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Created May 11, 2010 22:37
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Time stamp file names for backups or archives
# Time stamp file names for backups or archives
# When doing simply backups (non-incremental) it is useful to be able to automatically
# time stamp or date stamp file names. This makes archives much easier to navigate when
# it comes time to retrieve a backup.
# The command for doing this is quite simple. To just create a file with a time stamped file name,
# use the following command:
touch myfile-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%T')
# The command will produce a file called myfile-2009-02-25-17:32:01 You can also use it to make
# backups when combined with tar. The following code will create a date stamped gzipped tar file
# of a directory called test.
tar czvf test_backup_$(date '+%Y%m%d').tgz test/
# Using the above commands with cron can allow you to quickly create a very simple, yet effective,
# backup system for any important folders that you need to archive.
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