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Ahmed Hassanein a7madgamal

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a7madgamal / .gitconfig
Created December 17, 2018 15:52 — forked from arnauldvm/.gitconfig
Git sync all local tracking branches with remotes
tracking = "!f() { git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short):%(upstream:short)' 'refs/heads' | grep -Ev ':$'; }; f"
is-clean-workdir = "!f() { git diff --stat --exit-code || { echo \"Workdir dirty\"; exit 1; }; }; f"
is-clean-index = "!f() { git diff --stat --cached --exit-code || { echo \"Index dirty\"; exit 2; }; }; f"
is-clean = "!f() { git is-clean-workdir && git is-clean-index; }; f"
co-merge = "!f() { local=\"$1\"; remote=\"$2\"; git checkout \"$local\"; git merge --ff-only \"$remote\"; }; f"
current-branch = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
sync = "!f() { git stash push -u -m AUTO_STASH && git is-clean || { echo Aborting sync.; exit 1; }; current=$(git current-branch); git fetch --all; git tracking | while IFS=: read local remote; do echo \"Merging $local with $remote\"; git co-merge \"$local\" \"$remote\"; done 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep -iE --color 'fatal|$' 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3; git checkout \"$current\"; git stash pop; }; f"
a7madgamal / createBearerToken.js
Created April 14, 2016 17:02 — forked from elmariachi111/createBearerToken.js
A Javascript file that requests a Twitter bearer token for application only authentication ( Depends on mikeals request library ( (npm install request)
var R = require("request");
var key = process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY;
var secret = process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET;
var cat = key +":"+secret;
var credentials = new Buffer(cat).toString('base64');
var url = '';
R({ url: url,
## Configure eth0
# vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Installing git on CentOS 5 using yum

Since you're using CentOS 5, the default package manager is yum, not apt-get. To install a program using it, you'd normally use the following command:

$ sudo yum install <packagename>

However, when trying to install git this way, you'll encounter the following error on CentOS 5: