Re-use common’s <Button />
(might need adaptation to have an icon inside)
onPressGetStarted: () => void
No need for an header: will be added as a react-navigation bar
Reuse common' <Button />
Use for formatting?
- Empty with continue button disabled
- Filled
- Filled with Error message shown
phoneNumberValue: string // in E.164 format
onPhoneNumberValueChange: (phoneNumber: string) => void // phoneNumber in E.164 format
errorMessage?: string
isContinueButtonDisabled: boolean
onPressContinue: () => void
Show the resend button after 30seconds
- empty
- with resend button: appears after 30sec
- with error message
- user inputs value
- until reached 4 digits where the submit happens
- Ask to resend code
codeValue: string
onCodeValueChanged: (value: string) => void
onCodeSubmit: () => void // happens when code length reached 4
onResendPress: () => void
errorMessage: ? string
Todo: ask for the after Effects file to be exported for Lottie.
This component will be used to entry the username and to change it: the wording can change with the prop wordingType
Re-use the common's <TextInput />
component and add the cross-icon to empty its content.
- empty input, with
wording - filled input with
wording - with error message
wordingType: enum (FIRST_TIME, CHANGE)
usernameValue: string
onUsernameValueChange: (value: string) => void
errorMessage?: string
onPressContinue: () => void
isContinueButtonDisabled?: boolean
Use to open a photo picker and try to customize so that options look like the one in the design.
- user can press its username
- user can press the "+" that opens native image picker here he can chose or take a photo from here
- user can press skip
username: string
onPressUsername: () => void
onPressSkip : () => void
onDone: (imageURI: string)
Reuse common’s <Button />
Implement the Zoom and pitch animation to let user crop
Can be used to crop the image:
* the URI of the image to crop
imageURI: string
onRetake: () => void
onContinue: (cropedImageURI: string) => void
Reuse common <Button />
and <EggLogo />
username: string
photoURL: string
onPressEdit: () => void
onPressContinue: () => void
Reuse common’s <CloseButton />
onPresEdit: () = void
onPressChange: () = void
onPressChoseNew: () = void
onClose: () = void
We don't implement this screen but rather use and customize the native image picker in <SelfieCTAScreen />
🛑Waiting for confirmation for doing these ones
Implement the “trace to agree” interaction ❓no idea how to do it. Check this. Props
onAgree: () => void