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Created March 13, 2012 10:37
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Media Queries in Sass
// Media Queries in Sass 3.2
// These mixins make media queries a breeze with Sass.
// The media queries from mobile up until desktop all
// trigger at different points along the way
// And important point to remember is that and width
// over the portrait width is considered to be part of the
// landscape width. This allows us to capture widths of devices
// that might not fit the dimensions exactly. This means the break
// points are seamless.
$mq-mobile-portrait : 320px !default;
$mq-mobile-landscape : 480px !default;
$mq-tablet-portrait : 768px !default;
$mq-tablet-landscape : 1024px !default;
$mq-desktop : 1382px !default;
// Both portrait and landscape
@mixin mobile-only {
@media (max-width : $mq-mobile-landscape) {
// Everything up to and including the portrait width of the phone
// Since it's the smallest query it doesn't need a min
@mixin mobile-portrait-only {
@media (max-width : $mq-mobile-portrait) {
// Everything up to and including the mobile portrait
@mixin mobile-portrait-and-below {
@media (max-width : $mq-mobile-portrait) {
// Everything above and including the mobile portrait
@mixin mobile-portrait-and-up {
@media (min-width : $mq-mobile-portrait) {
// Everthing larger than a portrait mobile up until mobile landscape
@mixin mobile-landscape-only {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-mobile-portrait + 1) and (max-width : $mq-mobile-landscape) {
// Everything up to and including the mobile landscape width
@mixin mobile-landscape-and-below {
@media only screen and (max-width : $mq-mobile-landscape) {
// Everything above and including the mobile landscape width
@mixin mobile-landscape-and-up {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-mobile-portrait + 1) {
// Both the portrait and landscape width of the tablet
// Larger than a landscape mobile but less than or equal to a landscape tablet
@mixin tablet-only {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-mobile-landscape + 1) and (max-width : $mq-tablet-landscape) {
// Everything larger than mobile landscape up until the portrait width of the tablet
@mixin tablet-portrait-only {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-mobile-landscape + 1) and (max-width : $mq-tablet-portrait) {
// Everything below and including the portrait width of the tablet
@mixin tablet-portrait-and-below {
@media only screen and (max-width : $mq-tablet-portrait) {
// Everything above and including the portrait width of the tablet
@mixin tablet-portrait-and-up {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-mobile-landscape + 1) {
// Larger than portrait but less than or equal to the landscape width
@mixin tablet-landscape-only {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-tablet-portrait + 1) and (max-width : $mq-tablet-landscape) {
// Up to and including the tablet landscape
@mixin tablet-landscape-and-below {
@media only screen and (max-width : $mq-tablet-landscape) {
// Everything larger than portrait tablet
@mixin tablet-landscape-and-up {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-tablet-portrait + 1) {
// Everything larger than a landscape tablet
@mixin desktop-and-up {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-tablet-landscape + 1) {
// Everything below and including the desktop
@mixin desktop-and-below {
@media only screen and (max-width : $mq-desktop) {
// Everything larger than a landscape tablet but less than or equal to the desktop
@mixin desktop-only {
@media only screen and (min-width : $mq-tablet-landscape + 1) and (max-width : $mq-desktop) {
// Retina screens have a 1.5 pixel ratio, not 2
@mixin retina {
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {
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gempir commented Feb 23, 2018

@anthonyshort what is this licensed under?

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