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Last active May 20, 2024 02:38
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  • Save arebee/a7a77044c77443effaeddbe3730af4ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arebee/a7a77044c77443effaeddbe3730af4ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell script to create an RSS feed from a local set of MP3s
# Based on the format described at
function createRssElement{
$thisNode = $rss.CreateElement($elementName)
$thisNode.InnerText = $value
$null = $parent.AppendChild($thisNode)
return $thisNode
$mp3s = gci $pwd -filter *.mp3 # -recurse
[xml]$rss = ''
$root = $rss.CreateElement('rss')
$null = $root.SetAttribute('version','2.0')
$null = $rss.AppendChild($root)
$rssChannel = $rss.CreateElement('channel')
$null = $root.AppendChild($rssChannel)
# Channel metadata
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'title' -value 'Your title' -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'description' -value 'Your description' -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'link' -value '' -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'language' -value 'en-US' -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'copyright' -value 'entity' -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'lastBuildDate' -value $([datetime]::Now.ToString('s')) -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'pubDate' -value $([datetime]::Now.ToString('s')) -parent $rssChannel
# Items in rss feed
foreach ($item in $mp3s)
$thisItem = createRssElement -elementName 'item' -value '' -parent $rssChannel
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'title' -value $item.Name -parent $thisItem
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'link' -value '' -parent $thisItem
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'description' -value 'Your description' -parent $thisItem
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'guid' -value $item.FullName -parent $thisItem
$enclosure = createRssElement -elementName 'enclosure' -value '' -parent $thisItem
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'category' -value "Podcasts" -parent $thisItem
$null = createRssElement -elementName 'pubDate' -value $item.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString('u') -parent $thisItem
# The URL is by default the file path.
# You may want something like:
# $null = $enclosure.SetAttribute('url',"$($item.Name)")
$null = $enclosure.SetAttribute('url',"file://$($item.FullName)")
$null = $enclosure.SetAttribute('length',"$($item.Length)")
$null = $enclosure.SetAttribute('type','audio/mpeg')
$_filename = join-path $pwd "test.rss"
$xmlWriterSettings = new-object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
$xmlWriterSettings.CloseOutput = $true
# 4 space indent
$xmlWriterSettings.IndentChars = ' '
$xmlWriterSettings.Indent = $true
# $xmlWriterSettings.ConformanceLevel = 2
write-verbose $('xml formatting - writing to ' + $_filename)
$xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($_filename, $xmlWriterSettings)
Write-Verbose ("Tabbify finish " + ("*" * 60))
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arebee commented Oct 18, 2023

@sizzleweet the null = construction is to suppress the output of the PowerShell functions.

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