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Code snippet to change or remove OpenGraph output in Yoast SEO. There are multiple snippets in this code.
/* Change size for Yoast SEO OpenGraph image for all content
* Credit: Yoast Development team
* Last Tested: May 19 2020 using Yoast SEO 14.1 on WordPress 5.4.1
* Accepts WordPress reserved image size names: 'thumb', 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'large', 'post-thumbnail'
* Accepts custom image size names:
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_image_size', 'yoast_seo_opengraph_change_image_size' );
function yoast_seo_opengraph_change_image_size() {
return 'medium';
/* Change Open Graph image URLs in Yoast SEO
* Credit: Yoast Development team
* Last Tested: Jul 04 2018 using Yoast SEO 7.7.3 on WordPress 4.9.6
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_image', 'change_opengraph_image_url' );
function change_opengraph_image_url( $url ) {
// Search for ''
// Replace with ''
return str_replace('', '', $url);
/* Change Product Condition
* Credit: Yoast team
* Last Tested: Feb 20, 2020 using Yoast SEO WooCommerce 12.6 on WordPress 5.3.2
* Post: Change 123456 to the post ID
* Page: Change is_single to is_page and 123456 to the page ID
* Custom Post Type: Change is_single to is_singular and 123456 to the 'post_type_slug'
Example: is_singular( 'cpt_slug' )
* Multiple of the same type can use an array.
Example: is_single( array( 123456, 234567, 345678 ) )
* Multiple of different types can repeat the if statement
add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\Woocommerce\product_condition', 'yoast_seo_opengraph_change_product_condition' );
function yoast_seo_opengraph_change_product_condition( $condition ) {
if ( is_single ( 34 ) ) {
$condition = 'used';
/* Use a second if statement here when needed */
return $condition; /* Do not remove this line */
/* Use HTTP protocol for Open Graph URLs in Yoast SEO
* Credit: stodorovic
* Last Tested: Feb 06 2017 using Yoast SEO 4.2.1 on WordPress 4.7.2
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_url', 'my_opengraph_url' );
function my_opengraph_url( $url ) {
// Search for 'https://'
// Replace with 'http://'
return str_replace( 'https://', 'http://', $url );
/* Change Yoast SEO OpenGraph type
* Credit: Yoast Team
* Last Tested: Jul 11 2017 using Yoast SEO 5.0.1 on WordPress 4.8
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_type', 'yoast_change_opengraph_type', 10, 1 );
function yoast_change_opengraph_type( $type ) {
/* Make magic happen here
* Example below changes the homepage to a book type
if ( is_home() ) {
return 'book';
} else {
return $type;
/* Remove all OpenGraph tags
* Credit: Alejandro
* Last Tested: Sep 2 2020 using Yoast SEO 14.9 on WordPress 5.5.1
add_filter( 'wpseo_frontend_presenter_classes', 'wpseo_remove_opengraph' );
function wpseo_remove_opengraph( $classes ) {
$classes = array_filter($classes, function($class) {
return strpos($class, 'Open_Graph') === false;
return $classes;
/* Remove All Yoast SEO OpenGraph Output
* There is an on/off switch in the plugin Admin > SEO > Social > Facebook
* Credit: Unknown
* Last Tested: Apr 01 2017 using Yoast SEO 4.5 on WordPress 4.7.3
add_action('wp_head', 'remove_all_wpseo_og', 1);
function remove_all_wpseo_og() {
remove_action( 'wpseo_head', array( $GLOBALS['wpseo_og'], 'opengraph' ), 30 );
/* Remove one of more Open Graph or Twitter tags
* Credit: Rogério
* Last Tested: Sep 2 2020 using Yoast SEO 14.9 on WordPress 5.5.1
add_filter( 'wpseo_frontend_presenter_classes', 'filter_presenters' );
function filter_presenters( $filter ) {
if (($key = array_search('Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Twitter\Image_Presenter', $filter)) !== false) {
if (($key = array_search('Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Open_Graph\Image_Presenter', $filter)) !== false) {
if (($key = array_search('Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Twitter\Description_Presenter', $filter)) !== false) {
if (($key = array_search('Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Open_Graph\Site_Name_Presenter', $filter)) !== false) {
return $filter;
/* Remove Yoast SEO OpenGraph Output From One Post/Page
* Credit: Unknown
* Last Tested: Apr 01 2017 using Yoast SEO 4.5 on WordPress 4.7.3
* Post: Change 123456 to the post ID
* Page: Change is_single to is_page and 123456 to the page ID
* Custom Post Type: Change is_single to is_singular and 123456 to the 'post_type_slug'
Example: is_singular( 'cpt_slug' )
* Multiple of the same type can use an array.
Example: is_single( array( 123456, 234567, 345678 ) )
* Multiple of different types can repeat the if statement
add_action('wp_head', 'remove_one_wpseo_og', 1);
function remove_one_wpseo_og() {
if ( is_single ( 123456 ) ) {
remove_action( 'wpseo_head', array( $GLOBALS['wpseo_og'], 'opengraph' ), 30 );
/* Use a second if statement here when needed */
/* Remove Individual Yoast SEO OpenGraph meta tags
* Credit: Yoast Development team
* Last Tested: Jul 28 2017 using Yoast SEO 5.1 on WordPress 4.8
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_url' , '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_desc', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_title', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_type', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_site_name', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_image' , '__return_false' ); // v13.5 or older
add_filter( 'wpseo_og_og_image_width' , '__return_false' ); // v13.5 or older
add_filter( 'wpseo_og_og_image_height' , '__return_false' ); // v13.5 or older
add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_author_facebook' , '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\Woocommerce\product_condition', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\Woocommerce\og_price', '__return_false' ); // True or False only
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davemoz commented Mar 15, 2018

@amboutwe The last two filters mentioned above, wpseo_opengraph_image & wpseo_twitter_image, are exactly what I've been looking for. I'm trying to utilize them to get an image from a category-image plugin I have installed. I already use that plugin to assign and show different header images on each category archive page. I've added this to my functions.php file, but it seems only to remove the og_image & twitter_image tags altogether:

add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_image', 'custom_category_og_image', 1);
    function custom_category_og_image() {
    if ( is_post_type_archive ( 'product' ) ) {
	        $term = get_queried_object();
        $image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $term->term_image, 'full' );

	return $image_attributes;

The variable $image_attributes contains the URL of the image in question. Is that all I need to return for these filters? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

EDIT: For anyone who comes across this looking for the specifics of how to implement the wpseo_opengraph_image & wpseo_twitter_image filters, this site has instructions for exactly that:

EDIT Deux: This still wasn't working for my particular case—I needed custom OG & Twitter images for product category pages, not the Store page—so I finally discovered and swapped out is_post_type_archive( 'product' ) for is_tax( 'product_cat' ) and that worked perfectly. Hopefully that helps anyone who comes across this in the future.

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jnz31 commented Apr 25, 2018

@davemoz wp_get_attachment_image_src() returns an array (url, width, height, is_intermediate), or false, if no image is available. [docs]
and an array results in no image output, guess there is some check in yoast.
following function works for me:

function custom_category_og_image() {
    if ( is_post_type_archive ( 'product' ) ) {
	$term = get_queried_object();
        $image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $term->term_image, 'full' );
        if ( $image_attributes !== false ) {
            return $image_attributes[0];
add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_image', 'custom_category_og_image', 10, 0);

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tcladin commented Apr 28, 2018

Hi please, can You help me with this ?
I would like add part of title, desc etc. to Yoast OG tags from other one plugin, from Asgaros forum plugin.
Because Yoast SEO have not specific category tags from forum. Yoast SEO have only main forum fags like:
Title = "Forum". But specific title I would like Title = "sub menu | Forum"
Please help me to make it with Snipest.

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I've been trying to get a custom twitter image and thankfully found this page. It would have saved me a lot of time if wpseo_twitter_image was in the API docs!

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The url to my site recently changed from http to https. I added the code below to my function.php files to get my previous shares showing up again but now I have lost the new shares since we added the ssl. Is there code to be able to show both the http shares before the change and the https shares after the change?

add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_url', 'my_opengraph_url' );
function my_opengraph_url( $url ) {
return str_replace( 'https://', 'http://', $url );

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Hi there, thanks for your work! possible that yoast_seo_opengraph_change_protocol.php doesn't works with WP 4.9.6?

Thanks for your answer

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So I'm able to change a URL when there is an existing image uploaded (using wpseo_opengraph_image filter) but I would like to add a social image with a URL without having to upload via the meta-box. Is there any way to do this?

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Can someone please confirm that this works with WP 4.9.7 and Yoast SEO Premium 7.8.1?

I added the code to remove_all and added JSON-LD through GTM, but when running the test in Google Structured Data, it detects 2 "Organizations", one of which is produced by Yoast.

Thank you!

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How can I change the og:image:alt value ? I've noticied that the code below remove all og:image:* tags : add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_image' , '__return_false' );
But I wanna keep these tags and change only og:image:alt one
Thanks :)

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MrMegamind commented Aug 9, 2018

Finally found something in this thread that works , thank you so much saved me tons of time

add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_url' , '__return_false' );
add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_desc', '__return_false' );
add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_title', '__return_false' );
add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_type', '__return_false' );
add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_site_name', '__return_false' );
add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_image' , '__return_false' );

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Any filter or option to disable the auto-discovery of images in the post content when the featured and user supplied images are missing? Because it's too much cpu and database intensive when it uses the WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_attachment_by_url and then the attachment_url_to_postid function since my wp_postmeta table is quite big.

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Did you ever figure something out for this? I've been having similar troubles with trying to stop this behaviour too – though I'm trying to have every page across the site just default to the featured Facebook image set in Yoast's social setting.

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Also looking to disable image auto-discovery, but have been unsuccessful so far.

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I just comment out some lines of code in the plugin files every time they release a new version in order to disable the autodiscovery. The pieces of code are, ref latest version 11.3:

at line 320 of \frontend\class-opengraph-image.php:

// $this->add_first_usable_content_image( $post_id );

from line 431 to 436 of the same \frontend\class-opengraph-image.php:

// $attachment_id = WPSEO_Image_Utils::get_attachment_by_url( $url );

// if ( $attachment_id > 0 ) {
	// $this->add_image_by_id( $attachment_id );
	// return $attachment_id;
// }

I have some filters setup elsewhere though to let the wp api return a predefined default featured image if the post hasn't one setup by the author.

ps: I'm still on plugin verison 9.7 but I checked and that code is mostly identical on latest 11.3

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Is there possibility to enable published and modified date og tags for pages and other post types?

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I am wondering after I post an article with a featured image then when I share the link to Facebook It should preview my post featured image.
is it possible to do something like this?

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@BaapJaan This is not the proper place to request support. Please check out our extensive help section or visit the free support forum. If you require further support, upgrading to our premium version provides you with access to our support team.

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What code snippet can I use to disable the video Open Graph output.
Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Note: I tried contacting, to no avail.

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Hello, but how to add webp support for images?

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farinspace commented Aug 31, 2021

keep in mind that wpseo_opengraph_image WILL NOT be called if no appropriate images are found (e.g. a featured images is not present, or an in-page IMG tag is not present).

see wordpress-seo/src/presenters/open-graph/image-presenter.php for reference, the function signature is:

protected function filter( $image ) {
	 * Filter: 'wpseo_opengraph_image' - Allow changing the Open Graph image.
	 * @api string - The URL of the Open Graph image.
	 * @param Indexable_Presentation $presentation The presentation of an indexable.
	$image_url = \trim( \apply_filters( 'wpseo_opengraph_image', $image['url'], $this->presentation ) );
	if ( ! empty( $image_url ) && \is_string( $image_url ) ) {
		$image['url'] = $image_url;

	return $image;

Something like add_filter('wpseo_opengraph_image' , '__return_false' ); WILL NOT work because, unless you are changing the url into a NON-EMPTY STRING value you are unable to effect the output.

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How can I change the OG Title to pull from the yoast meta title field instead of the product title?

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Hey Angi @amboutwe , do you know any filter I could use to change the output of product:availability and og:availability ? I have a few pre order products and in-stock would be the wrong availability for me. I was able to succesfully change it on schema but I'm at a loss in metadata and open graph

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I'm trying to edit the og:url tag in the WordPress pagination for one of my sites, but I'm having trouble figuring it out. Can someone help me out?

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theo-gk commented Jan 9, 2023

Hi, the priority for the og:image is currently this:

  1. A user-defined image “Facebook image” in the Social tab of the Yoast metabox on the post/page level.
  2. A user-defined “Featured image” for the page (only for posts).
  3. A prominent image from the page’s content.
  4. The “Social default image” from the template in Search Appearance.
  5. The site’s fallback/default social image (set at SEO > Social > Facebook > Default image).

If you want the default social image (4) to have higher priority than (3) A prominent image from the page’s content, then you could use this code:

add_filter( 'wpseo_opengraph_image', 'dc_yoast_prefer_default_image_over_first_content_image', 10, 2 );
function dc_yoast_prefer_default_image_over_first_content_image( $img_url, $presentation ) {

	if ( !empty( $presentation ) && isset( $presentation->model ) && isset( $presentation->model->open_graph_image_source ) ) {

		if ( 'first-content-image' === $presentation->model->open_graph_image_source ) {
			$yoast_options = get_option( 'wpseo_social' );

			if ( !empty( $yoast_options['og_default_image'] ) ) {
				return trim( $yoast_options['og_default_image'] );
	return $img_url;

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hi this is great work. if i wanted to simply edit the og: image to a secure_url.. ( facebook wont display an image from my url in the preview post. where would i find the original function/ filter?

been looking for WPSEO-OPENGRAPH_URL for hours in the directory. thx

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@Glen-Dango As of Yoast SEO version 14.0 (released in Apr 2020), the plugin no longer outputs the og:image:secure_url.

If you mean that the og:image uses HTTP instead of HTTPS on a site that has an SSL certificate, the plugin uses the WordPress setup to determine HTTP or HTTPS. Please verify that WordPress is configured to use HTTPS under Admin > Settings > General for both the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

If one of these is configured for HTTP, please go to Admin > Tools > Site Health and expand the notification 'Your website does not use HTTPS' and click 'Update your site to use HTTPS'. WordPress will automatically update the database URLs.

If both use HTTPS and you still see HTTP in the source code, you may have something in your setup that overrides the URL. You can use this snippet to change http/https. The example changes one domain for another but you can change the search and replace parameters to fit your need like I've done with this similar example.

Please check out our extensive help section or visit the free support forum. If you require further support, upgrading to our premium version provides you with access to our support team.

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