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Last active July 21, 2022 05:15
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Auth0 Rules Caching Logger
function boostrapRule(user, context, callback) {
* Create a new Logger instance
* @returns {{log: (function(*=): number), commitLogs: (function(): void)}}
const loggerFactory = () => {
const logs = [];
const commitLogs = () => {
if (logs.length === 0)
console.log(logs); // or SEND logs to your choice of enables; sumo, cloudwatch, etc
return {
* Submit the log cache to sumo
* @return {(function(): void)}
* log a single message to the cache
* @param message - mesage to send to sumo
* @returns {number}
log: (message) => logs.push(message),
resetLogs: () => logs.length = 0,
global.loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
function mybusinesslogic(user, context, callback) {
const { log, commitLogs, resetLogs } = global.loggerFactory();
try {
// do business logic
log("step 1 for user: " +;
// more logic
log("step 2 for user: " +;
log("finished success");
if(random % 100 <= tracinglevel) {
} catch {
log("facing exception", e);
} finally {
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