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Created July 12, 2015 18:46
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Swift Extensions for SKAction.playSoundFileNamed() with custom volume
// reference:
import SpriteKit
public extension SKAction {
public class func playSoundFileNamed(fileName: String, atVolume: Float, waitForCompletion: Bool) -> SKAction {
let nameOnly = fileName.stringByDeletingPathExtension
let fileExt = fileName.pathExtension
let soundPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource(nameOnly, withExtension: fileExt)
var error:NSError?
let player: AVAudioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: soundPath, error: &error)
player.volume = atVolume
let playAction: SKAction = SKAction.runBlock { () -> Void in
let waitAction = SKAction.waitForDuration(player.duration)
let groupAction: SKAction =[playAction, waitAction])
return groupAction
return playAction
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Updated for Swift 4.1 :

`public extension SKAction {

    public class func playSoundFileNamed(fileName: String, atVolume: Float, waitForCompletion: Bool) -> SKAction {
    let nameOnly = URL(fileURLWithPath: fileName).deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
    let fileExt  = fileName.pathExtension
    let soundPath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: nameOnly, withExtension: fileExt)
    var player: AVAudioPlayer!
    do {
       player = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: soundPath!)
    } catch {
        debugPrint("Error with playing soundFile: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    player.volume = atVolume
    let playAction: SKAction = { () -> Void in
        let waitAction = SKAction.wait(forDuration: player.duration)
        let groupAction: SKAction =[playAction, waitAction])
        return groupAction
    return playAction

extension String {
    var ns: NSString {
        return self as NSString
    var pathExtension: String {
        return ns.pathExtension
    var lastPathComponent: String {
        return ns.lastPathComponent

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