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Forked from ColemanGariety/a-rectangle-by-google
Last active December 24, 2015 07:59
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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var t = function (c, a) {
this.c = void 0 !== c ? c : 0;
this.d = void 0 !== a ? a : 0
t.prototype.ceil = function () {
this.c = Math.ceil(this.c);
this.d = Math.ceil(this.d);
return this
t.prototype.floor = function () {
this.c = Math.floor(this.c);
this.d = Math.floor(this.d);
return this
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A && (b.strokeStyle =
y(b, s, c, a, k, k), b.lineWidth = k);
0 === p ? (C(b, v, w, l, q, !0, !0), z && b.fill(), A && b.stroke()) : (z && (C(b, v, w, l, q, !0, !0), C(b, v, w, u, D, !1, !1), b.fill()), A && (C(b, v, w, l, q, !0, !0), b.stroke(), C(b, v, w, u, D, !1, !0), b.stroke()));
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s = e.yAdj;
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e = [0.5 * c, a];
case "horizontal":
l = [0, 0.5 * a];
e = [c, 0.5 * a];
0 < k ? (l = [p, s], e = [c - p, a - s]) : (l = [p, a - s], e = [c - p, s])
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new t(l[0], l[1]);
a = new t(e[0], e[1]);
b.moveTo(c.c, c.d);
b.lineTo(a.c, a.d);
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e.isClosed && (q = e.anchors[0], b.bezierCurveTo(l[2][0], l[2][1], q[0][0], q[0][1], q[1][0], q[1][1]));
k && (b.fillStyle =
y(b, e.fillColor, c, a, e.strokeWidth, 0), b.fill());
p && (b.lineWidth = e.strokeWidth, b.strokeStyle = y(b, e.strokeColor, c, a, e.strokeWidth, 0), b.stroke())
}, y = function (c, a, h, d, m, g) {
if (a.gradientMode) {
var n = 0.5 * h, f = 0.5 * d;
c = "radial" == a.gradientMode ? c.createRadialGradient(n, f, 0, n, f, Math.max(h - 2 * m, d - 2 * m) / 2) : c.createLinearGradient(g, f, h - g, f);
a = a.color;
h = a.length;
for (d = 0; d < h; d++)m = a[d].value, c.addColorStop(a[d].position / 100, "rgba(" + m.r + "," + m.g + "," + m.b + "," + m.a + ")");
return c
return"rgba(" + Math.floor(255 *
a[0]) + "," + Math.floor(255 * a[1]) + "," + Math.floor(255 * a[2]) + "," + a[3] + ")"
}, B = function (c, a, h, d, m) {
var g = 0.5 * d, n = 0.5 * m, f = [a, a], r = c.tlRadius, b = c.trRadius, e = c.blRadius;
c = c.brRadius;
g = g < n ? g : n;
r > g && (r = g);
e > g && (e = g);
c > g && (c = g);
b > g && (b = g);
g = d - a;
n = m - a;
0 >= r && 0 >= e && 0 >= c && 0 >= b ? h.rect(f[0], f[1], d - 2 * a, m - 2 * a) : (d = r - a, 0 > d && (d = 0), f[1] += d, 0.001 > Math.abs(d) && (f[1] = a), h.moveTo(f[0], f[1]), f = [a, n], d = e - a, 0 > d && (d = 0), f[1] -= d, h.lineTo(f[0], f[1]), 0.001 < d && h.arcTo(a, n, a + d, n, e - a), f = [g, n], d = c - a, 0 > d && (d = 0), f[0] -= d, h.lineTo(f[0], f[1]),
0.001 < d && h.arcTo(g, n, g, n - d, c - a), f = [g, a], d = b - a, 0 > d && (d = 0), f[1] += d, h.lineTo(f[0], f[1]), 0.001 < d && h.arcTo(g, a, g - d, a, b - a), f = [a, a], d = r - a, 0 > d && (d = 0), f[0] += d, h.lineTo(f[0], f[1]), 0.001 < d ? h.arcTo(a, a, a, a + d, r - a) : h.lineTo(a, 2 * a))
}, C = function (c, a, h, d, m, g, n) {;
n && c.beginPath();
c.translate(a, h);
c.scale(d, m);
c.arc(0, 0, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, g);
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