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Antonio de Mora antoniodemora

  • Villahermosa, Tabasco
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Created February 29, 2016 19:55 — forked from mattratleph/
vimdiff cheat sheet

vimdiff cheat sheet

##git mergetool

In the middle file (future merged file), you can navigate between conflicts with ]c and [c.

Choose which version you want to keep with :diffget //2 or :diffget //3 (the //2 and //3 are unique identifiers for the target/master copy and the merge/branch copy file names).

:diffupdate (to remove leftover spacing issues)

:only (once you’re done reviewing all conflicts, this shows only the middle/merged file)

## enjoy the by-pass :)
echo "Base de datos Objetivo:"
echo "usuario de la base de datos objetivo:"
echo "host de la base de datos objetivo:"
echo "Reseteando la base de datos objetivo"
echo "drop database if exists $LOCAL_DATABASE; create database $LOCAL_DATABASE" | psql -t -U $LOCAL_DB_USER -h $LOCALHOST template1
echo "Base de datos reseteada."