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Dark mode for Slack on MacOS
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Same! Just ran on Mac Mojave 10.14.5 (current as of Aug 1, 2019) and Slack 4.0.1

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Any way to get rid of the stoplight bar at the top of the window and just run "headless"?

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mikey-t commented Aug 1, 2019

If anyone is interested, I created a shell script to make a dark theme work with version 4:
The CSS needs a little TLC as it's for an older version of Slack 3, but it's a pretty good start.

Rather than doing a fetch for the css it's adding them from a file in the same folder as the shell script and is setup to allow for rapid changes to make it easier to make changes and test them quickly.

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M-Brond commented Aug 6, 2019

The script of @demisx is great, however, I still face the following issue:

Adding Dark Theme Code to Slack... cp: dark-theme.css: No such file or directory
52: event-listener.js: No such file or directory

The missing files are in the same folder but unable for the Terminal to locate them out of the blue.
I'm sure it's because I lack some Terminal/coding skills here, but it would be really amazing if someone can explain how to have the script add the .css and the .js files.


Edit: tried to add the path to file in the script but no result.
CSS=/Users/User/Downloads/slack-dark-theme-master/$(<slack-dark.css) JS=/Users/User/Downloads/slack-dark-theme-master/$(<slack-dark.js)

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LanikSJ commented Aug 8, 2019

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@LanikSJ thanks A LOT :)
updated the gest with your script and I hope soon we won't need any scripts, they should do it already!
let's nag slack on twitter to push them πŸ€“

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M-Brond commented Aug 9, 2019

Hey @LanikSJ yes saw that one thanks, but sadly my terminal skills aren't sufficient enough to make this work:

$ git clone && cd slack-dark-mode \
Got this one.

&& chmod +x && ./ \
What about the "&" this isn't a Terminal command is it? Same goes for the rest.

&& osascript -e 'tell application "Slack" to quit' \
&& killall Slack && sleep 60 && open -a "/Applications/"

This issue got me started learning the terminal but besides that it would be really owesome to have Slack working in black.

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vvssttkk commented Aug 9, 2019

Hey @LanikSJ yes saw that one thanks, but sadly my terminal skills aren't sufficient enough to make this work:

$ git clone && cd slack-dark-mode \
Got this one.

&& chmod +x && ./ \
What about the "&" this isn't a Terminal command is it? Same goes for the rest.

&& osascript -e 'tell application "Slack" to quit' \
&& killall Slack && sleep 60 && open -a "/Applications/"

This issue got me started learning the terminal but besides that it would be really owesome to have Slack working in black.


&& it's like and

for example, u can separate these commands like:
$ git clone (to do this command u should have installed git)
$ cd slack-dark-mode

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demisx commented Aug 9, 2019

@M-Brond && will execute the next command only if the previous one succeeds (e.g. exits with code 0). Often used as a way to chain multiple commands on one line and ensure the execution chain stops as soon as the first command fails. You can rewrite those to execute one at a time you feel more comfortable that way:

# For macOS users (copy & paste all or one commands at a time)
# Last tested Slack version: 4.0.2
$ git clone
  cd slack-dark-mode
  chmod +x
  osascript -e 'tell application "Slack" to quit'
  killall Slack
  sleep 60
  open -a "/Applications/"

Where $ indicates shell prompt and may be different for you. You don't need to copy that, obviously. It's not part of a command.

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LanikSJ commented Aug 9, 2019

@M-Bond \ are just line separators and just like everyone said before me && is literally translated to "and".

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Tried this today; sed doesn't check for bootSonic:"always", which was the default in my local-settings.json .

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M-Brond commented Aug 10, 2019

Hey @M-Brond and @LanikSJ

Thank you so much! It works now, really appreciate your help.

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Thank you so much. it works for me.

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daspuru commented Aug 27, 2019

Hi all!

I just ran the commands for Slack 4.0.2 and the colors are exactly the same. Any recommendations?

At the end of the process I can see in the terminal:

npx: installed 21 in 3.054s
promisify is not a function

Done! After executing this script restart Slack for changes to take effect.


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LanikSJ commented Aug 27, 2019

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daspuru commented Aug 27, 2019

@daspuru try these instructions:

Hi @LanikSJ, thanks, but I followed the instructions with no success.. One thing to notice is that I got this message: promisify is not a function.

Please look at this screenshot:

Screen Shot 2019-08-27 at 5 13 28 PM

I already tried: npm install util.promisify

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LanikSJ commented Aug 27, 2019

In Slack, Help -> Troubleshooting -> Clear Cache and Restart.

Can't help you with your promisify error message. I'm not familiar with it.

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demisx commented Aug 28, 2019

@daspuru What version of node are you running? I believe pomisify() fn was introduced in utils package starting with node v8.

$ node -v 

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daspuru commented Aug 28, 2019

@demisx Version is v7.9.0

@LanikSJ Cleaning cache is not working.

Thanks all

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LanikSJ commented Aug 28, 2019

You need to update your NodeJS to at least latest LTS.

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daspuru commented Aug 28, 2019

@LanikSJ Upgrading did the trick. Thanks a lot!! :)

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@LanikSJ Thanks for the update, those instructions worked

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Using the instructions my terminal session on my Mac just hangs for 3-5 minutes. Once or twice I got a "Socket is not connected" error or something of the like. Otherwise it just hangs and nothing happens. Slack is closed, tried running using sudo and without.

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LanikSJ commented Sep 12, 2019

Slack now supports Dark Mode natively:

@a7madgamal if you could update the first post to reflect this. 😎

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Slack now supports Dark Mode natively:

@a7madgamal if you could update the first post to reflect this. 😎

I just saw this! Great news!

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How does one remove/uninstall the dark mode content we've been tooling around with using git?

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LanikSJ commented Sep 12, 2019

Reinstall Slack. Problem solved. 😎

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Thanks! Worked like a charm.

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Thank you guys for this beautiful trip! Bye.

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