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Created March 11, 2022 14:45
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AWS CLI JMESPath cheatsheet.

AWS CLI JMESPath cheatsheet

Random query recipes of JMESPath for the AWS CLI tools that I might have written or stumbled upon.


Return listing of all available AWS regions

Lists all enabled regions for the current account. One per each line.

aws ec2 describe-regions \
	--output text
	--query "Regions[].[RegionName]"

# ap-south-1
# eu-west-2
# eu-west-1
# ap-northeast-2
# ap-northeast-1
# etc.

Test if specific Lambda function exists

aws lambda list-functions \
	--output text \
	--query "Functions[?FunctionName=='MY_FUNCTION_NAME'].CodeSha256"

List all Route 53 record names and their type for a zone

aws route53 list-resource-record-sets \
	--hosted-zone-id HOSTED_ZONE_ID \
	--output text \
	--query "ResourceRecordSets[].[join(': ',[Name,Type])]"

List all CloudWatch log groups

aws logs describe-log-groups \
	--output text \
	--query "logGroups[].[logGroupName]"

List all CloudWatch log groups with event expiry

aws logs describe-log-groups \
	--output text \
	--query "logGroups[].[join(': ',[logGroupName,to_string(retentionInDays || 'Never Expire')])]"

Status of CloudFormation stack

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
	--stack-name STACK_NAME \
	--output text \
	--query "Stacks[0].StackStatus"

List all logical resource IDs of CloudFormation stack

aws cloudformation describe-stack-resources \
	--stack-name STACK_NAME \
	--output text \
	--query "StackResources[].[LogicalResourceId]"

EC2 system and instance reachability status as string pair

aws ec2 describe-instance-status \
	--instance-ids INSTANCE_ID \
	--output text \
	--query "join(':',InstanceStatuses[0].[InstanceStatus,SystemStatus][].Details[0].Status)"

Returns a value in the form of passed:passed.

EC2 terminate instance ID and current state

aws ec2 terminate-instances \
	--instance-ids INSTANCE_ID \
	--output text \
	--query "TerminatingInstances[0].join(':',[InstanceId,CurrentState.Name])"

EC2 instance availability zone and public IP address

aws ec2 describe-instances \
	--instance-ids INSTANCE_ID \
	--output text \
	--query "Reservations[0].Instances[0].join(':',[Placement.AvailabilityZone,PublicIpAddress || ''])"

EC2 instance get autoscale group name by tag

aws ec2 describe-tags \
	--filters "Name=resource-id,Values=INSTANCE_ID" \
	--output text \
	--query "Tags[?Key=='aws:autoscaling:groupName'].Value"

EC2 instance get autoscale group name by auto scaling API

aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-instances \
	--instance-ids INSTANCE_ID \
	--output text \
	--query "AutoScalingInstances[*].AutoScalingGroupName"

EC2 marketplace AMI ID's for a given product ID

aws ec2 describe-images \
	--filters "Name=name,Values=*-PRODUCT_ID-*" \
	--output text \
	--query "reverse(sort_by(Images,&CreationDate))[].[join(':',[ImageId,CreationDate,Description])]"

ECR list all repositories

aws ecr describe-repositories \
	--output text \
	--query "repositories[].[repositoryName]"

VPC network interfaces associated to a security group ID

aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces \
	--filters "Name=group-id,Values=SECURITY_GROUP_ID" \
	--output text \
	--query "NetworkInterfaces[].[NetworkInterfaceId]"

Verify ARN identity of current API credentials

Will return true if identity prefix matches that of expected, otherwise false. Useful to ensure a script is run against the correct identity/AWS account.

aws sts get-caller-identity \
	--query "starts_with(Arn,'arn:aws:ARN_IDENTITY_PREFIX/')"


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