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Created August 4, 2011 03:13
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Humanizing the time difference ( in django )
from django import template
register = template.Library()
MOMENT = 120 # duration in seconds within which the time difference
# will be rendered as 'a moment ago'
def naturalTimeDifference(value):
Finds the difference between the datetime value given and now()
and returns appropriate humanize form
from datetime import datetime
if isinstance(value, datetime):
delta = - value
if delta.days > 6:
return value.strftime("%b %d") # May 15
if delta.days > 1:
return value.strftime("%A") # Wednesday
elif delta.days == 1:
return 'yesterday' # yesterday
elif delta.seconds > 3600:
return str(delta.seconds / 3600 ) + ' hours ago' # 3 hours ago
elif delta.seconds > MOMENT:
return str(delta.seconds/60) + ' minutes ago' # 29 minutes ago
return 'a moment ago' # a moment ago
return str(value)
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