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Alexander Harding aeharding

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4np /
Created April 5, 2019 11:17
Detecting Video Playback inside a WKWebView

Detecting Video Playback inside a WKWebView

Observing video playback inside a black-boxed WKWebView is difficult as you don't have direct access to the video player.

Another complicating matter is that depending on the video, the video might be played using a HTML5 video player, while others might launch the native AVPlayerViewController for playback. While it might be possible to detect HTML5 based playback by injecting custom JavaScript using a WKUserContentController, this is not the approach we will follow in the document as these depend on what HTML5 Video Player is involved and is, as such, not a generic solution.

Making sure AVKit is used

mrcoles / pause-gifs.css
Created February 15, 2018 18:22
A lightweight approach to pausing gifs on a webpage.
/** .pause-gif */
.wrap-pause-gif {
position: relative;
text-align: center;
.pause-gif {
visibility: hidden;
joshstrange / Fastfile
Last active November 4, 2024 05:45
Fastfile for iOS/Android
# Customise this file, documentation can be found here:
# All available actions:
# can also be listed using the `fastlane actions` command
# Change the syntax highlighting to Ruby
# All lines starting with a # are ignored when running `fastlane`
# If you want to automatically update fastlane if a new version is available:
# update_fastlane
kafene /
Last active December 6, 2024 07:12
Setting up WKD for self-hosted automatic key discovery

I just got this working so I figured I'd share what I found, since there's hardly any information about this anywhere online except an RFC, the GPG mailing list and one tutorial from the GnuPG blog.

You can use automatic key discovery with WKD (Web key directory) to make it easy for users to import your key, in GPG since version 2.1.12. Since this feature is fairly new, it isn't yet available in the current LTS release of Ubuntu (16.04; xenial), however it is available in Debian stable (stretch).

I couldn't add a DNS CERT or DANE / OPENPGPKEY record through my email service (which also hosts my nameservers). I tried making the PKA record - a TXT record but GPG doesn't seem to recognize it and fails; I'm still investigating why.

So the last option for self-hosted auto-discovery was WKD.

First thing I had to do was add an email address to my key. My primary UID is just my name so the key represents my identity rather

joshbuchea /
Last active January 20, 2025 14:38
Semantic Commit Messages

Semantic Commit Messages

See how a minor change to your commit message style can make you a better programmer.

Format: <type>(<scope>): <subject>

<scope> is optional


janoskk /
Created May 28, 2014 22:27
Create (if necessary) and replicate all databases from a couchdb server to another one
# Janos Kasza (@janoskk)
# Creates (if necessary) and replicates all databases from a couchdb server to another one
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
cat <<EOF
Usage: $0 <sourceUrl> <targetUrl>
mrflix / OrbitControls.js
Last active November 29, 2021 02:44
Three.OrbitControls for multiple instances on a page.Usage: controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, document, renderer.domElement); Based on:
* @author qiao /
* @author mrdoob /
* @author alteredq /
* @author WestLangley /
* @author erich666 /
* @author mrflix /
* released under MIT License (MIT)