December 8, 2015 15:29
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.vimrc snapshot at 2015.Dec.8
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" <neobundle> | |
" Note: Skip initialization for vim-tiny or vim-small. | |
if 0 | endif | |
if has('vim_starting') | |
if &compatible | |
set nocompatible " Be iMproved | |
endif | |
" Required: | |
set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/ | |
endif | |
" Required: | |
call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/')) | |
" Let NeoBundle manage NeoBundle | |
" Required: | |
NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim' | |
" My Bundles here: | |
NeoBundle 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' | |
NeoBundle 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized' | |
NeoBundle 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim' | |
let g:ctrlp_map = '<c-p>' | |
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlPMixed' | |
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { | |
\ 'dir': '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn)|\_site)$', | |
\ 'file': '\v\.(exe|so|pdf|dll|class|png|jpg|jpeg)$', | |
\} | |
nmap <leader>b :CtrlPMRU<cr> | |
" | |
let g:ctrlp_cache_dir = $HOME . '/.cache/ctrlp' | |
if executable('ag') | |
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""' | |
endif | |
NeoBundle 'dhruvasagar/vim-vinegar', { | |
\ 'depends': 'scrooloose/nerdtree', | |
\ } | |
NeoBundle 'easymotion/vim-easymotion' | |
map <Space> <Plug>(easymotion-prefix) | |
NeoBundle 'embear/vim-localvimrc' | |
let g:localvimrc_event=[ "BufReadPost" ] | |
let g:localvimrc_persistent=1 | |
NeoBundle 'fisadev/vim-ctrlp-cmdpalette', { | |
\ 'depends': 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim', | |
\ } | |
" \p runs CtrlP for ex commands | |
map <Leader>p :CtrlPCmdPalette<CR> | |
NeoBundle 'godlygeek/tabular' | |
NeoBundle 'kana/vim-arpeggio' | |
" loaded below | |
" example: | |
" Arpeggio inoremap jk <Esc> | |
NeoBundle 'kana/vim-textobj-function', { | |
\ 'depends': 'kana/vim-textobj-user', | |
\ } | |
NeoBundle 'kana/vim-textobj-line', { | |
\ 'depends': 'kana/vim-textobj-user', | |
\ } | |
NeoBundle 'kana/vim-textobj-user' | |
NeoBundle 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs' | |
NeoBundle 'honza/vim-snippets', { | |
\ 'depends': 'SirVer/ultisnips', | |
\ } | |
NeoBundle 'plasticboy/vim-markdown' | |
let g:vim_markdown_initial_foldlevel=1 | |
NeoBundle 'rking/ag.vim' | |
NeoBundle 'rsmenon/vim-mathematica' | |
let filetype_m = "mma" | |
let g:mma_highlight_option = "solarized" | |
NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree' | |
" | |
let NERDTreeHijackNetrw=1 | |
NeoBundle 'scrooloose/syntastic' | |
NeoBundle 'SirVer/ultisnips' | |
let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = '<c-s>' | |
NeoBundle 'Shougo/vimproc.vim', { | |
\ 'build' : { | |
\ 'windows' : 'tools\\update-dll-mingw', | |
\ 'cygwin' : 'make -f make_cygwin.mak', | |
\ 'mac' : 'make -f make_mac.mak', | |
\ 'linux' : 'make', | |
\ 'unix' : 'gmake', | |
\ }, | |
\ } | |
NeoBundle 'sjl/gundo.vim' | |
NeoBundle 'terryma/vim-expand-region' | |
vmap v <Plug>(expand_region_expand) | |
" TODO: make work with lines and functions | |
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' | |
" | |
let g:netrw_browsex_viewer = "gnome-open-fixed" | |
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-repeat' | |
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-surround' | |
" | |
if exists("vimpager") | |
let g:loaded_surround = 1 | |
endif | |
NeoBundle 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' | |
let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<C-n>'] | |
let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<C-p>'] | |
"NeoBundle 'vimwiki/vimwiki' | |
" just use custom folds | |
let g:vimwiki_folding='' | |
NeoBundle 'Yggdroot/indentLine' | |
let g:indentLine_char = '│' | |
let g:indentLine_color_term = 239 | |
let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['help'] | |
nnoremap <leader>i :IndentLinesToggle<cr> | |
" | |
let g:indentLine_noConcealCursor = 1 | |
" Filetype-specific plugins | |
" python | |
NeoBundleLazy 'davidhalter/jedi-vim', { | |
\ 'autoload': { | |
\ 'filetypes': 'python', | |
\ }, | |
\ } | |
" JS | |
NeoBundle 'heavenshell/vim-jsdoc' | |
let g:jsdoc_allow_input_prompt = 1 | |
let g:jsdoc_default_mapping=0 | |
NeoBundle 'jelera/vim-javascript-syntax' | |
NeoBundleLazy 'marijnh/tern_for_vim', { | |
\ 'autoload': { | |
\ 'filetypes': 'javascript', | |
\ }, | |
\ } | |
NeoBundle 'othree/javascript-libraries-syntax.vim' | |
let g:used_javascript_libs = '' | |
"NeoBundle 'pangloss/vim-javascript' | |
NeoBundle 'thinca/vim-textobj-function-javascript', { | |
\ 'depends': 'kana/vim-textobj-function', | |
\ } | |
" ng | |
NeoBundleLazy 'matthewsimo/angular-vim-snippets' | |
" HTML | |
NeoBundle 'mattn/emmet-vim' | |
let g:user_emmet_leader_key='<c-s>' | |
call neobundle#end() | |
" Required: | |
filetype plugin indent on | |
" If there are uninstalled bundles found on startup, | |
" this will conveniently prompt you to install them. | |
NeoBundleCheck | |
" </neobundle> | |
" | |
call arpeggio#load() | |
" vimwiki bs | |
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'maxhi': 0, 'css_name': 'style.css', 'auto_export': 0, 'diary_index': 'diary', 'template_default': 'def_template', 'nested_syntaxes': {}, 'diary_sort': 'desc', 'path': '/home/amacfie/vimwiki/', 'diary_link_fmt': '%Y-%m-%d', 'template_ext': '.html', 'syntax': 'default', 'custom_wiki2html': '', 'index': 'index', 'diary_header': 'Diary', 'ext': '.wiki', 'path_html': '/home/amacfie/vimwiki_html/', 'temp': 0, 'template_path': '~/vimwiki_html/templates/', 'list_margin': -1, 'diary_rel_path': 'diary/'}] | |
" IMPORTANT: grep will sometimes skip displaying the file name if you | |
" search in a single file. This will confuse Latex-Suite. Set your grep | |
" program to always generate a file-name. | |
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $* | |
" OPTIONAL: Starting with Vim 7, the filetype of empty .tex files defaults to | |
" 'plaintex' instead of 'tex', which results in vim-latex not being loaded. | |
" The following changes the default filetype back to 'tex': | |
let g:tex_flavor='latex' | |
" line numbers | |
set number | |
" 80-char line | |
set colorcolumn=80 | |
hi ColorColumn ctermbg=black | |
" | |
set noesckeys | |
" | |
if !has('gui_running') | |
set ttimeoutlen=10 | |
augroup FastEscape | |
autocmd! | |
au InsertEnter * set timeoutlen=0 | |
au InsertLeave * set timeoutlen=1000 | |
augroup END | |
endif | |
set incsearch | |
set ignorecase | |
set smartcase | |
set autoindent | |
set background=dark | |
" | |
set tabstop=2 | |
set shiftwidth=2 | |
set expandtab | |
" Use 256 colours (Use this setting only if your terminal supports 256 colours) | |
set t_Co=256 | |
" \h toggles search highlighting | |
map <Leader>h :set hlsearch!<CR> | |
" statusline | |
set noruler | |
set laststatus=2 | |
set statusline= | |
set statusline +=%<%F "full path | |
set statusline +=\ %m "modified flag | |
set statusline +=\ %{fugitive\#statusline()} " Git Hotness | |
set statusline +=%=Buf\ %n/%{bufnr('$')} "buffer number | |
set statusline +=\ \ \ Line\ %l "current line | |
set statusline +=/%L "total lines | |
set showmode | |
set showcmd | |
set clipboard-=autoselect | |
" disable line wrapping | |
set nowrap | |
" | |
set cursorline | |
hi CursorLine cterm=NONE ctermbg=black | |
" | |
augroup filetypedetect | |
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *mutt-* setfiletype mail | |
augroup END | |
" | |
" to save view, files must be "saved" even if there are no unsaved changes to | |
" the file | |
" Alternative: | |
set viewoptions-=options | |
augroup vimrc | |
autocmd BufWritePost * | |
\ if expand('%') != '' && &buftype !~ 'nofile' | |
\| mkview | |
\| endif | |
autocmd BufRead * | |
\ if expand('%') != '' && &buftype !~ 'nofile' | |
\| silent loadview | |
\| endif | |
augroup END | |
" save some state across sessions | |
set viminfo='1000,f1,:1000,/100,%,! | |
" | |
if v:version >= 700 | |
au BufLeave * let b:winview = winsaveview() | |
au BufEnter * if(exists('b:winview')) | call winrestview(b:winview) | endif | |
endif | |
set hidden | |
" | |
" screws up vimwiki folding | |
"set foldmethod=syntax | |
"set foldlevelstart=1 | |
"set foldnestmax=2 | |
" | |
"syntax enable | |
syntax on | |
colorscheme solarized | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
" Show trailing whitespace and spaces before a tab | |
" In general not wanted in read-only files such as in vimpager | |
if !exists("vimpager") | |
match ErrorMsg /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/ | |
endif | |
"<Enter> and <Shift><Enter> insert lines without going into insert mode | |
" this screws up things that listen for <Enter> | |
"map <Enter> o<ESC> | |
"map <S-Enter> O<ESC> | |
" insert date | |
" TODO: replace with snippet | |
function! Wd() | |
.-1read !date +\%Y.\%b.\%d | |
normal o | |
" needed because `normal` aborts insert mode | |
startinsert | |
endfunction | |
command! Wd call Wd() | |
" runs jek command | |
function! Jek() | |
w | |
silent !pkill ruby; bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''&; sleep 2; cat ~/code/reloadLocalhostTabs.js | nc localhost 4242 | |
redraw! | |
endfunction | |
map <Leader>j :call Jek()<CR> | |
" omnicompletion behavior | |
set completeopt=longest,menuone,preview | |
"inoremap <Nul> <C-x><C-o><down> | |
" | |
"autocmd CursorMovedI * if pumvisible() == 0|silent! pclose|endif | |
"autocmd CursorMoved * if pumvisible() == 0|silent! pclose|endif | |
"autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|silent! pclose|endif | |
set pumheight=5 | |
" | |
let g:vimpager_less_mode = 0 | |
" Filetype-specific config | |
" JS | |
" | |
autocmd filetype javascript nmap <silent> gd :TernDef<CR> | |
autocmd filetype javascript nmap <silent> gD :TernDef<CR> | |
autocmd filetype javascript nmap <silent> K :TernDoc<CR> | |
" | |
let g:tern_show_argument_hints='on_hold' | |
" this creates folds in a buffer | |
au FileType javascript call JavaScriptFold() | |
" python | |
let g:jedi#completions_command = "" | |
let g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers = 0 | |
" HTML | |
"au FileType html setl sw=2 ts=2 | |
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