and Jenkins integration. Jenkins is open source CI/CD tools commonly used for supporting Devops.\r\n","notes":"so, how this topic is relevant to python developer audience ? because this topic will cover how to find security issue using free/open source Static Aplication Securtiy Testing (SAST) tools which specially created for python programming language. This topic will cover demo on CLI usage and jenkins integration\r\n\r\nSo that, python developer will be able to find vulnerability on their python code and make secure code without waiting for penetration test result.","audience_level":"All","tags":["python security","Python","Web Development"],"rating":87.5,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-26T14:56:25.658Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Noah","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Noah, \r\nVolunteer of FOSSASIA which is a NPO for promoting FOSS and open technologies in Asia,\r\nvolunteer of many PyCons around the world.\r\nManaging and Supporting member of PSF,","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"noahcse","url":"","organization":"FOSSASIA","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"PyCon in Asia","abstract":"introduction to PyCon/PSF and PyCons in Asia, and I also want to share PSF community survey to everyone.","description":"introduction to PyCon/PSF and PyCons in Asia, and I also want to share PSF community survey to everyone.","notes":"","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["PyCon","PSF","Python","Community","APAC","PyConAPAC"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-29T06:01:27.628Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Kalyan Dikshit","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Kalyan Dikshit is a Mozilla Tech Speaker, Representative, and part of its Hyderabad Community, India. His job has to do with Security and he spoke at the Internet Freedom Festival 2017, 2018, Still Hacking Anyway (SHA), All Systems Go! 2017, Shift DEV 2018. He recently gave a talk at “Full Stack Fest 2018” happened in Barcelona.\r\nAs a volunteer he localizes software for Mozilla, Tor, Orfox, Orbot, GlobaLeaks, Briar and OONIProbe. He currently also devotes his time with ICRISAT where he works, with drones to develop and trial techniques to connect farmers. \r\nFounder of the “JAVA 1.X Hyderabad Chapter” giving lectures on the latest features and changes in Java. Co-founder of “Duck Duck Go Hyderabad Chapter”. \r\n«Developer by Day, Hacker by Night.»","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"decode_dev","url":"","organization":"Mozilla Tech Speaker","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Internet of Onion Things ","abstract":"\"Internet of Things,\" \"Smart Devices,\" \"Smart Homes.\" people are fascinated with them and their usage. \nBut the most important things they tend to forget are \"Security \u0026 Privacy\". The same devices which help to make your lives easier can go rogue in-a-click.","description":"Some revolutions change the entire civilization and make them more smarter, efficient. People talk about 'Industrial Revolution' in the physical world. We had the same in the virtual world i.e., \"Internet\" which had impacted the technology immeasurably and made things which were not thought of or were not achievable before that.\r\n\r\nContinuous growth is a natural process, and we have developed many technologies where 'Internet' was indispensable commodity where everything revolved around it. Then we had \"Internet of Things\" which made people question, research and develop things which were too beautiful to see the evil inside them. People were excited and happy how these devices made their lives easier, close to perfect. But the evil was lurking around ready to strike since\r\n\r\n\u003cb\u003e\u003ci\u003e\"Along with advancement lies the problem going hand-in-hand.\"\u003c/i\u003e\u003c/b\u003e\r\n\r\nThe no.of devices connected to Internet has increased exponentially. But people failed to see the \"Dark Side\" of these things. The same devices which can make perfect lives, can be used against them. And the amount of information these devices leak which is enough to obtain an accurate profile of each person. The profiling can be done to point where it can predict the decisions you make, in a particular scenario/situation.\r\n\r\nRecently, we have seen how these smart devices are used for nefarious purposes and be privacy intrusive. This has also opened many new threat vectors which affect both our personal and digital lives and can also bring down the entire Internet within a few hours.\r\n\r\nIt’s high time we realize where to draw the line and make sure we know what devices we are using and how we are utilizing them.\r\nSecurity is extremely important for achieving this goal. As this worldwide network of interconnected objects can be exploited anywhere by anyone and anytime, it is necessary to enhance it with strong security foundations able to give birth to a world-changing paradigm.\r\n\r\n\"Tor\" used by many people for its 'Safe \u0026 Secure Browsing', robust security and also making the end user in the virtual world 'anonymous'. It's high time we combine these to make sure we are in control of the devices and make them secure. The sense of fear that arises when using these \"Things\" is addressed since, recently we have seen the “Other Side” of Smart Homes and Internet of Things where people became aware of the risks of using more “IoT” which makes them more vulnerable and equally affects their privacy.\r\n","notes":"Being a avid supporter for stronger privacy restrictions and also laws for various things we use. And also working / volunteering with many open-source communities on the same side. Helped me learn, grow and understand how these things be dangerous if not properly controlled.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["CyberSecurity","IoT","Tor"],"rating":33.6666666666667,"state":"rejected","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-29T18:59:44.448Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Doni Rubiagatra","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Hello, I am Doni Rubiagatra. I am Back End Engineer at [kumparan](, co-founder of [](, and a PIC Internal at [Data Science Indonesia]( East Java. I love teaching Python to others. I scream for an Ice Cream :D","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"rubiagatra","url":"","organization":"Kumparan, Python Indonesia,, Data Science Indonesia","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Interactive Python Dashboards with Plotly and Dash","abstract":"In the interactive visualization world mainly we hear about Tableau and Shiny for R. How about Python? Python’s visualization landscape is quite complex with many available libraries. In this talk, we will look for an easy and fun way to build an interactive dashboard using Plotly and Dash","description":"Before We talk about Plotly and Dash, We start with the question of what libraries already exist to visualize data with Python.\r\n1. Matploltlib\r\nMatplotlib is the kind of grandfather of all data visualization libraries in Python. It was modeled after Matlab and have similarities syntax with Matlab. You can create almost any plot type, but it is going to be for static image files.\r\n2. Seaborn\r\nSeaborn actually using Matplotlib on the back end. It designed to create a nice looking statistical plot. Seaborn has cleaner syntax and you can really do nice plots in one line, but once again it is only for static image files.\r\n3. Plotly\r\nPlotly is the general data visualization library focused on interactive visualizations. Plotly has libraries for Javascript, React, R and Python, but the most popular version is the Python library. How is Plotly different than Matplotlib and Seaborn? Plotly creates interactive plots as HTML file. You can actually do things like zoom in, select, and hover. But We can't really be connected with changing data sources.\r\n4. Dash\r\nDash is an open source library from the same creator of Plotly that allows you to create a full dashboard with multiple components, interactivity, and multiple plots. Instead of creating HTML file, Dash will produce a dashboard web application. You can then visit and interact with this dashboard in the web application.\r\n\r\nSo, in this talk, we will look at how we create a full web dashboard web app using Dash. To fully understand Dash, we should first get comfortable with Plotly","notes":"The technical requirements for this talk are: \r\n1. Familiar with Data Analysis ecosystem in Python e.g. NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib\r\n2. Familiar web apps such as Flask \r\n","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Data","Dashboards","React","Flask","Pandas","NumPy","Data Analysis","Business Intelligence","Data Science"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-18T14:05:17.163Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"octaviano pratama","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"West Java Province, Indonesia","bio":"Octaviano has a passion in computer science and information system area especially in Artificial Intelligence. His specific research interest are in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Mobile Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information System and Business. He uses Python Programming as a tools for research. Currently he is working in PT Premier Optima Sattiga as Director of Artificial Intelligence. He graduated from Universitas Indonesia both bachelor and master degree. He also teach machine learning and programming course at state polytechnic of Jakarta","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"PT Premier Optima Sattiga","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Music Classification using Deep Learning based on Python","abstract":"By knowing Genre, Era and Mood of music, we can provide music right on target to user. in order to perform music classification, we need Machine/Deep Learning technology based on Python, so in this talk i would like to share how to classify music by its genre, era and mood based on Python.","description":"Music Classification like Genre, Era and Mood has become one of interesting research in music/audio processing. By knowing Genre, Era and Mood of music, we can provide music right on target to user. In order to recognise music type, we need features that represent music itself like Spectrogram, Zero Crossing Rate, Bandwidth and others. We also need Machine/Deep Learning model that can perform feature extraction and classification. Python supports all we need to classify music, starting from feature extraction, Preprocessing, classification , and evaluation of music classification. Library like Librosa, Scikit-learn and Tensorflow encourage programmer to create code for music classification tasks.\r\n\r\nin this talk, i would like to share how to conduct a research in Music Classification from zero to hero, how to write a code for music classification using Python and how to write conference paper about Music Classification. i also would like to offer research internship program in PT Premier Optima Sattiga to audience.","notes":"In order to perform Music Classification, we need follow requirements:\r\n(1) basic deep learning (DNN, CNN): i will explain briefly to audience (+/- 10 minutes)\r\n(2) Feature Extraction, Pre-Processing: i will demonstrate Librosa Library in Python\r\n(3) Classification: i will demonstrate Keras/Tensorflow library in Python\r\n\r\nWhy i am the best person in this subject:\r\n(1) i have published more than 10 academic papers, most of them using Python as a tools (see my LinkedIn profile)\r\n(2) My thesis works is Music Classification using Deep Learning and also Python as a tools","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Machine Learning","Data Scientist","Artificial intelligent"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-02T17:16:57.845Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"M Nasrul Alawy","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Lombok- West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia","bio":"#### You Can Call Me Alawy, I am Founder of Alphacsoft, a Software House based in Indonesia. Initiator and Facilitator Indonesia Android Kejar Lombok and Active Talk in Lombok Developer Meetup.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"Alphacsoft","shirt_size":"Men's 2XL","title":"Make Android Apps With Python !","abstract":"What if you could avoid the hassle of writing Java code for building an app for android ? What if that app could also work on other platforms? You're looking for an amazing thing called Kivy. To top it all, the cross-platform app is written in Python.","description":"Have you ever thought that Java is too complicated to make an **Android application**?\r\nOr Do You Think You Can Make **Android Applications** as Easy as Making Applications from **Python** ?\r\n\r\nThe answer is **Yes, you can !**\r\n\r\nYou Can Make **Android Applications Even IOS** Only Use One Very Simple Language That Is Python Using the Library Named **Kivy**.\r\n\r\n**Kivy** is Open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps.\r\n\r\nSo You Don't Need to Be Complicated with Multi Language Learning to Create **Android and IOS Applications**. Simply Using One Language Only You Can Run It in **Multiplatform Andorid and IOS**.\r\n\r\nIn This Talk We Will Discuss How To Make Android Applications In A Very Simple And Easy Way To Use **Python Languages** By Utilizing The **Kivy Library**.","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Android","Kivy"],"rating":34.0,"state":"rejected","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-18T19:51:08.418Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Dwi Sulfahnur","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Jakarta","bio":"I am a Software Engineer and I am using Python as my primary Programming Language since 2014. I love to learn everything about new technology, networking, Software Architecture, programming, especially backend programming. I love to share everything that I know about Programming.\r\nOn the present, I am working at Valutac as Software Engineer and handled several of Open edX Project.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"dwisulfahnur","url":"","organization":"Valutac","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Fantastic learning experience for the student with Python MOOC Platform.","abstract":"In this talk, I will talking about Open edX that we can use to make our own Elearning Platform. I will also share tips and tricks about features that we can custom to give a fantastic and fun Learning experience to the users.","description":"Summary\r\n-------------\r\nTechnology has changed the world, including our Education System. In the past, we had to be on the classroom to access education and receive lessons from a teacher. But now, we only need to use our device that is connected to the internet like a laptop or smartphone, and choose what we want to learn on the MOOC platform that available on the internet. As a student, we want a platform that can provide a fun and fantastic experience.\r\n\r\n\r\nTalk Description\r\n-----------\r\nIn this talk, I will share about Open edX that we can use to make our own Elearning Platform. I will also share tips and tricks about features that we can custom to give a fantastic Learning experience to the users.\r\n\r\nGuideline\r\n---------\r\n* What is MOOC ?\r\n* What is Open edX ?\r\n* Open edX Architecture.\r\n* Open edX Features.\r\n* The Open edX features that you can customize with your Python skills to provide a Fantastic Learning Expereience for Your Student.\r\n* Preview Extra Features that we have developed.\r\n","notes":"I work at an IT Consulting Company called Valutac as a Software Engineer, and I handle several of OpenEDX projects.\r\nMy company is one of the companies listed as an OpenEDX service provider.\r\n(","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Python","Elearning","Open edX","MOOC","Django"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T11:13:47.094Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Agustinus Dony Riyanto","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"# About me (Dony Riyanto)\r\n\r\nI'm a veteran programmer (a self-learner since '90s) but with younger spirit of new emerging technologies including drone. I'm a CTO of a startup company (, but also involved in some communities, from software, DIY makers, to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone). I run my own UAV workshop called 4drone asia, doing some UAV research focusing on electronic and software enhancement, and managed to help Indonesia's military (ARHANUD TNI-AD) to build their gunnery training simulation using drone.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"donyriyanto","url":"","organization":"4drone Asia","shirt_size":"Men's 2XL","title":"Enhancing Drone Application Development using Python and dronekit","abstract":"Many drone lib are made with python, including dronekit. I've exploring them for years, and manage to develop the first military (TNI-AD) target drone for gunnery training. I wanna share that experiences, from basic drone operation to building military drone mostly using python language and library.","description":"# Enhancing Drone Application Development using Python and dronekit\r\n\r\nNowadays, almost every technology trend prediction put drone as one of it. Its not a rocket science (event rocket science it self is not as 'rocket science' as most people fear about). It just need some knowledge of hardware (drone's part) and software (many free open source, ready to run apps on internet). Most hobbyist just use hardware part and available software, and stop tinkering deeper to the software library.\r\n\r\nIn fact, there are many drone related libraries are made with python, such as:\r\n - pymavlink\r\n - mavproxy\r\n - dronekit\r\n - dronekit-sitl\r\n - etc\r\n\r\n# Hello Drone\r\n\r\nYou may be surprised to know that, a simple drone apps build with python may looks like this:\r\n```\r\nfrom dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative, dronekit_sitl\r\n\r\nsitl = dronekit_sitl.start_default()\r\nconnection_string = sitl.connection_string()\r\nvehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True)\r\nvehicle.mode = VehicleMode(\"GUIDED\")\r\nvehicle.armed = True \r\nprint \"Taking off!\"\r\nvehicle.simple_takeoff(10)\r\nwhile True:\r\n print \" Altitude: \", vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt \r\n if vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt\u003e=aTargetAltitude*0.95: \r\n print \"Reached target altitude\"\r\n break\r\n time.sleep(1)\r\n```\r\n\r\nAnd voila, your drone is up up away\r\n\r\n# Can we make military drone application using python?\r\n\r\nYes you can. And I've done it. I make a project called Target Drone Laser Trainer. It is a set of parts: drone, firing unit, ground control station. I made the firing unit and ground control station mostly using python with those libraries. I will share about that experience in this ID PyCon","notes":"I'm the first person to make drone (multicopter) gunnery training system in Indonesia's military (confirmed by TNI it shelf). And this kind of experience is (IMHO) very rare and maybe one of its kind. And most local python developers, i think, don't know much about drone software developing using python. I'm also co-founding ASTTA (Asosiasi Sistem dan Teknologi Tanpa Awak) and member of World UAV Federation chapter Indonesia. I'm using python 2.7, with some drone related libraries, and all dependencies needed. Since many of drones action cannot be demonstrated in an indoor venue, I prefer a talk session (not workshop) but with small demonstration (basic propeller arming using python code). For that, I need a table with at least 1 meter clear area surrounding the table if possible.","audience_level":"All","tags":["drone","UAV","pymavlink","mavproxy","dronekit","python"],"rating":83.3333333333333,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T15:57:26.581Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Hendra Kusumah","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"- pycon id 2017 speaker\r\n- lecturer\r\n- maker\r\n- iot speaker\r\n- iot and python enthusiast\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"hendra_caley","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Connect your things with Micropython","abstract":"Micropython development has reach another level on the Internet of things category. Not only it can do http request directly from the microcontroller but it also can communicate using the mqtt protocol. This talk will show you how easy you can make connected things using micropython framework","description":"Micropython is an embedded system framework for various kind of microcontroller which you can code your microcontroller using python3 syntax. The development of micropython this years has reach its easiness of making internet of things projects. There are alot of library supporting the IOT protocol for micropython in which also you can make your own light web server on a tiny microcontroller. The talk will cover a lot of micropython capability of controlling physical device and connect it to the internet via an IOT server/platform","notes":"For this talk I will bring my own microcontroller device for doing a demo. For that I’m gonna need:\r\n- laptop (win 10/linux), since I don’t have one\r\n- extra set of electrical plug for powering my device","audience_level":"All","tags":["Micropython","embedded system","iot","internet of things","python3","mqtt","http"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-05T06:11:08.287Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"za","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Python and Django developer at Has been using Django for around 4 years.","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"zakiakhmad","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Django Contribution 101","abstract":"How to contribute to Django Project.\n\nThis is a beginner walkthrough on how to contribute to Django project. Starting from: \n\n* short introduction to git, \n* finding django trac tickets, \n* making branch, \n* submitting PR, \n* and making good commits.","description":"Django is quite popular web framework, but unfortunately we found it hard to contribute to this project. On this workshop, I'll try to present on how to contribute to Django project. Hopefully after this workshop, we can start doing code sprint on Django project.\r\n\r\nWe should start thinking contribution as not always a complicated things to do. Even fixing documentation could be useful.","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["Django","Python"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-28T08:27:02.737Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Ilham Imaduddin","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I am a software engineer at [Nodeflux](, a startup that provides an intelligent video analytics based on artificial intelligence. I've been working to implement our deep learning processes to be a high performance, production-grade [security, smart city and smart retails solutions](","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ilhamadun","url":"","organization":"Nodeflux","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Beyond Synchronous Python","abstract":"Python has been known to sacrifice performance for the ease of development. In this talk, we will look through some of the techniques used to make Python applications run faster by making it works asynchronously, including some tips to choose which technique to use in different scenarios.","description":"Python has been known to sacrifice performance for the ease of development. However, there are several techniques to make Python application runs faster by making it works asynchronously.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, we will look through some of the options from the standard library:\r\n- Running process concurrently with multithreading and multiprocessing\r\n- An easier way to run an asynchronous task with executors\r\n- Working in an event loop with asyncio\r\n- How to choose which technique to use in different scenarios","notes":"","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-29T19:13:45.345Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Tirtadwipa Manunggal","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Hello I am Tirtadwipa Manunggal, a Physics Engineer who loves computer. I work as a Software Engineer at Bahasa Kita, a voice recognition technology startup. I start to code with C++ and Matlab since 2011 when I was in university tackling physics problem, start to love Python since 2015 and still counting.","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"ttmanunggal","url":"","organization":"Bahasa Kita","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Better Science Understanding with Sympy","abstract":"Most people tend to stay away from math and physics as they consider these things to be scary and require tedious work. But this all changes as the computer power arises, especially when assisted with Sympy, computer algebra system. Let's have better understanding and create better project.","description":"Most people tend to stay away from math and physics as they consider these things to be scary. Person who works with those subjects has to withstand the complexity and tedious arithmetic manipulation. However, the computation power these days has made it easier to do math and physics. Our pathway to understanding the nature of math and physics becomes even easier with computer algebra system (CAS) on our side.\r\n\r\nThere are many CAS software to support our problems. Yet one of the biggest community support open source language, Python, own it’s own library for CAS as well namely Sympy. Sympy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It allows us to compute the mathematical expression. More than just mere calculator, Sympy is not only able to solve problem numerically, but also symbolic maths such as variables, function, differential, matrices, and so on.\r\n\r\nThis tutorial is aimed to give gentle introduction of Sympy’s fundamental to every one. We promote Sympy to people so it can be more widely used among the student, engineer, programmer, practitioner, or even lecture. We try to serve the demonstration on how this cool module can help them with their homework, project, or even job. Not to collapse the essence of manual hand work on math, but we want to give another approach on how people can understand science better.","notes":"Language : Bahasa\r\n\r\nAudience : Everyone who works (loves) with math or physics e.g. student, engineer, programmer, lecturer, researcher, teacher, and lecturer.\r\n\r\nObjectives : Attendees will be informed about Sympy fundamental.\r\n\r\nRequirement;\r\n- Python 3\r\n- Sympy\r\n- Matplotlib\r\n- Numpy\r\n- Jupyter Notebook","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Python","sympy","science","math"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T07:01:35.057Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Lisbeth Evalina","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Lisbeth is an AI scientist and former data scientist in Bukalapak. \r\nHer main focus is on researching recommendation AI for further improving user experience. \r\n\r\nAditya worked as AI scientist for Bukalapak. Since joined in 2016, formerly as a Data Scientist, He focused on product discovery and recommendation. His interests are big data processing, recommendation, and user behavior.\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"evalinalisbeth","url":"","organization":"Bukalapak","shirt_size":"Women's S","title":"Behind The Scenes of Our Recommendation AI","abstract":"A lot of companies got stuck in implementing their AI product, even though they have invested a lot on research. With our talk, hopefully people will know how to quickly develop a recommender engine with simple model and ready to be tested in real-life data using Python.","description":"Recommender system is essential in e-commerce industry. It could improve the user shopping experience by helping users to find products based on their behavioral pattern and interests. Not to mention its potential to generate revenue for the company. At Bukalapak, we have developed a large-scale recommendation AI which learns from terabytes of user behavior data.\r\n\r\nWhat we built is the most popular model for recommendation, which is collaborative filtering. The idea is simple: if user A liked product 1 and 2, then user B liked product 1, so user B would also like product 2. To apply this algorithm, we need millions (even billions) rows of data for the algorithm to be relevant. Therefore we used MapReduce approach to solve this case.\r\n\r\nIn order to process terabytes of data, we need highly parallelized computational tools like Spark, and workflow management tools like Airflow. Then as data scientist that usually love to do things effortlessly and only familiar with Python, we are lucky because we could use those tools in Python.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, we will explain how we’ve built a recommender engine pipeline which fully utilize Python libraries and capable of processing massive amount of raw data until it is ready to be served to users. ","notes":"The talk is mainly about how we built our recommendation AI and the tools that we used in python, like PySpark for big data processing and airflow for workflow management. We are suitable for this topic because we are involved in developing a recommendation AI for Bukalapak that gives positive impact. While developing the AI, we are also experienced in the big data processing, as the recommendation model needs to digest hundreds of gigabytes of data on daily basis.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Artificial intelligent","Data Scientist","Python"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-07T14:35:39.349Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Bayu Aldi Yansyah","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Bayu is a Data Scientist based on Surabaya, Indonesia. His goal is to helps enterprise/startup companies to make sense of human-generated content at scale.\r\n\r\nHe is interested in computational methods for human language. This broadly includes developments in machine learning methodology, the study of artificial intelligence, and the neuroscience of language. \r\n\r\nRecently, Bayu have been following recent advances in deep learning for natural language processing and applied them to his work at Kumparan as Data scientist.","talk_format":"Lightning Talk (~5-10 minutes)","twitter":"bayualsyah","url":"","organization":"Kumparan","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Asynchronous Python at Kumparan","abstract":"Going from 7,000 concurrent users to 200,000 concurrent users in a matter of seconds is not an uncommon occurrence at Kumparan. In this 5-10 minutes talk I will show you how Kumparan use Python asyncio to build a service to handle requests at this scale.","description":"Going from 7,000 concurrent users to 200,000 concurrent users in a matter of seconds is not an uncommon occurrence at Kumparan. In this talk I will show you how Kumparan use Python asyncio to build a service to handle requests at this scale.\r\n\r\n## Table of Contents\r\n- What is Asyncio?\r\n - Asynchronous I/O\r\n - event loop\r\n - coroutines\r\n - futures\r\n- How Kumparan Python asyncio to build a service to handle requests at this scale","notes":"### Technical Requirements\r\nThe only requirements are they are familiar with web development in general.\r\n\r\n### Why you’re the best person to speak on this subject?\r\nI have lead 3 projects that heavily use Python asyncio at Kumparan and I'm the author of []( and [kumparanian](\r\n\r\nMy experience using python:\r\n\r\nOne of my popular python package is [](, it have over 900 stars on github.\r\n\r\nMy linkedin profile is available here: [/in/bayualdiyansyah/](\r\n\r\nMy previous talks:\r\n\r\n- [A Guide to Deep Learning in PyTorch](\r\n- [Panduan untuk Memulai Karir di Data Science](\r\n- [Intent Classifier with Facebook fastText](\r\n- [Clustering Semantically Similar Words](\r\n- [Introduction to Python and TensorFlow](\r\n","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Web Development"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-06T05:26:13.993Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Niño Eclarin","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Call me Ninz! Avid dreamer (and heavy sleeper). Has a crush on music. Loves to play around with technology. Wants to marry astronomy and physics. \r\n\r\nCurrently tinkering with backend and architecture stuff! Building APIs and backend processing of data is my daily supplement. Can do web development if needed. Handled AWS and deployed servers for production. Speaks Python, JS, Php and C. Tried a lot of databases both SQL and NoSQL.\r\n\r\nA computer science graduate from one of the top universities in PH. If you can't find me in front of my laptop/PC doing some eloquent stuff or with my guitar playing some majestic riffs, then I'm probably with my trusty mountain bike and telescope exploring the universe! :P","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ninz_eclarin","url":"","organization":"Hacarus","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Divide and Divide: Refactoring Code in Python","abstract":"Refactoring is an underrated topic. I wish to help people learn more about proper ways of refactoring. You can always rewrite codes to make it better and I think Python has some good approache to do so. Please send me some comments and suggestions in case you find any! I hope you choose my topic :D","description":"Refactoring is often the most underrated topic among developers. But understanding how to do this properly is one of the most important things a developer and project manager should understand. This proposal aims to give some pointers on how to refactor codes efficiently and assess the impact of refactoring in projects. It also aims to discuss on WHEN to refactor and how to communicate this to managers and stakeholders.\r\n\r\nHere is the detailed info about the talk:","notes":"You need some basic understanding of Python to be able to understand some design patterns and approaches but in general, beginners can easily understand this as well. All the code samples are already provided in my github repo since I presented this talk during PyCon Korea 2018. I've also been a speaker in PyCon Philippines 2018.\r\nBased on the feedback, it seems that refactoring is a good topic since a lot of developers are interested on how to improve your code.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","Development Method","Refactoring"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-28T07:35:21.138Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Aan Wahyu","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I'm working as Security Consultant. Doing pentest and security consult. Open Source Enthusiast. Interested in Research Development and Non-Profit Organization. Passionate with OSINT and Reverse Engineering.\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Belati: Traditional Swiss Army Knife for OSINT","abstract":"Belati is a tool designed to collect data and also documents that are public to the website, domain or other services that will be used for OSINT needs. The name of the Belati itself is taken from a sharp weapon of a knife(Dagger). Which is where I think the naming matches the OSINT characteristics.","description":"Open-source intelligence is the intelligence discipline that pertains to intelligence produced from publicly available information that is collected, exploited, and disseminated in a timely manner to an appropriate audience for the purpose of addressing a specific intelligence and information requirement. OSINT also applies to the intelligence produced by that discipline. \r\n\r\nOSINT is primarily used in national security, law enforcement, and business intelligence functions and is of value to analysts who use non-sensitive intelligence in answering classified, unclassified, or proprietary intelligence requirements across the previous intelligence disciplines.\r\n\r\nBelati is a tool designed to collect data and also documents that are public to the website, domain or other services that will be used for OSINT needs. The name of the Belati itself is taken from a sharp weapon of a knife(Dagger). Which is where I think the naming matches the OSINT characteristics. This Belati is inspired from several projects that have been running include Foca and Datasploit.","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["OSINT","PYTHON"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T15:04:02.843Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Ngalim Siregar","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I am a corporate office worker, which have passion in programming. And always in progress learning python.","talk_format":"Lightning Talk (~5-10 minutes)","twitter":"ngalim_siregar","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Python Dictionaries","abstract":"Sebagai developer pemula maupun mahir, umumnya mengenal struktur data \n`dictionary` pada python. Kami ingin mengenalkan beberapa kelebihan dari \n`dictionary`, dan juga melatih untuk menulis `code` python secara `pythonic`.","description":"Talk ini akan berisi mengenai\r\n\r\n1. Kenapa `dictionary`? (1 menit) \r\n Kami ingin memulai dengan mengenalkan kenapa struktur data `dictionary` \r\n begitu penting dalam python. Mengapa struktur data ini begitu penting dalam \r\n python? Apa saja yang berhubungan dengan struktur data ini?\r\n \r\n2. Perbandingan `list` dan `dictionary` (5 menit) \r\n Pada bagian ini kami ingin membandingkan performa dari tipe data `list` dan \r\n `dict`. Bagaimana dua tipe data tersebut bekerja dan apa pengaruhnya terhadap \r\n performa pada suatu algoritma.\r\n \r\n3. Mengakses data pada `dictionary` (3 menit) \r\n Bagaimana mengakses data pada `dictionary` secara pessimistic, optimistic, atau \r\n adakah cara lain yang bisa digunakan? \r\n \r\n4. `Switch` dengan `dictionary` (4 menit) \r\n Kami ingin memperlihatkan bagaimana melakukan statement `switch` pada python \r\n dengan menggunakan struktur data `dictionary`\r\n \r\n5. JSON dan `dictionary` (2 menit) \r\n Struktur dan hubungan antara JSON dan python `dictionary`. Bagaimana kedua \r\n struktur data ini berhubungan?","notes":"This talk will explain about dict data structures in python and how we handle it in pythonic code.","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-10T07:18:48.198Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Iwan Setiawan","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Sokaraja, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah","bio":"An ordinary EE/IT lecturer who wants to learn software-defined networks and Python more.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"stwn","url":"","organization":"Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Python-Defined Networking Using RouteFlow","abstract":"The speaker would talk on the basics of software-defined networking, OpenFlow, the architecture of RouteFlow comprising mostly Python programs, plus a design of core layer in campus network powered by SDN/OpenFlow and RouteFlow.","description":"This talk is about software-defined networking (SDN), RouteFlow, and how ones can build a (simulated) core layer or backbone in campus network using them. The speaker would talk on the basics of SDN, OpenFlow, the architecture of RouteFlow comprising mostly Python programs, plus a design of core layer in campus network powered by SDN/OpenFlow and RouteFlow. The design includes requirements such as network topology, SDN/OpenFlow switches, and platform to provide virtualised IP routing services with RouteFlow. If there is enough time, the presenter also would like to show a mini demo by simulating the design using virtual machines and Mininet network emulator. This talk hopefully would give insights to the community on the application of Python in (modern) computer networks specifically software-defined core layer in campus network supporting connectivity and routing services through Python-based SDN platform.","notes":"I am a PyCon ID 2017 speaker that talked on \"Python-Defined Networking.\" In PyCon ID 2018, I would like to continue presenting application of Python in (modern) computer networks by talking on using SDN/RouteFlow platform built on mostly Python codes and providing a case in campus network particularly at core layer or backbone network.","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Python","Software-Defined Networking"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T00:52:54.318Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Citra Hasana Sagala","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Indonesia","bio":"I'm one of the best tech story teller in our office. And i like potato chips.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"Citra_desu","url":"","organization":"ESRI Indonesia","shirt_size":"Women's XL","title":"Predicting Potential Water Resource Area with Python","abstract":"Climate change makes our earth more warm from year to year. One of the impacts is, that dry season in Indonesia is more warm than usual and causes drought in several areas. Python can help to find potential areas that can be used as water resources that have never been used before.","description":"A few months ago, one of the news sites published news about drought that occurred in several regions in Indonesia. People in several villages that depend on well water are having a difficult time getting clean water. Water resources, such as wells and lakes dry up. Based on this background, research such as finding potential areas which have groundwater resources that have never been used is very important. So, How this can be done quickly? Python combine with machine learning algorithm can help to find potential location where the groundwater exist. This is one of case study in our company. Our company using python to support some analysis in GIS.","notes":"Technically this case study using python but in ArcGIS App, because there is one library that only exist in ArcGIS called arcpy and need some knowledge about geology and GIS. But, don't worry, i will explain it in my talks. I'm one of python programmer in Esri Indonesia and i understand about GIS, I'm technical person but sometimes doing sell my solution to our customers, with my experience, i could deliver this material with easy to understand for other people.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","Machine Learning","Data Scientist","ArcGIS"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-25T03:47:35.325Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"N Aliyah Salsabila","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I recently graduated from the University of Al Azhar Indonesia with a bachelor's degree in informatics engineering. This September, I joined Airy as a data analyst.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"aliyasalsabila","url":"","organization":"Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Airy","shirt_size":"Women's XL","title":"Normalisasi Kosakata Slang pada Komentar Instagram dengan pendekatan Neural Machine Translation menggunakan seq2seq Keras","abstract":"Apakah memungkinkan untuk melakukan normalisasi kosakata slang pada komentar Instagram menggunakan neural machine translation? Dataset yang digunakan merupakan kamus kosakata slang yang saya buat dan menjadi accepted paper pada IALP 2018 yang akan berlangsung pada tanggal 15-18 November mendatang.","description":"Pengguna media sosial terus bertambah setiap tahunnya dan menghasilkan data bahasa alami yang tidak terstruktur dalam jumlah besar yang memungkinkan untuk memprosesnya dengan pemrosesan bahasa alami. Namun, pemrosesan bahasa alami untuk media sosial memiliki tantangan. Teks media sosial sering bersifat informal, penggunaan singkatan, salah ketik, penulisan seperti ucapan, mengnubah huruf menjadi angka, dan sebagainya, yang bukan merupakan jeneis data untuk sistem pemrosesan bahasa alami saat ini dan dapat menyebabkan masalah, seperti out-of-vocabulary (OOV). Oleh karena itu, dilakukan percobaan untuk normalisasi atau menerjemahkan penulisan komentar Instagram publik figur di Indonesia dengan pendekatan neural machine translation, model encoder-decoder sequence-to-sequence yang diimplementasikan menggunakan Keras. Dataset yang digunakan untuk melatih model merupakan dataset kamus kosakata slang yang dibuat secara manual. Dengan mereplikasi kode implementasi seq2seq Keras, akurasi validasi yang didapat adalah 25.20% dan loss sebesar 0.1362. Meski akurasi tidak cukup baik untuk seluruh kosakata pada dataset, terdapat beberapa kategori pembentukan kosakata slang yang diperkirakan dapat memiliki kinerja model yang baik menggunakan pendekatan neural machine translation, di antaranya abreviasi terutama pada penghapusan huruf vokal, afiksasi, modifikasi vokal, dan zeroisasi. ","notes":"Yang akan dibicarakan jika terpilih nanti tentunya bukan hal yang 'berat', lebih mengarah ke tutorial/pembahasan singkat mengenai implementasi neural machine translation dengan seq2seq Keras untuk menerjemahkan atau normalisasi penulisan 'alay' pada komentar Instagram. Implementasi yang sudah ada di antaranya menerjemahkan bahasa Perancis ke bahasa Inggris. Karena normalisasi teks pada media sosial masih menjadi tantangan, jadi saya mencoba mengimplementasikannya pada domain tersebut.","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Artificial intelligent","Machine Learning","Keras","Neural Machine Translation"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T17:07:27.766Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"R AdySurya A","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"South Jakarta","bio":"I am Web Developer. Front End Developer at Valutac, PythonID Member, W3ID Member \u0026 I Speak in [Python, Javascript]","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ri7nz","url":"","organization":"Valutac \u0026 W3ID","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Image Generator On the Sky","abstract":"Images can be a problem and can be a solution for good web pages. If an image is used Having a very large size than the speed or network capabilities used by users can have a negative impact on web pages. So, in this simple talk how to generate image size according to front end requirements.","description":"## Summary\r\nWeb Development So Fast Update, images are one of the resources on the web to make a good web. However, Pictures can make a bad experience and influence visitors because image management on the backend is not right.\r\n\r\n## Talk Description\r\nIn this talk, I will share about how to manage images uploaded, auto scale/resize an image from backend to make good collaboration with front end for making a better web with Flask, Pillow, \u0026 Celery.\r\n\r\n## Guideline\r\n* Processing image with pillow.\r\n* Create task processing image in celery.\r\n* Create Webhook to make request task in flask.\r\n* Example Web with image autoscale \u0026 auto resize.","notes":"","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Web Development","flask","celery","pillow"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T16:19:26.940Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Muhammad Wildan Nur Karim","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Saya adalah Mahasiswa di Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA). Saat ini Saya adalah Pengurus Komunitas Python Surabaya ( dan juga sebagai Vision Engineer pada divisi Kontes Robot SepakBola Indonesia Beroda (KRSBI Beroda) di UKM Robotika FT UNESA. ","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Make Your Own Object Detection with Tensorflow and OpenCV","abstract":"Computer Vision dalam hal ini 'deteksi objek' adalah hal yang sangat krusial dalam era digital saat ini. banyak hal yang dapat dimanfaatkan dari Object Detection, sedikit contohnya : untuk keamanan, dan robotika. Maka dari itu, akan rugi jika kita tidak mempelajari hal ini.","description":"Kita akan belajar dari dasar, mengenai apa itu OpenCV dan Tensorflow. lalu mengembangkannya menjadi sebuah deteksi object dari dataset yang kita buat sendiri dengan cara 'labelling image'. Object detection ini menggunakan API dari Tensorflow dan SSD_Mobilenet.","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Deep Learning"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-16T14:50:48.744Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Bernd Verst","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Seattle, WA, USA","bio":"Bernd is a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, focusing on Linux, Containers and Python. Before joining Microsoft he worked for the US Government's technology innovation team 18F on, a Platform as a Service based on Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes, at Google Cloud Platform on the App Engine team and the launch of Compute Engine, at Twitter on all things ad tech and deploying to Apache Mesos, and at several startups in Silicon Valley, such as Sift Science (YCombinator Summer '11).\r\n\r\nOriginally from Germany, Bernd has been living in the US since 2005 and enjoys marathon running, jazz piano, karaoke, and learning Chinese Mandarin in his free time.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"berndverst","url":"","organization":"Microsoft","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Scaling your Flask development workflow - the container way","abstract":"Learn how to automate scaling a Flask web application using Docker containers and the Kubernetes container orchestrator - all without changing your development workflow.","description":"In this talk you will learn how to scale a Flask application using containers before automating this approach as part of your development workflow.\r\n\r\nWe cover the basics of Docker containers, the Kubernetes container orchestrator, and continuous integration \u0026 continuous delivery (CI/CD) before showing these technologies together in action:\r\nStarting from a simple Flask web application we manually build an optimized Docker container. Next we create a deployment for the Kubernetes to rollout and scale our containerized application. Finally we automate these steps using CI/CD to be triggered whenever code is checked into our Flask application's source repo. The best part is that this approach is cloud-agnostic - it applies whether you use AWS, Azure or Google Cloud.\r\n\r\nYou’ll leave this talk knowing how easy it is to use Kubernetes to scale your apps without changing anything about your current development flow.","notes":"While everyone talks about containers, few developers know how they work and use them on a regular basis. Even fewer developers can use Kubernetes. In my opinion they shouldn't have to! In this talk I aim to cover the important concepts of containers and container orchestration using Kubernetes before showing how CI/CD can be used to utilize these technologies without actually having to be aware of them.\r\n\r\nWhile this talk will cover the advantages of Kubernetes, it will not cover how to set up a Kubernetes cluster. References for doing so will be provided.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","Web Development","Kubernetes","Containers","Docker","CI/CD","Continuous Integration","Continuous Deployment"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-27T01:06:56.110Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Syarif Hidayatullah","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia","bio":"I’ve been working in GO-JEK since September 2017 as Senior Data Engineer. I responsible to develop Streaming and Batch Data Pipelines to support business data analysis. Also, managing GO-JEK big data platform and its dependencies.\r\nPreviously, I joined Financial Technology company (TrueMoney Indonesia) since April 2016 to September 2017 and had work for 4 years in Telco Company (XL Axiata). ","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"saungkertas","url":"","organization":"GO-JEK","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Real Time Data Transformation using Apache Beam Python SDK","abstract":"For data driven business, it’s essential to have insight from data in real-time. Apache Beam, can transform both batch and streaming data in easy way in real time. Apache Beam created the powerful Python SDK which easier to create and deploy to any machines/clusters and any runners.","description":"### Background\r\nETL (Extract Transform Load) is essential process for Data Engineer in any data driven company to gather insight from data they store. In the big data era, we couldn't rely on batch data, we also have to utilize real time data and transform it in streaming way to get better and fast insight.\r\n\r\n### Apache Beam Python SDK\r\nThere are similar big data transformation framework like Apache Spark and Apache Flink which both of them can transform the data using batch and streaming sources. But There are some reason why Apache Beam Python SDK comes to the picture. \r\n - Minimal code complexity in Python SDK\r\n - One pipeline can process both batch and stream \r\n - Multi runner (Direct runner, Flink Runner, Spark Runner, and Dataflow Runner)\r\n","notes":"### About Me\r\nI’ve been a year in GO-JEK as Senior Data Engineer. My main function is to create best pipeline to ingest streaming - batch data and transform it so can be consumed directly by Analysts. I’ve experienced in Python more than 2 years to create data analysis, data transformation, daily/hourly reporting, and web services API. \r\n\r\n### Talk Experience\r\nI had talks about how Go-JEK utilise data in some Google sessions:\r\n- April, 19 2018 (Jakarta) : “GO-JEK’s Journey: Moving to Google Cloud Platform”\r\n- July, 26 2018 (San Francisco) : “Run your Business with Real-time Insights from Data”","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Python","ETL","Data Transformation","Apache Beam"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-25T07:10:59.989Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Bayu Aldi Yansyah","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Bayu is a Data Scientist based on Surabaya, Indonesia. His goal is to helps enterprise/startup companies to make sense of human-generated content at scale.\r\n\r\nHe is interested in computational methods for human language. This broadly includes developments in machine learning methodology, the study of artificial intelligence, and the neuroscience of language. \r\n\r\nRecently, Bayu have been following recent advances in deep learning for natural language processing and applied them to his work at Kumparan as Data scientist.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"bayualsyah","url":"","organization":"Kumparan","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"PyTorch for Deep Learning Practitioners","abstract":"PyTorch is one of the most widely used deep learning library in python community. In this talk I will cover the basic to advanced guide to implement deep learning model using PyTorch. My goal is to introduce PyTorch and show how to use it for deep learning project.","description":"PyTorch is one of the most widely used deep learning library in python community. In this talk I will cover the basic of PyTorch to advanced guide to implement deep learning model using PyTorch. My goal is to introduce PyTorch and show how to use it for deep learning project to python developers in Indonesia.\r\n\r\n## Table of Contents\r\n\r\n- An Overview of PyTorch\r\n * torch.Tensor\r\n * torch.Tensor Operations\r\n * Indexing, Slicing, Joining dan Mutating Ops\r\n * torch.nn\r\n * torch.autograd\r\n * Utilities\r\n- Case Study: Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deconvolutional Autoencoder\r\n ","notes":"### Technical Requirements\r\nThe only requirements are they are familiar with:\r\n\r\n1. Deep learning in general\r\n2. Python in general\r\n\r\n### Why you're the best person to speak on this subject?\r\nI have working on deep learning project for the past three years.\r\n\r\nOne of my popular python package is [](, it have over 900 stars on github.\r\n\r\nMy linkedin profile is available here: [/in/bayualdiyansyah/](\r\n\r\nMy previous talks:\r\n\r\n- [A Guide to Deep Learning in PyTorch](\r\n- [Panduan untuk Memulai Karir di Data Science](\r\n- [Intent Classifier with Facebook fastText](\r\n- [Clustering Semantically Similar Words](\r\n- [Introduction to Python and TensorFlow](\r\n\r\n\r\n","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Data Scientist","Machine Learning","Artificial intelligent"],"rating":87.5,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-05T12:51:10.715Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Afif Akbar Iskandar","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Saya adalah AI Scientist di Bukalapak, pengalaman kerja sebagai Data Scientist sejak lulus kuliah S1\r\nRiwayat pendidikan:\r\nS1 Matematika UI (2011-2015)\r\nS2 Ilmu Komputer UI (2015-2018)\r\n\r\nBidang yang saya geluti adalah kecerdasan buatan, pembelajaran mesin dan aplikasinya.\r\n\r\nSaya juga aktif sebagai pembicara di beberapa event seperti : 2017, Google Cloud Next Jakarta'18, Seminar Nasional di beberapa kampus Jakarta, dll.\r\n\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"afifai","url":"","organization":"Bukalapak, Machine Learning ID","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Statistik untuk Programmer","abstract":"Ilmu statistik bagi kebanyakan orang merupakan ilmu yang sulit dimengerti. Namun dengan skill Python, statistik dapat dibuat menjadi lebih intuitif. Presentasi ini akan menjelaskan mengenai pendekatan berbasis metode sampling untuk menyelesaikan masalah statistik secara intuitif.","description":"Ilmu statistik bagi kebanyakan orang merupakan ilmu yang sulit dimengerti. Namun dengan skill Python, statistik dapat dibuat menjadi lebih intuitif. Presentasi ini akan menjelaskan mengenai pendekatan berbasis metode sampling untuk menyelesaikan masalah statistik secara intuitif.\r\n\r\nPresentasi ini juga akan menjelaskan apabila kita memahami konsep for loop, maka kita dapat mengaplikasikan statistik","notes":"Saya adalah lulusan matematika UI. Matematika / Statistik sering disebut sebagai field yang sulit, namun merupakan tugas bagi saya untuk membuatnya lebih intuitif dan make sense, sehingga tidak ada mis. konsepsi terhadap field tersebut.","audience_level":"All","tags":["statistik"],"rating":50.3333333333333,"state":"rejected","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-30T16:58:59.130Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Arief Anbiya","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Indonesia","bio":"My background is applied mathematics. Interested in modelling, data analysis, creative algorithm, pure math, and economics. Experience: researcher, actuarial, and teaching.\r\n\r\nHobby: Futsal (defender). \r\n\r\n-\r\n-\r\n-","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"anbarief","url":"","organization":"-","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Twitter Data Visualization Models \u0026 Algorithm using Matplotlib","abstract":"With Tweepy, we can collect Twitter data and then perform data visualization using Matplotlib. We will see interesting crafted data visualizations, including scattered 'image-plot' of images on Twitter, Twitter Venn, and several more. Color and dimension play important role for clear information.","description":"The talk will discuss about Twitter data collection using Tweepy ( \u003c 30% ), and then crafting interesting data visualization models using Matplotlib ( \u003e 70% ).\r\n\r\nMatplotlib already has built-in plotting functions, but we will not restrict ourselves to this. We will see new models of data visualizations crafted using Matplotlib. Color and dimension play important role to give more information.\r\n\r\nThe models are (may be updated):\r\n- (Modified) Scatter plots.\r\n- (Modified) Horizontal bar charts. (Used to show the statistics of unique accounts, the frequency plot of specific words or hashtags)\r\n- Radial bar chart. (Used to show the frequency plot of specific words or hashtags)\r\n- Scattered Image-plot. (Used to show many images in Twitter and their statistics in just one figure)\r\n- Twitter Venn diagram.\r\n\r\nWith various data visualizations, we can see through various point of views.\r\n\r\nThe algorithm of each model will be explained in a big picture, neglecting details.","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Data Analysis","Data visualization","Mathematics","Matplotlib","Twitter"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-19T15:54:06.246Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Welly Tambunan","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Indonesia","bio":"I'm CTO of Andal Software, the largest Payroll Software in Indonesia. Have a broad and depth experience in Big Data and Distributed System. \r\n\r\nAlways eager to share, learn and believe the power of community. \r\n\r\nWith 10+ years experience, produce a great software, great team and great company culture, i will share the best of my knowledge to the audience. ","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"wellytambunan","url":"","organization":"PT Andal Software Sejahtera Indonesia","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Algorithmic Trading for Indonesian Stock Market with Python","abstract":"Want to make money from Stock Market with Python ? Let's join this show ! I will show you how to pick stock and strategy using Technical Analysis with Python. After this show you will be able to make your and backtest your strategy. Let's do it. Let's trade your way to financial freedom with python.","description":"Want to make money from Stock Market with Python ? Let's join this show ! I will show you how to pick stock and strategy using Technical Analysis with Python. After this show you will be able to make your and backtest your strategy. Let's do it. Let's trade your way to financial freedom with python. \r\n\r\nMaking money from stock market is never been easy. You need to trade with probability and statistics in your side. Programmer should be able to trade automatically and systematically. I will show the live demo with real data from Indonesian Stock Market. How to get data freely. How to measure the strategy and how to create winning algorithm that beat the market. ","notes":"I have already done hundreds of testing with stock market and ready to share the knowledge on how to get started with Algorithmic Trading. Trading is always secretive activity. But we should break that wall now. All the knowledge gather from this talk should be able to cover all requirement and pre requisite for trading the stock. \r\n\r\nNot only in Indonesia but it also applicable to US Stock market or other stock market. I will deliver the talk in Indonesia. As this is Indonesian PyCon !","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","Data Scientist","Machine Learning","Artificial intelligent"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-22T07:04:54.484Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Aaron Maxwell","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Aaron Maxwell is author of the book \"Powerful Python: The Most Impactful Patterns, Features, and Development Strategies Modern Python Provides\". As a software engineer, he has worked in devops, test automation, and machine learning, and now divides his time between coding, writing, and teaching.","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"powerfulpython","url":"","organization":"Powerful Python","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Decorators: Python's Secret Weapon","abstract":"What do Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Twisted, Pytest, and more have in common? They all use an immensely powerful feature of Python: the decorator. It's a secret weapon only 1% of Python developers ever master... and you'll start learning how to write decorators in this talk.","description":"What do Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Twisted, Pytest, and more have in common? They all use a rarely-understood, immensely powerful feature of Python... the *decorator*.\r\n\r\nDecorators are a way to add rich behavior around groups of functions and methods. They let you reuse code in ways not possible with objects and classes; let you untangle concerns that can't be separated any other way; and allow you to write much higher-level code.\r\n\r\nPlus: they let you contribute to your team in a massive way. Because writing a decorator is often not easy... but once you have written one, it's TRIVIAL for other developers on your team to include your decorator in your code. You start building a reputation for solving hard problems no one else can solve!\r\n\r\nIt's a secret weapon only 1% of Python developers ever learn. Come to this talk to learn what decorators are; the kinds of problems they solve; and how to start working with them today.\r\n\r\nNote: this talk will be given in English.","notes":"Aku bisa sedikit bahasa Indonesia. But mainly I speak English.\r\n\r\nI'm Aaron Maxwell, author of the book Powerful Python ( I've also created and teach the intermediate/advanced Python curriculum through O'Reilly Media. See the full curriculum here:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI'm happy to talk about any topic you think will serve the Indonesian Python community. I'm proposing to talk about decorators, but can present another topic from this list if you like.\r\n\r\nI request a one-hour tutorial session, however I can also deliver this as a 35-minute talk.\r\n\r\nI'm excited to be visiting Indonesia again (this will be my second trip to Jakarta this year, from my home in San Francisco, CA, USA). And I'm delighted to meet and get to know local Python developers.\r\n\r\nI do not have any real technical requirements, except a projector to show slides. I will have a macbook pro, and will bring an HDMI adapter; if the projector uses something else (e.g. VGA), I may need you to please provide that adapter for me. I don't even need wifi, but I do have some materials for students to download (basically the chapter of my book having to do with decorators), so it's good if wifi is provided for them.\r\n\r\nYou can contact me by email: [email protected]","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["python","","decorators","libraries","metaprogramming"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-27T15:09:17.683Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Md Shahbaz Alam","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Ranchi, JH India","bio":"I’m a Full Stack Developer, Developer Evangelist, Auth0 Ambassador, and Mozilla Representative. I speak on Serverless, Authentication \u0026 Authorization, Security, Web Extensions and Virtual Reality at different meet-ups and conferences.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"mdsbzalam","url":"","organization":"Auth0 Ambassador","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Securing your Django and Flask APIs with JWT","abstract":"APIs keeps changing and frameworks like Django and Flask are shifting the paradigm of API consumption. We often dedicate a lot of time in crafting powerful APIs but overlook proper security measures. In this talk, we'll look at proper ways to secure our APIs with JSON Web Tokens using Auth0 platform","description":"This talk contains Why Python? Flask vs Django, What is JWT? and API creation using Django and Flask, install dependencies and understand those dependencies. And learn how to secure those APIs using JSON Web Tokens. As a developer, we often dedicate a lot of time in crafting powerful APIs but overlook proper security measures. \r\nThe audience of this talk should be anyone from the IT industry, students studying computers and coders who want to build APIs and wanting to learn about securing APIs(especially python APIs). Best fit for this talk would be students and IT professionals. They will learn about JWT and how to create APIs and the best way to secure those endpoints.\r\nIt will improve the quality of code and help us in adopting new measures of writing a secure endpoint. We'll go from learning what JSON Web Tokens are, why they're the driving force in API security, and to put theory into practice actually build a real-world implementation using Flask and Django where we'll show common best practices. ","notes":"","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Django","Authentication","JWT","JSON Web Tokens","Auth0","APIs","Flask","Python","Web Development"],"rating":75.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-09T14:22:27.033Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Anthony Khong","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"I am an algorithmic trader and the co-founder of Arithmox, a data consulting company that focuses on empowering our clients with solid data foundations to be able to fully take advantage of ML algorithims. I have been using Python on a daily basis since 2013 as an algorithmic trader and in Arithmox. I am also a functional programming enthusiast, and my experience mainly comes from writing Scala and Haskell. My other interests include Bayesian statistics, high-performance computing and Vim.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"Arithmox","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"The Quest for Fast Python: PyPy, Numba and Cython","abstract":"Speed is money. Many people turn their back on Python because of its reputation for being slow. This talk shows that this is not necessarily the case. We consider three main ways to speed up your Python code. We cover their pros and cons, as well as when to use one over the other.","description":"There is a number of ways to speed up Python code. Many people would have used NumPy and be familiar with vectorised operations. However, NumPy mostly covers mathematical operations, which may leave a large proportion of the code unoptimised. In this talk, we look into three different methods for getting more general speed ups, namely PyPy, Numba and Cython. We trace their origins and their main source of optimisation. Finally, we look into examples for when one method would be more sensible than others.","notes":"## Audience Take-Away\r\n\r\nBy the end of the talk, the audience should understand where PyPy, Numba and Cython get their speed ups and how to use them. They will understand the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and when to best use each one.\r\n\r\n## Planned Outline\r\n\r\n- Introduction (3 mins)\r\n - Why do we care about speed?\r\n - Why is Python slow?\r\n - How slow is Python?\r\n- PyPy: The JIT Intrepreter (4 mins)\r\n - Introduction to JIT\r\n - History of PyPy\r\n - Example Codes\r\n- Numba: Selective JIT (4 mins)\r\n - History of Numba\r\n - Installation Reputation\r\n - Example Codes\r\n- Cython: Drop Down to C (4 mins)\r\n - Dropping Down to C\r\n - History of Cython\r\n - Example Codes\r\n- What about NumPy? (3 mins)\r\n - Speed ups from vectorisation\r\n - Do I Really Need All This?\r\n - The NumPyPy Complications\r\n- Speed Benchmarks (4 mins)\r\n - Profiling PyPy, Numba and Cython\r\n - Code Comparisons\r\n- What Should I Use? (5 mins)\r\n - The Single-Function Example\r\n - The Coconut Example\r\n - Numba + PyPy Synergy\r\n- Conclusion (3 mins)\r\n- Q\u0026A (5 mins)\r\n\r\n## Additional Info\r\n\r\nI have been using Python daily for over five years. I have spoken in a number of public events, a large proportion of which is on statistics and machine learning. I have previously spoken about \"Pythonic Functional Programming with Coconut\" in PyCon Bangkok 2018 and \"Property-Based Testing with Hypothesis\" in PyCon Kuala Lumpur 2018.","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","PyPy","JIT","Numba","LLVM","C","Scientific Computing","High Performance Computing","Anaconda","Cython"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-25T14:14:59.467Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Trapsilo Bumi","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Tokyo, Japan","bio":"I am a Software Developer in HDE, Inc., based in Tokyo, Japan. I am passionate for all sorts of tech, excited in challenges whether it be building software solutions or sharing it with others through talks. I'm also passionate in music, especially [Angklung]( which has been my life (playing, conducting, arranging) for the past several years.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"HDE, Inc. (Japan)","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"Modern Tech meets Traditional Music: Enhancing Angklung Performances with Python","abstract":"Combining modern technology with traditional music? Why not! Listen as I explain how Python can improve the quality of life of players and conductors of an age-old traditional musical instrument, by harnessing computing power with the elegance and simplicity of the Python language.","description":"[Angklung]( is a traditional musical instrument from Indonesia. This instrument has a lot of variety in how it is performed; a common format is the orchestral format in which 15-30 players gather to form a team. Playing angklung in this way is fun but also presents some challenges that are hard to solve manually.\r\n\r\nI will show you how Python-based algorithms can be used to improve the quality of life of angklung players and managers, by reading Angklung sheet music and calculating the most optimal distribution based on several important factors. In addition, Python also plays a role in easing the pains of transforming western music notation to traditional musical notation ([Cipher notation](","notes":"I am excited to speak on this subject because music (Angklung primarily) and programming have both been my passion for several years, and the two come together so perfectly that I can't wait to share my experiences and visions about this with others through my talk.","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Music","Angklung","Optimization"],"rating":75.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-18T23:48:10.857Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Ivan Torroledo","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Bogotá D.C. Area, Colombia","bio":"Ivan Torroledo is a data scientist in the Cyxtera Research organization. In this role, he develops and implements machine and deep learning algorithms to enhance phishing detection, network security, fraud detection, and malware mitigation. Ivan is also highly interested in research on the application of machine and deep learning in high energy physics and astrophysics. Before joining Cyxtera, he worked at the Central Bank of Colombia, applying high performance computing tools to monetary policy analysis. He is passionate about applying the most advanced scientific knowledge to cyber security industry. Ivan holds degrees in Economics and Physics.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ivanTorroledo","url":"","organization":"Cyxtera","shirt_size":"Men's S","title":"Building next generation writers using AI","abstract":"Could a machine write an original book? it’s known among AI community that ML algorithms helps to automate many tasks, nevertheless, machines will never match human creativity. In this talk we’ll discuss how to create a text generator algorithm capable to replicate the creative writing process","description":"This talk is based on the research paper DeepPhish: Simulating AI (, where it was designed an AI text generator capable to create URLs to bypass an AI phishing detection system. Using this theory, we are going to present an alternative application of natural language processing. Specifically, we will show how to build an AI text generator capable to learn the writing style of most famous writers and even capable to create its own style. The talk is design to cover from most basic natural language processing concepts, main techniques for text preprocessing to finally apply the these concepts to design our first AI powered writer.\r\n\r\n\r\nOutline\r\n\r\nIntroduction: 3 min\r\nNLP fundamentals: 7 min \r\nData preprocessing: 6 min\r\nBuilding an AI text generator: 10 min\r\nExamples: 6 min\r\n\r\nTotal time: 32 min","notes":"There are not technical requirements for the talk. It is just required beginner python experience and passion for Artificial Intelligence! Ivan has several years applying machine learning, statistical models and computational modelling in areas like finance, economics, physics (astrophysics, high energy physics) and cybersecurity. His latest research experience its centered around natural language processing applications for cybersecurity. Some of their recent talks have been at Anti Phishing Working group symposium (, DEFCON ( and Bogota Data Science meetup (","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Artificial Intelligence","Machine Learning","Natural Language Processing","Human Automation","Creative AI","Data Science"," Deep Learning"],"rating":75.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-04T20:26:40.441Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Matthew Egan","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Sydney","bio":"Matthew Egan is the lead software engineer at DiviPay, an expense management and virtual card Startup in Sydney. Matthew has full-stack experience building complex bidding and event management systems and previously acted as Captain for the Australian robotics team. In his spare time, Matt enjoys contributing to the open source community, playing roller hockey and snow skiing.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"NullMatthew","url":"","organization":"DiviPay","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Describing Descriptors","abstract":"Descriptors are a little known feature of Python. They provide a way for a programmer to customize the storage and retrieval of different instance variables. In this talk, you will learn about the descriptor protocol, what it can be used for, and how to implement a descriptor.","description":"Oftentimes beginner programmers go through traditional features when learning a language. For Python beginners this might involve variables, control structures like if-statements, while and for loops, dictionaries, and finally classes. However, if we read the Python documentation we find that another feature that can be used in Python is that of the descriptor protocol. Descriptors allow the programmer to override the storing and retrieving of different class instance variables such that special behaviours can be followed. For example, we might want some variable to follow some special validation. We could do this using `__setattr__` on the containing class but perhaps we want to reuse the validation in another class, or we want other validations for other variables and we don't want `__setattr__` to become a huge if/elif/else block. In this talk, I will walk attendees through what a descriptor is, what use cases they can use them in, how to implement a descriptor, and common descriptors in the Python ecosystem that users may or may not have identified as descriptors (often just referred to as *magic*).","notes":"I would like to present this talk using my own laptop if possible, I have a HDMI port available but will need notice if other connections are required. \r\n\r\nI am passionate about all things Python and descriptors just happen to be one of my latest musings. I gave this talk at PyCon AU 2018 and found that many attendees enjoyed the content. I have been a Python developer for a number of years however professionally I have been working with Django and DRF for about 3 years. ","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["python"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-08-27T12:37:35.679Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Bhagvan Kommadi","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Chennai Area, India","bio":"Bhagvan Kommadi, Founder, Architect Corner has around 18 years experience in the industry, ranging from large scale enterprise development to helping incubate software product startups. He has done Masters in Industrial Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology (1997) and Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (1993). He is member of IFX forum and participant in Java Community Process. He started WWISA chapters in Hyderabad. He is an Individual member of Oracle JCP. He is currently working as Chief Technology officer of Crystal Delta Solutions based in Chennai.\r\n\r\nHe possesses substantial and successful experience of various sectors in the creation of Centers of excellence and practices for TIBCO, Kony, Virtusa, Interglobe Technologies in the areas of enterprise mobility, enterprise content management, enterprise security, BI, SOA, CEP, MDM and BPM.\r\n\r\nHe has reviewed books Beyond Software Architecture- Creating and sustaining winning solutions by Luke Hohmann and Algorithms of the intelligent Web by Dr. Haralambos (Babis) Marmanis.\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"bhaggu","url":"","organization":"Crystal Delta ","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Adaptive Learning : Next Generation Platform","abstract":"AI based NLP engine scans and parses the messages from various communication channels. Slack is used for communication about courses, mentoring, cohorts etc.,Engine has the capability of identifying sentiments, entities which help in adaptation of the courses.\n","description":"Video content management, AI, Blockchain and Virtual/Augmented reality technologies are changing the learning management platforms. Customer focused learning systems are emerging in enterprises. Enterprises are structuring their curriculum products to help solve the high value use cases of their customers. Members of the LMS system can tailor their educational experience by choosing courses based on their learning styles. The courses are becoming more effective and helping members retain information. Platforms are differentiating by providing better, faster ways to find relevant content, whenever and wherever learners need it. Modern learning management platform is an end-to-end eLearning solution which has capabilities to create, distribute, edit and manage entire courses from start to finish independent of the content. Educational success and fulfillment are achieved through personalization and optimization of the learner’s path through courses and gaining of competencies. This new class of learning technology vendors is making it possible to augment their systems with cloud-based applications which can be easily integrated with an enterprise-scale technology ecosystem. Enterprises are now tracking and analyzing learning experiences with incredible precision which can be used to improve ongoing program and business outcomes. Tracking and reporting comes in learner-oriented dashboards and reports built for the staff.\r\nAI based NLP engine scans and parses the messages from Slack. Slack is used for communicating new courses, mentor conversations, cohort groups, general discussions and other posting from students. NLP engine has the capability of identifying threads and conversations. This will help to know and analyze the sentiments, tone, mood, emotions, utterances and other parameters from the conversations. This will help in using the historical data about the students and their preferences to adapt the learning path and course content. Adaptive Learning is used to change the ongoing content of materials and assessments based on the educational goals. NLP engine helps in capturing time to mastery, completion rates, material reading complexity, language complexity and complexity of content topics. These areas are important for historical data which will be used for adaptive learning.","notes":"Bhagvan Kommadi is the Chief Technology officer of Crystal Delta Solutions based in Chennai. He is Founder of Architect Corner \u0026 has around 18 years’ experience in the industry, ranging from large scale enterprise development to helping incubate software product start-ups. He has done Masters in Industrial Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology (1997) and Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (1993). He is member of IFX forum,Oracle JCP and participant in Java Community Process. \r\n\r\nHe is a hands on CTO who has been contributing to open source , blogs , latest technologies stack like go, python, Django, node.js \u0026 java, mysql, postgres, mongo and cassandra.He is an Individual member of Oracle JCP : He is the technical reviewer for Packt publishing and reviewed - building-serverless-python-web-services- zappa : serverless-python-web-services-zappa . He is writing for Packt Publishing - Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Go.","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","Artificial intelligent","Machine Learning"],"rating":75.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-08-31T05:18:31.502Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Kiki","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Mozilla Reps \u0026 Tech Speakers. Currently working on Community Development team at Mozilla.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"kelimuttu","url":"","organization":"Mozilla","shirt_size":"Women's S","title":"How Mozilla helps you to talk to your computer","abstract":"As the world moving to voice as user interface, Mozilla is now thinking about how we can accelarate this technology and come up with a project called Common Voice. Learn about how we can make use of this project and how we can also contribute to it.","description":"As the world moving to voice as user interface, Mozilla is now thinking about how we can accelarate this technology and come up with a project called Common Voice. Learn about how we can make use of this project and how we can also contribute to it. ","notes":"","audience_level":"All","tags":["voice technology","Machine Learning","Artificial intelligent"],"rating":67.0,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-30T17:05:17.464Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Afif Akbar Iskandar","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Saya adalah AI Scientist di Bukalapak, pengalaman kerja sebagai Data Scientist sejak lulus kuliah S1\r\nRiwayat pendidikan:\r\nS1 Matematika UI (2011-2015)\r\nS2 Ilmu Komputer UI (2015-2018)\r\n\r\nBidang yang saya geluti adalah kecerdasan buatan, pembelajaran mesin dan aplikasinya.\r\n\r\nSaya juga aktif sebagai pembicara di beberapa event seperti : 2017, Google Cloud Next Jakarta'18, Seminar Nasional di beberapa kampus Jakarta, dll.\r\n\r\n","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"afifai","url":"","organization":"Bukalapak, Machine Learning ID","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Pengenalan Deep Learning menggunakan Tensorflow","abstract":"Deep learning menjadi sebuah trend beberapa tahun terakhir. Beberapa perusahaan baik startup maupun corporate berlomba-lomba untuk membuat produk canggih berbasis deep learning. Workshop ini akan memperkenalkan deep learning secara teknis menggunakan Tensorflow","description":"Deep learning yang menjadi trend dalam beberapa tahun terakhir membuat pegiat bisnis berlomba-lomba untuk membuat produk berbasis teknologi tersebut. Namun apakah deep learning merupakan sesuatu yang sulit mengingat teori dalam deep learning sangat berkaitan dengan matematis ?\r\n\r\nWorkshop ini akan memperkenalkan deep learning secara teknis menggunakan library Tensorflow, sehingga peserta workshop dapat mengerti bagaimana deep learning bekerja.","notes":"Saya merupakan praktisi Artificial Intelligence dan juga pengajar machine learning, deep learning dan computer vision.\r\nBeberapa tahun terakhir, saya menggunakan beberapa pustaka deep learning seperti : Tensorflow, Pytorch, Tflearn, Keras, dsb. Sehingga berpengalaman untuk membawakan workshop dengan topik diatas.","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["tensorflow","deep learning","artificial intelligence"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-30T16:20:55.242Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Muhammad Alfian","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Saya adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir, jurusan Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya. Sudah kurang lebih satu tahun saya menekuni bidang Text Mining dan sejak awal saya menggunakan python dalam mengeksplore Text Mining. Beberapa lomba yang saya ikuti, menghasilkan produk yang berbasis text mining, di antaranya Hoax analyzer dan Chatbot Lapor. Produk tersebut saya ikutkan Gemastik dan juga Compfest tahun lalu. Saya juga pernah terlibat dalam proyek real, yang melibatkan text mining. Saya pernah magang di NoLimit Indonesia, sebagai Data Scientist, untuk membuat mesin otomatis pengkategorian data sosial media. Dan saat ini mengambil konsentrasi Tugas Akhir yaitu text mining, machine learning dan Big data.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"","shirt_size":"Men's 2XL","title":"Mudahnya Text Mining menggunakan Python","abstract":"Text Mining adalah salah satu cabang AI yang saat ini sedang booming. Dengan teknologi chatbot, text mining berperan penting dalam setiap prosesnya. Dan semua fitur text mining dapat kita lakukan dengan mudahnya menggunakan Python. Dengan bantuan library python, text mining menjadi mudah.","description":"### Text Mining\r\n\r\nText mining adalah proses penambangan informasi dari sebuah text. Ilmu tersebut merupakan cabang dari Artificial Intelligence. Text Mining saat ini sangat populer, mengingat sangat berkembangnya teknologi Chatbot saat ini. Selain itu, berkembangnya sosial media seperti facebook, twitter, dan lain lain membuat informasi text menjadi sangat banyak. Hal ini menjadi peluang tersendiri bagi yang bergulat di text mining.\r\n#### Materi\r\n\r\nMateri yang akan saya bawakan di antaranya \r\n- Mengenalkan, apa itu text mining ?\r\n- bagaimana proses text mining ?\r\n- bagaimana mengolah text menggunakan python ? Tentunya dengan library yang canggih berbahasa Indonesia, yaitu sastrawi\r\n- apa yang dapat dilakukan ke depan menggunakan text mining ?","notes":"Saya adalah mahasiswa tingkat akhir, jurusan Teknik Informatika, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya. Sudah kurang lebih satu tahun saya menekuni bidang Text Mining dan sejak awal saya menggunakan python dalam mengeksplore Text Mining. Beberapa lomba yang saya ikuti, menghasilkan produk yang berbasis text mining, di antaranya Hoax analyzer dan Chatbot Lapor. Produk tersebut saya ikutkan Gemastik dan juga Compfest tahun lalu. Saya juga pernah terlibat dalam proyek real, yang melibatkan text mining. Saya pernah magang di NoLimit Indonesia, sebagai Data Scientist, untuk membuat mesin otomatis pengkategorian data sosial media. Dan saat ini mengambil konsentrasi Tugas Akhir yaitu text mining, machine learning dan Big data.","audience_level":"Beginner","tags":["Python","Artificial Intelligent","Text Mining"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-30T12:56:00.465Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Aditthya Ramakrishnan","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"India","bio":"I have recently finished my bachelors degree at SRM University, India. I have previously spent a semester studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, interned at the MIT Media Lab, Carnegie Mellon University's Institute for Software Research and Wolfram Research. I have also started Next Tech Lab, a student-run research lab at my university, mentoring and leading over 200 members working in fields like AI, AR/VR, IoT etc. I also organise PyData KTR and Amaravati meetups.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ad137hya","url":"","organization":"Next Tech Lab","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Resurrecting the dead with deep learning","abstract":"We will use powerful techniques in deep learning to create language models and use them to generate literature in the style of Nietzsche; Rap in the style of Eminem \u0026 Compose music inspired by Mozart. The results are so remarkable that it's sometimes hard to tell generated text from the real thing.","description":"Recently, results of projects like and have shown how neural networks can generate remarkable text by being trained on corpora of literature, MIDI files, tweets etc.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, we will dive deep into character-level modelling based on recurrent neural networks using Keras with a TensorFlow backend. We will build multi-layer LSTMs and train it over a corpus of text to generate remarkable results. We will cover basic theory of neural networks, backpropagation, RNN/LSTMs, dataset preparation and training. I will explain how the network models a probability distribution to generate text character by character and also discuss hyper-parameter tuning (especially Softmax temperature) to control the output.\r\n\r\nPeople have used these techniques to - \r\n1) Generate literature in the style of dead writers and poets like Nietzsche, Shakespeare and Robert Frost.\r\n2) Generate beautiful AI composed music inspired by the likes of Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. \r\n3) Generate lyrics and rap by training on Lennon-McCartney \u0026 Hamilton songs respectively.\r\n\r\nSometimes when given a prompt, these networks can also effectively hallucinate text that the author of the input corpus might have said when given the same prompt.\r\n\r\nThere will be live examples and a few more interesting uses of this technique.\r\n\r\nPrior knowledge of linear algebra and a basic overview of machine learning is helpful but not necessary.\r\n\r\nI will also provide a Github repo with the code from the talk and provide links to trained models of the live examples for attendees to experiment with and build upon.\r\n","notes":"I have previously worked on music composition using LSTMs at Wolfram Research under the guidance of Dr. Stephen Wolfram and worked on projects involving AI \u0026 Deep Learning while working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University and Next Tech Lab, the lab that I started at SRM University.\r\n\r\nI have also built a recommendation engine for a hack which ended up winning one of India's largest Hackathons out of 1700+ teams. \u003c\u003e\r\nAnd more recently, I was a part of the team that won the Microsoft New England Machine Learning Hackathon. Where we worked on using ML to help fix the bias in COMPAS recidivism risk scores that unfairly target minorities and African-americans.\r\n\u003c\u003e\r\n\r\nI have also created a twitter account: which contains tweets generated by training an LSTM over the complete speeches of Hitler and Lincoln to pay tribute to a character from Rick \u0026 Morty. The character (Abledorf Lincler) is a failed genetic mutation created by combining the DNAs of two polar opposites to create a neutral world leader. Instead, he ends up having a confused worldview and utters paradoxical sentences.\r\n\r\nResume: \u003c\u003e\r\n\r\nLinkedIn:","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["AI","Deep Learning","TensorFlow","Keras","Data Science","Web Scraping","neural networks"],"rating":62.5,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-30T12:24:16.559Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Chinab Chugh and Heri Rusmanto","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Singapore","bio":"Chinab leads the product engineering team at Jublia while continuing to work on moonshot ideas that pushes the boundaries of interfacing technology with face-to-face interactions. He has several years of Infrastructure and web development experience, helping Jublia scale as a company and business.\r\n\r\nHeri is from Computer Science at UGM, now Tech Ops Engineer at Jublia. He loves Python, the programming language and the snake too. You can ask him about both later.","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"creavery","url":"","organization":"Jublia","shirt_size":"Men's L","title":"From Zero to Hero for Managing your Servers","abstract":"What if we told you that you can configure your servers, release code, control access, do concurrent development and much more with a few commands. Introducing the bastion-satellite server arrangement, proudly built with Python, to make devops a piece of cake in any organization!","description":"Having good devops practices is important for product stability, but many a times the tools out there may not serve the right fit to what you are looking for. Moreover, there is a lot of emphasis on server provisioning and CI / CD, but very little on server access and collaboration. The problem arises when you have to manually manage your server environment, such as setting up every developer’s public key into each server, maintaining the developer’s permissions on each instance and always keeping it up-to-date in case people leave and old projects finish. This poses a security risk for your organization, and we didn’t find a good devops tool which solves our problems and can be customised to our infrastructure.\r\n\r\nThis talk will dive into how a bastion-satellite server arrangement offloads and automates server management at scale, as you learn about:\r\n\r\nHow to simplify server access and permissions by individuals and groups\r\nHow to configure your server, deploy and release code\r\nBenefits and lessons learnt from someone new to devops but believes that Python can solve any problem","notes":"Despite being a small drop in the whole ocean, Jublia (which is fully Python-driven) always tries to contribute back to the community and inspire engineers to admire how Python can deliver a stable, secure and high performance system. Our idea to sponsor the event is for an overseas startup like us to gain exposure in the Indonesia talent market and use the talk as a medium to share one of the unconventional learnings with Python, which is in the field of devops.\r\n\r\nPlease note that there will be 2 speakers for this talk - Chinab Chugh and Heri Rusmanto.","audience_level":"All","tags":["Python","DevOps"],"rating":100.0,"state":"accepted","confirmed":true,"created_at":"2018-09-19T03:20:30.756Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"muhamad faisal burhanudin","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"faiz_al","url":"","organization":"PT Sebangsa","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Distributed Task with Celery","abstract":"python is beautiful language but . . . . its slow.\n\nbut the program that you created should not be slow, using distributed task, process can be done simultaneously by many workers, besides being fast it can also be a bridge to other languages, as well as fail over","description":"# Distributed Task with Celery\r\n\r\nMake your python apps more **durable**, **faster** . and **interoperable**.\r\nUsing Celery as library we will learn how to create distributed task. ","notes":"I extensively using rabbitmq and celery during my carrer as python programmer","audience_level":"All","tags":["python","distributed task","celery"],"rating":67.0,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-26T14:15:34.344Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Arjuna Sky Kok","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Indonesia","bio":"I do 3 things for my livelihood:\r\n \r\n- I build boring web applications (using Django, React.js) and mobile applications (Android+Kotlin, iOS+Swift, React Native) for my dearest clients,\r\n\r\n- I write about blockchain ( and I am writing a book about Blockchain for programming books publisher. It will be finished on March 2019,\r\n\r\n- (Soon) I am going to teach kids about Robotics using ROS\r\n\r\nMy linkedin: [Arjuna Sky Kok]( )\r\n\r\nI graduated from 2 Udacity Nanodegree's:\r\n \r\n* [Robotics Software Engineer]( ) \r\n \r\n* [Self-Driving Car Engineer]( )\r\n\r\nI am an organizer of [Jakarta Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Meetup]( )\r\n\r\nIf not working:\r\n \r\n* I play StarCraft 2,\r\n \r\n* I watch French movies and Japanese animes on Netflix,\r\n \r\n* I dance Salsa and Tango.\r\n","talk_format":"Workshop (\u003e 60 minutes)","twitter":"arjunaskykok","url":"","organization":"PT. Langit Biru Arjuna","shirt_size":"Men's M","title":"Blockchain Programming on Ethereum With Python","abstract":"This workshop is about:\n \n * Writing a smart contract with Vyper (a language which has same syntax with Python)\n \n * Building a decentralized application using which will interact with that smart contract\n\nStudents will build a blockchain voting application.","description":"In this workshop you are going to learn how to do Blockchain programming with Python. First, you are going to write a smart contract using Vyper, a programming language which has same syntax with Python. Then you'll learn how to write a decentralized application using \r\n\r\nThe application that you are going to write is a voting application. Then we will upgrade this voting application into token based voting application.\r\n\r\nThe demand of Blockchain programmers is increasing steeply. So it's a good time to learn Blockchain programming.","notes":"Technical requirements:\r\n\r\n - Basic Python\r\n\r\n - Basic understanding of Blockchain","audience_level":"All","tags":["Blockchain"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-24T14:24:28.913Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Ardhito Hendranata","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Ardhito Hendranata believes Technology is a means to an end, and it is not an end in itself. His interest is building high-performance scalable systems to solve real-world problems. He holds an MEng degree in Computing (Software Engineering) from Imperial College London. During his time in the UK, he acquired work experience from FactSet, IBM, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Outside work, apart from fixing his parents’ IT issues, you would find him hacking away on a machine-learning problem. Recently he co-founded a technology firm, Arithmox, specialising in Data Infrastructure, Data Analytics, and Data Science. The firm serves companies from various industries, such as 1 of the largest car sharing companies in the world and 1 of the top 3 flour companies in Indonesia.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"ardhitz","url":"","organization":"Arithmox","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Gradual Typing in Python","abstract":"Gradual Typing was first coined by Jeremy G. Siek and Walid Taha in 2006. It is a type system which allows some parts of a program to be statically typed, and others to be dynamically typed. Let us learn why and how to apply gradual typing in Python using static type checkers, mypy and pyre.","description":"“Statically typed languages are when you have to tell a computer that 2 is an integer and '2' is a string.” - unknown\r\n\r\nSurely there is more to static typing than just to tell a computer that 2 is different than ‘2’. \r\nWait a minute, are they really different?\r\n\r\nThere is an ongoing debate on which type system is better: static or dynamic? \r\nBoth have its own advantages and disadvantages. \r\nThe question is, “Can we get the advantages of static typing in dynamically-typed Python?” \r\nThe answer to that is Gradual Typing, which allows programmers to control some parts of a program to be statically typed, and others to be dynamically typed.\r\n\r\nWe have seen the application of Gradual Typing in other languages, such as TypeScript (for JavaScript), Hack (for PHP), PHP (since 7.0) and C# (since 4.0). How can we apply that in Python?\r\nIn September 2015 Python 3.5 was released, this version supports type hints (PEP 483, PEP 48). This opens up a door for static type checkers to be developed.\r\nFacebook and Instagram use Python heavily, they built a static type checker for Python, called pyre, which was recently released in May 2018. Another option is mypy, which Guido van Rossum is a also contributor to the project. This also gets support from Dropbox as they released PyAnnotate, auto-generate type annotations for mypy. \r\n\r\nMaterials:\r\n- Type Systems: Why and Categories\r\n- Advantages and Disadvantages of Static vs Dynamic Typing\r\n- Gradual Typing in Python\r\n- Static Type Checkers: Mypy vs Pyre\r\n","notes":"In the last 10 years I have used different Programming Languages, with a mix of statically-typed languages such as C, C++, Java, and also dynamically-typed languages such as Javascript, Ruby, Perl, PHP, and Python.\r\n\r\nIn addition to that, whilst studying for my MEng Computing degree, I also learnt formal methods/systems theoretically to reason about correctness of computer programs, such as Logic, and Induction.\r\n\r\nCombining these theoretical and practical knowledge, I believe I could share and inspire the audience.\r\n","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Python","mypy","pyre"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-18T10:08:02.485Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Eka Kurniawan","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Bandung, Indonesia","bio":"","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"","url":"","organization":"Bukalapak","shirt_size":"Men's S","title":"Handling 3 V's in Big Data: Velocity, Volume, and Variety","abstract":"Data is the new oil. The difference is that data is not limited but overabundant. And it keeps increasing as 90% of the entire world data is from the past 2 years. In this talk, we will present the ways to handle 3 V's in big data, they are Velocity, Volume, and Variety.","description":"We will start by describing 3 V's (Velocity, Volume, and Variety) in big data and explaining why are they important. Then, we will show how to handle them using Python together with some demos, benchmark results, as well as things to avoid. On the Velocity, we will use Kafka. On the Volume, we will use Spark and TensorFlow Data ( And finally, on the Variety, we will evaluate some serialization formats (such as ProtoBuf, NPY, Pickle, and HDF5) as well as file formats (such as RDD, JSONL, Parquet, and ORC).","notes":"","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["Big Data"],"rating":62.5,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-10T10:04:34.282Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Bhavani Ravi","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"## Speaker Info:\r\nBhavani Ravi - Software Engineer - Orangescape - \r\nTech Enthusiast - Django \u0026 Chatbot specialist \r\nMentor/Speaker Build2learn, Chennai Geeks.\r\n\r\n[Chatbot Workshop - Forge AI Conclave](\r\n[Chatbot workshop - PyDelhi Conference](\u0026list=PL3Aq1JLV2oFZFzSGsDUcc6BieBEvUDzJg\u0026index=12)\r\n\r\n## Speaker Links:\r\n[](\r\n[@geeky_bhavani](\r\n","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"geeky_bhavani","url":"","organization":"Orangescape","shirt_size":"Women's M","title":"Machine learning behind chatbot","abstract":"In this talk ill cover\n\n1. Chatbot’s architecture\n2. NLP behind chatbots\n3. Things to keep in mind while building your own chatbot","description":"## **Overview**\r\nGoogle Assistant and Siris' of the world have tickled our curiosity enough to deep dive and understand under the hood technologies that make a chatbot. Though we don't have Google level of data to create a generalized chatbot, we can use the existing NLP engines and develop chatbots that produce valuable results in a specific domain. For eg., anything that goes in your FAQ page can be converted into content for a chatbot.\r\n\r\nIn this talk, I'll share my 2-year journey with chatbots. Existing bot platforms and how to leverage it to build your chatbots and connect it with messaging platforms like slack, telegram, etc.,\r\n\r\nI'll also share my experience from my experiment on trying to develop your NLP engine.\r\n\r\n## **Objective**\r\nTo explore chatbot technologies and dig deeper into NLP concepts that drive these technologies from underneath. \r\n\r\n## **Target audience**\r\nSince we are going to demystify `rasa_nlu` to understand the NLP concepts, it is important that you have a good hand on Python constructs.\r\n\r\n## **Outline**\r\n\r\n1. Chatbot's architecture,(5 mins)\r\n\r\n2. How to use chatbot engines to build a chatbot (5 mins)\r\n\r\n3. [NLP behind chatbots - demystifying Rasa_nlu]( (15 mins)\r\n\r\n4. Q\u0026A - (5 mins)\r\n\r\n## [**Slides**]( -- This is just a draft will be updating it soon\r\n\r\n## [**Chatbot workshop @ PyDelhi Conf -- Video**](\r\n\r\n\r\n## **Speaker's Bio**\r\n\r\nBhavani Ravi - Software Engineer @ Orangescape - Tech Enthusiast - Django \u0026 Chatbot specialist - Mentor/Speaker Build2learn, Chennai Geeks. \r\n\r\n1. [Chatbot's Architechture]( \r\n2. [Hello world of chatbots world - wordbot](\r\n3. [An Experiment with Opensource chatbot engine - RASA NLU](\r\n4. [Chatbot Workshop - Forge AI Conclave](\r\n4. [Chatbot workshop video- PyDelhi](","notes":"I have been working on chatbots for past 2 years and I have used all the existing platforms and also experimented to create one. Chatbot technologies are pretty new to most of the developers and in this talk will cover the basics on how to approach building chatbots.\r\n\r\n*Prerequisites*\r\nBasic Python\r\nREST API\r\n\r\n*Content URLs*\r\n1. [Hello world of chatbots world - wordbot](\r\n2. [An Experiment with Opensource chatbot engine - RASA NLU](\r\n","audience_level":"Intermediate","tags":["python","chatbots","NLP","RasaNLU"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-08-30T15:40:57.759Z","additional_info":null},{"name":"Shagun Sodhani","email":"[email protected]","avatar":"","location":"Unknown","bio":"Hi, I am Shagun Sodhani. I am a researcher and MSc student at [Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms]( I graduated in Computer Science from [IIT Roorkee]( in 2015 and have previously worked as a Machine Learning developer with the Data Science team at [Adobe Systems]( for 2 years. Research takes most of my time though I regularly attend tech-talks and meetups around the city. You may check out my [projects](, [talks]( and [resume](\r\n\r\nI love Computer Science in general and Machine Learning in particular. I regularly [read and summarise papers]( from these domains. I am also interested in Maths and Economics. I always look forward to meeting interesting people and learn new stuff, both in-person and remotely. If you want to talk, feel free to [drop me a line](mailto:[email protected]).","talk_format":"Talk (~25-35 minutes)","twitter":"shagunsodhani","url":"","organization":"Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms, University of Montreal","shirt_size":"Men's XL","title":"Numpy To PyTorch","abstract":"Numpy is the de-facto choice for array-based operations while PyTorch largely used as a deep learning framework. At the core, both provide a powerful N-dimensional tensor. This talk would focus on the similarities and difference between the two and how we can use PyTorch to augment Numpy.","description":"Numpy is the de-facto choice for performing array-based operations while PyTorch is largely used as [\"a deep learning framework for fast, flexible experimentation\"]( Even though the two descriptions sound different, both the libraries provide access to a powerful N-dimensional array (or as we say in PyTorch - tensor). PyTorch supports tensor computations (similar to Numpy) with strong GPU acceleration. In some sense, PyTorch can be used as a replacement for Numpy to use the power of GPUs (even if your use-case is not a machine learning use case). The cost of converting a numpy ndarray to torch tensor is quite negligible as they share the same storage. Unfortunately, PyTorch cannot be used like a drop-in replacement for Numpy though PyTorchs is [\"expect to get closer and closer to NumPy’s API where appropriate\"](\r\n\r\nContent:\r\n\r\n* One slide about \"what is Numpy\"\r\n* Few slides about \"what is ndarray\" and \"operations supported\" by ndarray.\r\n * These slides would not go into the internals and are presented to keep the presentation self-contained.\r\n* Few slides about \"what is PyTorch\"\r\n * These slides would provide a brief background information about PyTorch\r\n* Few slides about \"what is torch.Tensor\"\r\n* One slide about how to convert Numpy ndarray to torch Tensor and vice-versa\r\n* Some slides about syntactical similarities and difference between the two apis\r\n * This would be a very important part of the presentation.\r\n * Here we would spend time on subtle differences between the two apis - eg Numpy uses `axis` while PyTorch uses `dim` and gotchas to look out for.\r\n * We would talk about operations that are not yet supported in PyTorch.\r\n * A small pointer about the performance of PyTorch tensors and Numpy ndarrays.\r\n * I am expecting a few questions from the audience during this part\r\n* Some slides about moving tensors to GPU\r\n * How to move tensor\r\n * Things to take care of - eg do not move data between every operation. If your data lies on GPU, try to do as many operations there as possible.\r\n* How to use other numerical computation libraries with PyTorch\r\n* Conclusion\r\n\r\nI would be using a pdf for the presentation where some slides would link to self-contained [colab notebooks]( for demoing the code. Note that I am specifically avoiding the perspective of how to train neural networks using PyTorch and want to focus on the interplay between PyTorch and Numpy. ","notes":" I am a researcher and MSc student at [Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms]( and use both PyTorch and Numpy extensively for all my machine learning based research. I have made small contributions to PyTorch though I am not affiliated with either project. This fall I am working as a teaching assistant for the *Data Mining Techniques* course at [HEC Montreal]( Previously I have worked as a teaching assistant for the 3-course series titled Data Science and Engineering with Spark XSeries, created in partnership with professors from University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles and Databricks and offered on the [edX platform](\r\n\r\nI have good experience of public speaking and have previously given talks at PyCon India 2016](, [Big Data Training Program, IIT Roorkee]( and [other meetups and reading groups](\r\n\r\nAll the demo code, that I intend to use, would run on [colab]( so as long as there is internet available, the participants do not need to install anything locally.","audience_level":"All","tags":["data science","pytorch","numpy","best practices","Data Scientist"],"rating":66.6666666666667,"state":"submitted","confirmed":false,"created_at":"2018-09-01T02:21:47.663Z","additional_info":null}]
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