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Last active September 4, 2020 08:17
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This bash script will increase the last digit of all csproj files within the current solution folder which contain version element.
# Authors
# Aleksander Kovač
# This bash script will increase the last digit of all csproj files within the current
# solution folder which contain version element.
while read -r line ; do
echo "Processing $line"
# Need to use intermediate file because of perl locks
cp $line{,.bak}
(perl -pe 's/^(\s*<Version>)((\d+\.)*)(\d+)(.*)$/$1.$2.($4+1).$5/e' < $line.bak) > $line
rm $line.bak
done < <(grep -ril --include \*.csproj -E "<Version>.+</Version>" ./)
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