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Created December 14, 2010 21:31
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valkyrie:~$ heroku
=== General Commands
help # show this usage
version # show the gem version
list # list your apps
create [<name>] # create a new app
keys # show your user's public keys
keys:add [<path to keyfile>] # add a public key
keys:remove <keyname> # remove a key by name (user@host)
keys:clear # remove all keys
info # show app info, like web url and git repo
open # open the app in a web browser
rename <newname> # rename the app
dynos <qty> # scale to qty web processes
workers <qty> # scale to qty background processes
ps # show process list
sharing:add <email> # add a collaborator
sharing:remove <email> # remove a collaborator
sharing:transfer <email> # transfers the app ownership
domains:add <domain> # add a custom domain name
domains:remove <domain> # remove a custom domain name
domains:clear # remove all custom domains
ssl:add <pem> <key> # add SSL cert to the app
ssl:remove <domain> # removes SSL cert from the app domain
ssl:clear # remove all SSL certs from the app
rake <command> # remotely execute a rake command
console <command> # remotely execute a single console command
console # start an interactive console to the remote app
restart # restart app servers
logs # fetch recent log output for debugging
logs:cron # fetch cron log output
maintenance:on # put the app into maintenance mode
maintenance:off # take the app out of maintenance mode
config # display the app's config vars (environment)
config:add key=val [...] # add one or more config vars
config:remove key [...] # remove one or more config vars
config:clear # clear user-set vars and reset to default
stack # show current stack and list of available stacks
stack:migrate # prepare migration of this app to a new stack
db:pull [<database_url>] # pull the app's database into a local database
db:push [<database_url>] # push a local database into the app's remote database
bundles # list bundles for the app
bundles:capture [<bundle>] # capture a bundle of the app's code and data
bundles:download # download most recent app bundle as a tarball
bundles:download <bundle> # download the named bundle
bundles:destroy <bundle> # destroy the named bundle
addons # list installed addons
addons:info # list all available addons
addons:add name [key=value] # install addon (with zero or more config vars)
addons:remove name # uninstall an addons
addons:clear # uninstall all addons
destroy # destroy the app permanently
=== Plugins
plugins # list installed plugins
plugins:install <url> # install the plugin from the specified git url
plugins:uninstall <url/name> # remove the specified plugin
=== General Commands
help # show this usage
version # show the gem version
list # list your apps
create [<name>] # create a new app
keys # show your user's public keys
keys:add [<path to keyfile>] # add a public key
keys:remove <keyname> # remove a key by name (user@host)
keys:clear # remove all keys
info # show app info, like web url and git repo
open # open the app in a web browser
rename <newname> # rename the app
dynos <qty> # scale to qty web processes
workers <qty> # scale to qty background processes
ps # show process list
sharing:add <email> # add a collaborator
sharing:remove <email> # remove a collaborator
sharing:transfer <email> # transfers the app ownership
domains:add <domain> # add a custom domain name
domains:remove <domain> # remove a custom domain name
domains:clear # remove all custom domains
ssl:add <pem> <key> # add SSL cert to the app
ssl:remove <domain> # removes SSL cert from the app domain
ssl:clear # remove all SSL certs from the app
rake <command> # remotely execute a rake command
console <command> # remotely execute a single console command
console # start an interactive console to the remote app
restart # restart app servers
logs # fetch recent log output for debugging
logs:cron # fetch cron log output
maintenance:on # put the app into maintenance mode
maintenance:off # take the app out of maintenance mode
config # display the app's config vars (environment)
config:add key=val [...] # add one or more config vars
config:remove key [...] # remove one or more config vars
config:clear # clear user-set vars and reset to default
stack # show current stack and list of available stacks
stack:migrate # prepare migration of this app to a new stack
db:pull [<database_url>] # pull the app's database into a local database
db:push [<database_url>] # push a local database into the app's remote database
bundles # list bundles for the app
bundles:capture [<bundle>] # capture a bundle of the app's code and data
bundles:download # download most recent app bundle as a tarball
bundles:download <bundle> # download the named bundle
bundles:destroy <bundle> # destroy the named bundle
addons # list installed addons
addons:info # list all available addons
addons:add name [key=value] # install addon (with zero or more config vars)
addons:remove name # uninstall an addons
addons:clear # uninstall all addons
destroy # destroy the app permanently
=== Plugins
plugins # list installed plugins
plugins:install <url> # install the plugin from the specified git url
plugins:uninstall <url/name> # remove the specified plugin
=== heroku-postgresql
pg:info [--db <DATABASE>] # show database status
pg:reset --db <DATABASE> # delete all data in the specified database
pg:promote --db <DATABASE> # set a database identifier to the DATABASE_URL
pg:psql [--db <DATABASE>] # open a psql shell to the database (dedicated only)
pg:ingress [--db <DATABASE>] # allow new connections from this IP to the database for one minute (dedicated only)
=== pgbackups
pgbackups # list captured backups
pgbackups:capture [<DB_ID>] # capture a backup from database ID (default: DATABASE_URL)
pgbackups:url [<BACKUP_ID>] # get a temporary URL for a backup
pgbackups:destroy <BACKUP_ID> # destroy a backup
pgbackups:restore <BACKUP_ID> --db <DB_ID> # restore the database ID (default: DATABASE_URL) from a backup
pgbackups:restore <url> --db <DB_ID> # restore the database ID (default: DATABASE_URL) from a URL
=== Releases
releases # list releases
releases:info <release> # detailed info for a release
rollback [<release>] # roll back to a prior release
=== Example:
rails myapp
cd myapp
git init
git add .
git commit -m "my new app"
heroku create
git push heroku master
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