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Created August 20, 2017 00:46
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  • Save amscotti/84cb6ae1da8fe767fea6358c9a2bbfc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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def realm = URLEncoder.encode("Staghelm")
def guild = URLEncoder.encode("Controlled Chaos")
def url = "${realm}&n=${guild}".toURL()
def types = [
"1": "Warrior", "2": "Paladin", "3": "Hunter",
"4": "Rogue", "5": "Priest", "6": "Death Knight",
"7": "Shaman", "8": "Mage", "9": "Warlock",
"11": "Druid"].withDefault { key -> "unknown" }
url.openConnection().with {
setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Firefox/")
inputStream.withReader('UTF-8') { reader ->
def characters = new XmlSlurper().parse(reader)
.findAll { it.@level == '80' }
.collect { [name: [email protected](), type: [email protected]()] }
def groupedByType = characters.groupBy { it.type }
println "Total: ${characters.size()} characters found with level 80"
groupedByType.each { type, avatars ->
println "\n${avatars.size()} characters of class ${types[type]}"
avatars.sort { }.each { avatar -> println "- ${}" }
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