- get the provider-services binary
install it to /usr/local/bin/provider-services
- set the following environment variables
# Note: you can rename "client" to "default" or "mykey123" .. it is up to you to name your wallet
export AKASH_FROM=client
# Note: you can use a different keyring backend if you wish to protect your key with the passhprase - "file" or "os"
export AKASH_GAS=auto
# Never change AKASH_GAS_PRICES ! it should correspond to the AKASH_MINIMUM_GAS_PRICES=0.025uakt set on all validators.
export AKASH_GAS_PRICES=0.025uakt
# You can slightly increase AKASH_GAS_ADJUSTMENT if your transactions are running out of gas
export AKASH_NODE=https://rpc.testnet-02.aksh.pw:443
export AKASH_CHAIN_ID=$(curl -s -k $AKASH_NODE/status | jq -r '.result.node_info.network')
# you can export AKASH_YES=1 this if you want the client broadcast transactions without the confirmation [y/N]
# export AKASH_YES=1
- create (or recover) your key
Either create a new key:
provider-services keys add $AKASH_FROM
Or recover (having that you know your mnemonic seed):
provider-services keys add $AKASH_FROM --recover
- get some AKT from the faucet
- verify you have more than 10 AKT
provider-services query bank balances $(AKASH_OUTPUT= provider-services keys show $AKASH_FROM -a) -o json | jq -r '.balances[].amount|tonumber / pow(10;6)'
- generate and publish your client certificate
Note: Do this only once or whenever your client certificate expires.
provider-services tx cert generate client
provider-services tx cert publish client
- deploy some SDL
- broadcast the order request
provider-services tx deployment create gpu.yaml
- find your order request
Note: if you see nothing, it is likely that the providers did not have time to broadcast their response yet. Usually try to query the market order list again in about 12 seconds, which corresponds to two blocks.
$ provider-services query market order list --state open
- created_at: "140495"
dseq: "140494"
- see if you got any bids from the providers on the network
$ provider-services query market bid list --state open --dseq 140494
- bid:
dseq: "140494"
gseq: 1
oseq: 1
owner: akash1h24fljt7p0nh82cq0za0uhsct3sfwsfu9w3c9h
provider: akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
created_at: "140496"
amount: "5.720320000000000000"
denom: uakt
state: open
You can also calculate the pricing/month (in AKT) based on the pricing given by the bidding providers in uakt, in this example that'd be: (5.72032*((60/6)*60*24*30))/10^6
≈ 2.4711782400
AKT/month having that 1 block in the Akash Network takes 6 seconds.
- accept the bid
provider-services tx market lease create --dseq 140494 --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
- finally, send your deployment manifest file to the provider
provider-services send-manifest gpu.yaml --dseq 140494
- don't forget to deposit more AKT for your deployment/lease to last longer
this command adds 10 AKT to your deployment
provider-services tx deployment deposit 10000000uakt --dseq 140494
- verify how many days your lease is going to last
provider-services query escrow blocks-remaining --owner $(AKASH_OUTPUT= provider-services keys show $AKASH_FROM -a) --dseq 140494 -o json | jq -r '(.estimated_time_remaining/pow(10;9))/60/60/24 | (. * 100 | round / 100)'
Now you can query your deployment:
provider-services query deployment get --owner $(AKASH_OUTPUT= provider-services keys show $AKASH_FROM -a) --dseq 140494
provider-services query market lease get --owner $(AKASH_OUTPUT= provider-services keys show $AKASH_FROM -a) --dseq 140494 --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
provider-services lease-status --dseq 140494 --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
provider-services lease-events --dseq 140494 --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
provider-services lease-logs --dseq 140494 --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
- spawn into your deployment service (the container Pod in K8s terminology)
is the service name from the deployment manifest
provider-services lease-shell --dseq 140494 --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v --tty --stdin -- gpu-test sh
- close your deployment when you are done
provider-services tx deployment close --dseq 140494
Instead of specifying --owner $(AKASH_OUTPUT= provider-services keys show $AKASH_FROM -a)
, --dseq 140494
, --provider akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
each time, you can just export them, e.g.:
export AKASH_OWNER=$(AKASH_OUTPUT= provider-services keys show $AKASH_FROM -a)
export AKASH_DSEQ=140494
export AKASH_PROVIDER=akash143ypn84kuf379tv9wvcxsmamhj83d5pg2rfc8v
Note: your
values will be different from the ones shown in this example.
The provider-services
binary will automatically pick them up!
The caveat is that you have to unset these variables before creating & working with next deployment:
Update your deploy.yaml
(akash deployment SDL manifest), broadcast it to the blockchain and then send it to the provider:
provider-services tx deployment update deploy.yaml --dseq <your dseq number>
provider-services send-manifest deploy.yaml --dseq <your dseq number>
This will cause the provider update the deployment (as long as the provider has enough resources, see https://docs.akash.network/providers/akash-provider-troubleshooting/force-new-replicaset-workaround)
Sometimes the transaction might fail due to low gas paid for the transaction.
This normally should not happen but it could. For sake of example I simulated this error by significantly decreasing the value of AKASH_GAS_ADJUSTMENT
so you can see how the "out of gas" transaction looks like:
$ provider-services tx deployment close --dseq 141156
confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y
{"height":"0","txhash":"8332576D9CB57871A2DAE14014F10619DE3B871BD4D85D7CF71EB1FA85DDA4D8","codespace":"sdk","code":11,"data":"","raw_log":"out of gas in location: WritePerByte; gasWanted: 21940, gasUsed: 22366: out of gas","logs":[],"info":"","gas_wanted":"0","gas_used":"0","tx":null,"timestamp":"","events":[]}
The out of gas transactions always have code
Such transactions won't make into a block, hence they can't be queried:
$ provider-services query tx 8332576D9CB57871A2DAE14014F10619DE3B871BD4D85D7CF71EB1FA85DDA4D8
Error: RPC error -32603 - Internal error: tx (8332576D9CB57871A2DAE14014F10619DE3B871BD4D85D7CF71EB1FA85DDA4D8) not found
Normally, just retry the broadcasting the transaction. You may want to increase the value of AKASH_GAS_ADJUSTMENT