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Last active June 1, 2023 02:00
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Jest Dynamic Mock

Used to recursively dynamically generate an object where the properties are jest.fn() functions.

Behind the scenes it uses a JavaScript Proxy to detect if a property on the created object is being accessed or being invoked. If it's being invoked it generates a jest.fn() and uses that, if it's being accessed it creates a new mock proxy. This allows for mocks to be generated for objects dynamically and deeply.

import { DynamicMock } from 'jest-dynamic-mock';

const target = new DynamicMock();

// "baz" is automatically converted into a jest.fn() when it's called
console.log(target.baz.mock.calls[0][0] === 'buzz');

// "foo" is accessed as a property so it becomes another proxy
// "" is invoked so it becomes a jest.fn()'foobar');
console.log([0][0] === 'foobar');

Normally this would be paired with a TypeScript interface

import { DynamicMock } from 'jest-dynamic-mock';

interface Foobar {
    foo(): string;
    bar(): string;

const target = new DynamicMock<Foobar>();;;

This is the expected usage in a jest test

// target.ts
export interface TestFuncOptions {
    bar(): number;
    foo: {
        bar(): number;

export function targetFunc(options: TestFuncOptions) {
    const a =;
    const b =;
    return a + b;
// target.spec.ts
import { DynamicMock } from 'jest-dynamic-mock';
import { targetFunc, TestFuncOptions } from './target';

describe('targetFunc', () => {
    let options: DynamicMock<TestFuncOptions>;

    beforeEach(() => {
        options = new DynamicMock();

    it('Should call functions', async () => {

    it('Should call functions', async () => {;;

        const result = targetFunc(options);

/// <reference types="jest" />
export type DynamicMock<T, D extends any[] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K] &
(T[K] extends (...args: infer A) => infer B
? jest.Mock<B, A>
: D extends [any, ...infer R]
? DynamicMock<T[K], R>
: any);
declare type AnyObject = {
[key: string | number | symbol]: unknown;
declare type DynamicMockConstructor = {
new <T>(base?: AnyObject | Partial<T>): DynamicMock<T>;
extend<T>(constructor: unknown): new <U extends T>() => DynamicMock<U>;
export declare const DynamicMock: DynamicMockConstructor;
export {};
const JEST_MOCK_METHODS = Object.freeze({
'getMockName': true,
'mock': true,
'mockClear': true,
'mockReset': true,
'mockRestore': true,
'getMockImplementation': true,
'mockImplementation': true,
'mockImplementationOnce': true,
'mockName': true,
'mockReturnThis': true,
'mockReturnValue': true,
'mockReturnValueOnce': true,
'mockResolvedValue': true,
'mockResolvedValueOnce': true,
'mockRejectedValue': true,
'mockRejectedValueOnce': true,
function DynamicMock() {
/** @type {Map<string, jest.Mock>} */
const propCache = new Map();
function internalProxy(
/** @type {string} */ propertyPath,
) {
return new Proxy(function () {}, {
apply: (
/** @type {any} */ target,
/** @type {any} */ thisArg,
/** @type {any[]} */ argumentsList,
) => {
let func = propCache.get(propertyPath);
if (!func) {
func = jest.fn();
propCache.set(propertyPath, func);
return func(argumentsList);
get: (
/** @type {any} */ target,
/** @type {string} */ key,
) => {
const incomingPropertyPath = `${propertyPath}.${key}`;
if (propCache.has(incomingPropertyPath)) {
return propCache.get(incomingPropertyPath);
// @ts-ignore
if (key === Symbol.iterator) {
return target[Symbol.iterator] ?? Reflect.ownKeys(target)[Symbol.iterator];
if (key === 'then' || key === 'catch') {
return undefined;
const func = jest.fn();
propCache.set(propertyPath, func);
return Reflect.get(func, key);
return internalProxy(incomingPropertyPath);
set: (
/** @type {any} */ target,
/** @type {string} */ prop,
/** @type {any} */ value,
) => {
const incomingPropertyPath = `${propertyPath}.${prop}`;
propCache.set(incomingPropertyPath, value);
return true;
return internalProxy('');
module.exports = {
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