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Created August 8, 2016 05:32
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Guts of a random number generator based on cellular automata
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
namespace w30 {
typedef uint64_t state;
typedef uint32_t uint;
state step(state ca)
state ca_next = 0;
for (state i = 0; i < sizeof(state) * CHAR_BIT; ++i)
ca_next ^=
(-(30 & (1ull << (
& (ca >> (i - 1)
| ca << (sizeof(state) * CHAR_BIT + 1 - i))))) ^ ca_next
& (1ull << i);
return ca_next;
template<typename Int_Type, unsigned int ...Columns>
state extract_and_step(state ca, Int_Type out[sizeof...(Columns)])
uint8_t cols[] = { Columns... };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof...(Columns); ++i)
out[i] = 0;
for (uint32_t i = sizeof(Int_Type) * CHAR_BIT; i--;)
for (size_t jj = 0; jj < sizeof...(Columns); ++jj)
out[jj] ^= (-((ca >> cols[jj]) & 1) ^ out[jj]) & (1ull << i);
state ca_p = ca;
ca = 0;
for (state ii = 0; ii < sizeof(state) * CHAR_BIT; ++ii)
ca ^=
(-(30 & (1ull << (
& (ca_p >> (ii - 1)
| ca_p << (sizeof(state) * CHAR_BIT + 1 - ii))))) ^ ca
& (1ull << ii);
return ca;
template<typename OutputIter>
state fill(state ca, OutputIter first, OutputIter last)
/*uint out[5];
while (first != last)
ca = w30::extract_and_step<uint, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50>(ca, out);
*first = out[0];
if (++first == last) break;
*first = out[1];
if (++first == last) break;
*first = out[2];
if (++first == last) break;
*first = out[3];
if (++first == last) break;
*first = out[4];
while (first != last)
uint out[1];
ca = w30::extract_and_step<uint, 10>(ca, out);
*first = out[0];
return ca;
/*class wolfram30 {
w32_state state;
typedef uint result_type;
static result_type min();
static result_type max();
result_type operator();
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