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Last active June 19, 2017 20:51
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JSConf 2014 Slides, Codes and Notes.

JSConf Slides, Codes and Notes

These are all the JSConf 2014 slides, codes, and notes I was able to cull together from twitter. Thanks to the speakers who posted them and thanks to @chantastic for posting his wonderful notes.

Modular frontend with NPM - Jake Verbaten (@Raynos)

Reactive Game Development for the Discerning Hipster - BoÐil Stokke (@bodil)

Play DVDs in JavaScript for the sake of interoperability - Guillaume Marty (@g_marty)

Signal Processing with the Web Audio API - Jordan Santell (@jsantell)

Embularactymerbone - Ryan Florence (@ryanflorence)

Unshackling JavaScript with Macros - James Long (@jlongster)

Front End Ops Tooling - Nico (@nzgb)

Why Does @reactjs Scale - Vjeux (@Vjeux)

Everything is Broken, and I Don’t Know Why - Matt Robenolt (@mattrobenolt)

Realtime Satellite Tracking in the Browser - Nate Goldman (@ungoldman)

MontageJS - Ryan Paul (@segphault)

Lessons in Emotional Safety - Jenn Turner (@renrutnnej)

Modular Application Architecture in JavaScript - @kassandra_perch)

Accessibility of Web Components - (@marcysutton)

If You CSS is Happy and You Know It - Christoph Burgmer (@cburgmer)

Eval Everything - Adam Fortuna (@adamfortuna)

ES6 Harmony: Paving Cowpaths & Finding New Ones - Forest Norvell (@othiym23)

The Truth About Your Web App's Performance - John Riviello (@johnriv)

User Interface Algorithms - Mark DeMarco (@bazaarvoice)

Distributed Computing Using Node.js - Dan Silvestru

User Interface Algorithms - Mark DiMarco (@markmarkoh)

What's the Harm in Sorting? - @jennschiffer

Package Management for ES6 Modules - @guybedford

Improving 2D and 3D Canvas Performance on the Web, One Frame at a Time - @angelinamagnum

Building Isomorphic Apps - @spikebrehm

Writing Custom DSLs - @neilfeyn

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brianarn commented Jun 3, 2014

UI Architecture is by Mark DiMarco. Here's a tweet with the slides.

Likely the same slide deck, but it's a corrected spelling of his name and using his Twitter handle, not his company's.

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iansym commented Jun 4, 2014

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iansym commented Jun 4, 2014

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gtanner commented Jun 5, 2014

Added the slide deck for Dan and my talk here: Not sure how to do pull requests on gists ;)

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My talk on Template specialization with express apps here:

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Just a heads up that Realtime Satellite Tracking in the Browser was actually given by me: David Calhoun (@franksvalli)

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