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Last active May 31, 2023 17:43
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Make portable Ansible distribution which can be installed on another host with the same Python version simply by un-tarring it in the same directory. Virtualenv is used during build stage, but isn't required on the target machine. Originally, written as Vagrant provision script but probably can be used outside Vagrant.
yum install -y python-setuptools python-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel
easy_install virtualenv
virtualenv "$ANSIBLE_ROOT"
. "$ANSIBLE_ROOT/bin/activate"
# PY_LIBS can contain a space-separated list of Python libraries your playbooks require to run (e.g., "dnspython shade")
pip install $PY_LIBS ansible
echo "Ansible is installed as $ANSIBLE_ROOT/bin/ansible"
cd "$ANSIBLE_ROOT/.." && tar czf "$DISTR_ROOT/ansible.tgz" $(basename "$ANSIBLE_ROOT")
echo "Ansible distribution is saved as $DISTR_ROOT/ansible.tgz"
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