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Created January 10, 2012 02:08
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Example of a possible extension of List to include a indexesOf method.
class ListExtension {
* Returns a [List] of indexes of the given [element], starting
* the search at index [startIndex] to [endIndex] (exclusive).
* Returns an empty [List] if [element] is not found.
static List<num> indexesOf(List list, Object element, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
List<num> n = new List<num>();
if (startIndex >= list.length) {
return n;
if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) {
if (list[i] == element) {
return n;
void main() {
void run() {
List<num> l = new List<num>();
List<num> e = ListExtension.indexesOf(l, 10, 0, l.length);
Expect.equals(2, e.length);
Expect.equals(0, e[0]);
Expect.equals(2, e[1]);
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