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Last active November 12, 2016 20:46
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Some crude benchmarking for ODE.jl
== problem A3 in DETEST ==
testing method ode23
elapsed time: 0.069644091 seconds (12007840 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 307
* minimal step: 0.017235477520255074
* maximal step: 0.13251841618852822
* maximal deviation from known solution: 0.00024150339669093412
testing method ode23_bs
elapsed time: 0.049506498 seconds (9628320 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 309
* minimal step: 0.030318943004498777
* maximal step: 0.13334865624485204
* maximal deviation from known solution: 0.0002443491465893288
testing method ode45_dp
elapsed time: 0.010797216 seconds (1163120 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 52
* minimal step: 0.14907708023597976
* maximal step: 0.5277942154717685
* maximal deviation from known solution: 1.4358013608717357e-5
testing method ode45_fb
elapsed time: 0.009037712 seconds (1255360 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 57
* minimal step: 0.2
* maximal step: 0.6019190646768298
* maximal deviation from known solution: 0.00029615990161868666
testing method ode45_ck
elapsed time: 0.007782929 seconds (1071120 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 50
* minimal step: 0.2
* maximal step: 0.6412708946258334
* maximal deviation from known solution: 0.00015482199537864005
testing method ode78_fb
elapsed time: 0.004410885 seconds (642960 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 26
* minimal step: 0.06587922675161195
* maximal step: 1.0422081956865448
* maximal deviation from known solution: 1.1710040716206294e-5
== problem B5 in DETEST ==
testing method ode23
elapsed time: 0.073563663 seconds (15847520 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 238
* minimal step: 1.7235477520255075e-5
* maximal step: 0.13058852624073225
testing method ode23_bs
elapsed time: 0.043170629 seconds (10955760 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 172
* minimal step: 0.0007839590369780325
* maximal step: 0.18195874964159842
testing method ode45_dp
elapsed time: 0.011750347 seconds (3670320 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 34
* minimal step: 0.12
* maximal step: 0.5079142619969694
testing method ode45_fb
elapsed time: 0.011377746 seconds (3475760 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 36
* minimal step: 0.12
* maximal step: 0.5526493932284717
testing method ode45_ck
elapsed time: 0.010097592 seconds (2588080 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 28
* minimal step: 0.12
* maximal step: 0.548455619189153
testing method ode78_fb
elapsed time: 0.014098016 seconds (5003920 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 16
* minimal step: 0.12
* maximal step: 1.1468526118328999
== problem Gravity in DETEST ==
testing method ode23
elapsed time: 1.476745924 seconds (699598960 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 3458
* minimal step: 1.7969148347567307
* maximal step: 39.06078198352043
testing method ode23_bs
elapsed time: 0.386518477 seconds (202950000 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 1609
* minimal step: 24.995537553550093
* maximal step: 58.107348672667285
testing method ode45_dp
elapsed time: 0.095624438 seconds (41533040 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 304
* minimal step: 232.63351500181307
* maximal step: 296.21785556010127
testing method ode45_fb
elapsed time: 0.090328791 seconds (38245520 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 334
* minimal step: 199.54950236153672
* maximal step: 269.97606116933457
testing method ode45_ck
elapsed time: 0.067431822 seconds (26644400 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 240
* minimal step: 283.06228400213877
* maximal step: 378.17764195700147
testing method ode78_fb
elapsed time: 0.107533446 seconds (45735280 bytes allocated)
* number of steps: 141
* minimal step: 196.05248931393726
* maximal step: 635.4255672814579
# comparison of adaptive methods
function runproblem(problem, solver; nruns::Int=10)
(pname, hassol, F, y0, t0, tf, soly) = problem
# println("\n== problem $(pname) in DETEST ==\n")
println("testing method $(string(solver))")
t,y = solver(F, y0, [t0, tf]);
tau = @time begin
for i=1:nruns
t,y = solver(F, y0, [t0, tf]);
# println("* elapsed time ($(nruns) runs): $(tau)")
println("* number of steps: $(length(t))")
println("* minimal step: $(minimum(diff(t)))")
println("* maximal step: $(maximum(diff(t)))")
if hassol
println("* maximal deviation from known solution: $(maximum(abs(y[:]-soly(t))))\n")
# problem B5 in DETEST
# motion of a rigid body without external forces
# (see also Example 1 from
function rigid(t,y)
dy = similar(y)
dy[1] = y[2] * y[3]
dy[2] = -y[1] * y[3]
dy[3] = -0.51 * y[1] * y[2]
return dy
function gravity(t::Float64, y::Vector{Float64})
const mu = 398600.4415 # [km^3/s^2] Earth's gravity
f = similar(y)
r = sqrt(y[1]*y[1]+y[2]*y[2]+y[3]*y[3])
r3 = r*r*r
f[1] = y[4]
f[2] = y[5]
f[3] = y[6]
f[4] = -mu*y[1]/r3
f[5] = -mu*y[2]/r3
f[6] = -mu*y[3]/r3
return f
const s0 = Float64[-1814.0, -3708.0, 5153.0, 6.512, -4.229, -0.744]
const tp = 5402.582703094263*16
# selected problems from DETEST
# problem consists of {name, has_solution flag, rhs, x0, t0, tend, solution}
problems = ({"A3", true, (t,y)->y*cos(t), 1., 0., 20., (t)->exp(sin(t))},
{"B5", false, rigid, [0., 1., 1.], 0., 12., nothing},
{"Gravity", false, gravity, s0, 0., tp, nothing},
# adaptive solvers
solvers = [
for problem in problems
(pname, hassol, F, y0, t0, tf, soly) = problem
println("\n== problem $(pname) in DETEST ==\n")
for solver in solvers
runproblem(problem, solver)
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