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Last active January 8, 2024 19:29
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WSL2 Static IP Address (Windows Host Override)

WSL 2 Static IP Address (Windows Host Override)

A crude, but effective solution for hosting local development projects inside WSL 2.

before you start

  • node js is required
  • ⚠️ this script changes your host file - save a copy of your host file before use


1. Create C:\wsl\sync-wsl-ip.js

const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');

// Step 1: Get the latest WSL IP address
const wslIpAddress = execSync('wsl hostname -I').toString().trim().split(' ')[0];

// Step 2: Read the Windows host file
const hostFilePath = 'C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts';
const hostFileContent = fs.readFileSync(hostFilePath, 'utf8');
const excludeRegex = /docker/;

// Step 3: Update the Windows host file with the latest WSL IP address
const updatedHostFileContent = hostFileContent
    .map(line => line.trim())
    .map(line => {

        if (excludeRegex.test(line) || line.charAt(0) === '#' || line === '') {
            return line;

        const domain = line.split(/\s+/).slice(-1)[0];

        return `${wslIpAddress} ${domain}`;

fs.writeFileSync(hostFilePath, updatedHostFileContent, 'utf8');

Now, you can open up the terminal and use node "C:\wsl\sync-wsl-ip.js to update all the IP addresses in your windows host file to your current WSL IP address.

2. (optional) Create a shortcut for easy useage

In C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, create a mew shortcut called Sync WSL IP and set the target to a new file called C:\wsl\sync-wsl-ip.bat with the following contents.

node "C:\wsl\sync-wsl-ip.bat"

3. (optional) Add any non-WSL domains to the excludeRegex

const excludeRegex = /docker|my-windows-only-project/;
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