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anon987654321 /
Last active October 12, 2024 12:48
Upcoming AI3


AI3 is a cutting-edge tool built with Ruby and LangChain that integrates advanced language models like ChatGPT directly into the Unix command line. It assists with any task imaginable—from personal assistance and system monitoring to file management, application completion, politics and governance, and even the design of spacecraft, new propulsion methods, and the construction of entire cities. By leveraging the OpenAI Assistants API for conversational intelligence and the Weaviate vector database for efficient semantic searches and information retrieval, AI3 delivers expertise across a wide range of professions with a level of intelligence that surpasses that of humans or other AIs.

Key Features

  • Advanced Language Models: Integrates models like ChatGPT for intelligent, context-aware responses.
  • Domain Expertise: Offers specialized knowledge in fields such as science, medicine, law, architecture, and music production.
  • Command Line Integration: Seamlessly operates from the Unix comm

Postpro - Analog Etterbehandling

Dette bildebehandlingsverktøyet bruker libvips for å emulere forskjellige analoge filtre og effekter. Verktøyet er designet for å tilføre en profesjonell, cinematisk og gjerne nostalgisk touch til digitale bilder, inspirert av klassiske filmutseender og profesjonell fargegradering brukt i filmindustrien.


  • Bleach Bypass: Høykontrast, lav metning som gir et dramatisk uttrykk, brukt i actionfilmer.
  • Cross Processing: Øker farger og kontrast, etterligner feilaktig filmutvikling for en unik look, ofte sett i musikkvideoer.
  • Kodachrome: Inspirert av Kodaks ikoniske film med høy kontrast og mettede farger, perfekt for en retro følelse. Mer om Kodachrome.
  • Teal & Orange: En stil brukt i moderne filmer med k
anon987654321 / 1 -
Last active October 9, 2024 21:34
Aqim - Basic USDT Frapped/Flash Token Creator

Basic USDT Frapped/Flash Token Creator

Version: 1.1


This tool helps you create USDT tokens quickly and easily. Whether you're looking to flash tokens for a short time or transfer them on ERC20 and TRC20 networks, you’re in the right place.

What Are USDT Tokens?
USDT (Tether) tokens are stablecoins that are worth about one U.S. dollar. They make it easier to trade and move money in the cryptocurrency world without the wild price swings of other cryptocurrencies.

anon987654321 / distorted-warptunnel-audio-visualizer.markdown
Created June 24, 2023 05:42
Distorted Warptunnel Audio Visualizer
var audio, audioContext, audioSrc;
var analyser, analyserBufferLength;
var w;
var h;
var btStart;
var txtStatus;


(self["webpackChunkwebpackerrrrr"] = self["webpackChunkwebpackerrrrr"] || []).push([["application"],{

/***/ "./app/packs/channels sync recursive _channel\\.js$":
  !*** ./app/packs/channels/ sync _channel\.js$ ***!
/***/ (function(module) {


# OpenBSD/amd64


table <acme_challenge_table> { $localhost }

Simple genders setup with enumeration

Inspired by this StackOverflow answer.

Processing by Devise::RegistrationsController#create as HTML
  Parameters: {
        "email"=>"[email protected]",

Installing Solidus 2.10 on a fresh Rails app

  • Rails
  • Ruby 2.6.6p146 (2020-03-31 revision 67876) [x86_64-openbsd]
  • sqlite3 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03 fc82b73eaac8b36950e527f12c4b5dc1e147e6f4ad2217ae43ad82882a88bfa6
dev@dev:~/mystore% rails generate spree:install
Running via Spring preloader in process 53310
      create  config/initializers/spree.rb
Script started on Mon Sep 14 23:09:12 2020
dev@dev:~/mystore% rails generate spree:install
[Spree WARNING] Missing migrations.
[Spree WARNING] add_amount_remaining_to_store_credit_events from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_available_locales_to_stores from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_available_to_columns_and_remove_display_on_from_payment_methods from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_available_to_users_and_remove_display_on_from_shipping_methods from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_index_to_spree_payments_number from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_join_characters_to_promotion_code_batch from spree is missing.
[Spree WARNING] add_lft_and_rgt_indexes_to_taxons from spree is missing.