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Last active April 19, 2023 20:50
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  • Save andy108369/ca782740a8ccec43487ca2d24532e2ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save andy108369/ca782740a8ccec43487ca2d24532e2ab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Moved to on 19th April 2023.

Below is the suboptimal way of terminating the leases with the selected (unwanted) images (until Akash natively supports that).

Suboptimal because once the deployment gets closed the provider will have to be restarted to recover from the account sequence mismatch error. Providers already do it automatically through the K8s's liveness probe set to the akash-provider deployment.

The other core problem is that the image is unknown until the client transfers the SDL to the provider (tx send-manifest) which can only happen after provider bids, client accepts the bid.

    1. Create /usr/local/bin/ script with the following contents
# Files:
# - /etc/cron.d/akash-kill-lease
# - /usr/local/bin/

# Uncomment IMAGES to activate this script.
# IMAGES="packetstream/psclient"

# You can provide multiple images, separated by the "|" character as in this example:
# IMAGES="packetstream/psclient|traffmonetizer/cli"

# Quit if no images were specified
test -z $IMAGES && exit 0

kubectl -n lease get manifests -o json | jq --arg md_lid "" -r '.items[] | [(.metadata.labels | .[$md_lid+".owner"], .[$md_lid+".dseq"], .[$md_lid+".gseq"], .[$md_lid+".oseq"]), ( | .services[].image)] | @tsv' | grep -Ei "$IMAGES" | while read owner dseq gseq oseq image; do kubectl -n akash-services exec -i $(kubectl -n akash-services get pods -l app=akash-provider -o name) -- env AKASH_OWNER=$owner AKASH_DSEQ=$dseq AKASH_GSEQ=$gseq AKASH_OSEQ=$oseq provider-services tx market bid close; done

Make the script executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
    1. Create the crontab job /etc/cron.d/akash-kill-lease with the following contents
# Files:
# - /etc/cron.d/akash-kill-lease
# - /usr/local/bin/


*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/

Praetor-based installs

  • /etc/cron.d/akash-kill-lease
# Files:
# - /etc/cron.d/akash-kill-lease
# - /usr/local/bin/


# TODO: change "deathless" with your username that runs akash-provider.service
# $ grep ^User /etc/systemd/system/akash-provider.service
# User=deathless

*/5 * * * * deathless /usr/local/bin/
  • /usr/local/bin/
# Files:
# - /etc/cron.d/akash-kill-lease
# - /usr/local/bin/

# Optimized for Praetor based provider

# Uncomment IMAGES to activate this script.

# You can provide multiple images, separated by the "|" character as in this example:

# Quit if no images were specified
test -z $IMAGES && exit 0

## TODO: point to your key: check "AKASH_KEYRING_BACKEND=test provider-services keys list" -- you can export your key from the "file" or "os" keyring backend or recover using your mnemonic seed: "AKASH_KEYRING_BACKEND=test provider-services keys add default --recover";  the key password is in ~/.praetor/key-pass.txt file
export AKASH_FROM=default
export AKASH_YES=1

export AKASH_GAS=auto
export AKASH_GAS_PRICES=0.025uakt


## TODO: point AKASH_NODE to your RPC node
export AKASH_NODE=
export AKASH_CHAIN_ID=akashnet-2
#export AKASH_CHAIN_ID=$(curl -s -k $AKASH_NODE/status | jq -r '')

kubectl -n lease get manifests -o json | jq --arg md_lid "" -r '.items[] | [(.metadata.labels | .[$md_lid+".owner"], .[$md_lid+".dseq"], .[$md_l
id+".gseq"], .[$md_lid+".oseq"]), ( | .services[].image)] | @tsv' | grep -Ei "$IMAGES" | while read owner dseq gseq oseq image; do
  env AKASH_OWNER=$owner AKASH_DSEQ=$dseq AKASH_GSEQ=$gseq AKASH_OSEQ=$oseq ~/bin/provider-services tx market bid close

  # to address: "Unknown desc = account sequence mismatch, expected 5605, got 5604: incorrect account sequence" error, provider service has to restart
  sudo systemctl restart akash-provider
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