Members of Mayday - Sonic Empire (Short Mix)
- Intro (16 bars)
- 4 bars: + Synth 1
- 4 bars: + Shaker, Clap
- 4 bars: + Bass
- 4 bars: + Voice, Disco FX transition
- Verse (16 bars)
Members of Mayday - Sonic Empire (Short Mix)
<?xml version="1.0"?> | |
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd"> | |
<fontconfig> | |
<match target="font"> | |
<test name="family" compare="contains" ignore-blanks="true"> | |
<string>PragmataPro</string> | |
</test> | |
<edit name="fontfeatures" mode="append"> |
// n - text size, m = patter size | |
// Time: O(n+m), Space: O(m) | |
function isMatch(text, pattern) { | |
var tokens = tokenize(pattern); | |
var textPointer = 0; | |
var tokenPointer = 0; | |
while (tokenPointer < tokens.length) { | |
var token = tokens[tokenPointer]; | |
var char = findChar(text, textPointer); |
module Effects exposing (Effects, apply, applyWithPriority, batch, from, map, none) | |
{-| In Elm all effects are managed (no side effects). | |
Effects are described with commands and subscriptions (Cmd msg, Sub msg). | |
Only private organisations/people have access to add/describe new effects. | |
Effects module helps to manage additional program effects. | |
For instance effects can be used for communication between programs. | |
It make sense especially for programs described as a composition of sub-programs. | |
A program effect should be supplied by a consumer. |
angular | |
.module('shared', []) | |
.run(function ($rootScope, $compile) { | |
'use strict'; | |
function CustomElementConstructor() { | |
// Super call | |
var self = || this; | |
// Create custom element scope which is used as a store of data and as a parent for component scope. |
You'll need to include two pollyfils before you include a code with your custom elements:
• webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js - this is for new browsers in order to understand ES5 syntax
• webcomponents/custom-elements/custom-elements.min.js - this is for old browsers without customElements
You can add them to your index.html
file in the following way:
<div id="custom-elements-adapter">
gulp.task('elm:coverage', function () { | |
var coverageHtml = new jsdom.JSDOM(fs.readFileSync(PATH_COVERAGE + 'coverage.html').toString()), | |
mainOverview = coverageHtml.window.document.getElementsByClassName('overview')[0], | |
mainOverviewBodyRows = Array.from(mainOverview.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')); | |
var errors = mainOverviewBodyRows.reduce(function (accumulator, row) { | |
var result = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td')).reduce(function (accumulator, cell) { | |
var progress = cell.querySelector('progress'); | |
if (progress) { |
{-| Returns just true if given maybe is just something. | |
Otherise returns just false if given maybe is nothing. | |
maybeAndToBool (Just 42) == Just True | |
maybeAndToBool Nothing == Just False | |
-} | |
maybeAndToBool : Maybe a -> Maybe Bool | |
maybeAndToBool maybe = | |
case maybe of | |
Just _ -> |
{-| Takes two maybe values and maybe test. Returns first maybe value if test is just true. | |
Otherwise returns second maybe value if test is just false. | |
-} | |
maybeAndWhenOrHelper : Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe a | |
maybeAndWhenOrHelper maybeValueWhen maybeValueWhenNot = | |
let | |
doTest test = | |
if test then | |
maybeValueWhen | |
else |
%menu#first-menu{:type => 'list'} | |
%li{:value => '1'} 1 | |
%li{:value => '2'} 2 | |
%li{:value => '3'} 3 | |
%menu#second-menu{:type => 'list', :target => '$$ #first-menu :set()'} | |
%li{:value => '1'} 1 | |
%li{:value => '2'} 2 | |
%li{:value => '3'} 3 |