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Created May 18, 2017 06:33
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  • Save archenroot/cfb01b69299e32dbb6420c9dc01fe13b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save archenroot/cfb01b69299e32dbb6420c9dc01fe13b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update all repositories (SVN, GIT, Mercury, etc.)
#description :This script will make a header for a bash script.
#author :bgw
#date :20111101
#version :0.4
#usage :bash
#notes :Install Vim and Emacs to use this script.
#bash_version :4.1.5(1)-release
# store the current dir
# Let the person running the script know what's going on.
echo "\n\033[1mPulling in latest changes for all repositories...\033[0m\n"
# Find all git repositories and update it to the master latest revision
for i in $(find . -name ".git" | cut -c 3-); do
echo "";
echo "\033[33m"+$i+"\033[0m";
# We have to go to the .git parent directory to call the pull command
cd "$i";
cd ..;
# finally pull
git pull origin master;
# lets get back to the CUR_DIR
echo "\n\033[32mComplete!\033[0m\n"
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Script should be used over master directory to update all source code repositories (I have about 300 on my drive...) to latest version by using relevant subsystem - GIT, SVN, HG, etc..

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