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Last active March 30, 2017 18:25
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2017 Tim Vertein Apereo fellow nomination

Nominee name: Tim Vertein

Nominee email: [email protected]

Organization: UW-Madison

Past contributions

Tim Vertein's primary contributions are as a core developer of and leader in the now-incubating AngularJS-portal uPortal add-on, with contributions directly to traditional uPortal in that context and to the Portlets MyUW uses, including the core-to-uPortal Web Proxy Portlet and the incidentally open source UW-Madison HRS Portlets.

Tim has given well-regarded presentations at the Open Apereo conference e.g. on Design Sprints.


Tim Vertein has 95 commits in now-incubating AngularJS-portal master

  • panache in the search feature
  • excellence in widgets feature
  • panache in the app directory feature, including ratings and reviews features
  • nuances in the experience when not authenticated
  • attention to detail in Google Analytics integration
  • bugfixes
  • documentation and configurability
  • refactoring
  • release engineering and dependency updating

and 42 commits in now-incubating-uw-frame, which is best thought of as part of AngularJS-portal and probably soon will be.

  • documentation
  • refactorings
  • dependency updating, build engineering, release engineering, and bugfixes

Tim Vertein has 53 commits in uPortal master

  • Adding portlet publication lifecycle state metadata to the uPortal layout JSON API (PR 815)
  • Improving layout reset to work across profiles (PR 672)
  • Adding another strategy for profile mapping ( PR 668)
  • Much of the initial implementation of the "marketplace" portlet browsing feature; some of the initial implementation of the "favorites" feature
  • Bugfixes including to sticky profile selection; refactoring including to XSLTs; maintenance including dependency updates and test case maintenance.

Tim Vertein has 15 commits in WebProxyPortlet master

  • support for presenting user attributes as headers to the proxied resources
  • bug fixes
  • release engineering

Tim has also been essential to the creation of the growing slate of open source microservices supporting AngularJS-portal and available for implementation in other contexts.

Expected future contributions

With AngularJS-portal's entering incubation and expected positive trajectory towards emergence from incubation as a core organism in the uPortal ecosystem, Tim's continued work on and around AngularJS-portal will continue to take on more and more of an Apereo flavor. Tim is essential to the future of this Apereo product and to its successful pivot from being an incidentally open source MyUW team project to a vibrant and adopted Apereo open source software product.

uPortal has been a successful higher education open source product for more than a decade. Modernization efforts including AngularJS-portal better position uPortal to remain relevant for the next decade.

There's a tip-of-the-iceberg effect at work. Much of Tim's work hasn't been highlighted in Apereo and uPortal contexts so far. Tim is a full stack developer with significant contributions to the local-to-MyUW uPortal fork. Porting and contributing these upstream into uPortal has already been a staple of Tim's contributions and it's likely that in the coming MyUW reset onto vanilla uPortal 5, much more of those local-to-MyUW changes will be faced down and the worthwhile goodness of them extracted and ported into upstream.

Tim has several presentations on the schedule for Open Apereo 2017, including

  • "MyUW for You" pre-conference workshop
  • "MyUW and You" presentation
  • "Building and Sharing Code in uPortal beyond Portlets and War Files"
  • "Material Design"
  • facilitating a BoF on "DevOps in Higher Ed"
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jimhelwig commented Mar 25, 2017

I enthusiastically support this nomination!

That said, I can't seem to easily offer a modification, but consider including the following (or as much as is accurate).

Tim Vertein has presented at two Open Apereo conferences:

  • Design Sprints (2015)
  • AngularJS client of uPortal web services : hands on with MyUW Beta(2015)
  • Apereo Portlet Showcase (2014)
  • Developing a Sophisticated Portlet: New Version of Web Conferencing Portlet as Case Study (2014)
  • Getting there is half the fun: My UW Madison Process and Practices (2014)
  • Next Generation Portal: Redesigning the portal from a user-focused, responsive, mobile-first perspective (2014)

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arwhyte commented Mar 27, 2017

Imaginative use of a Gist. :)

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